How to get the final redirected URL when using reactive WebClient with followRedirect(true) - spring-webflux

How do I get the final URL?
(The URL is redirected to
.clientConnector(new ReactorClientHttpConnector(
.exchangeToMono(clientResponse -> {

You can listen for redirect event with doOnRedirect. See below your example extended with doOnRedirect callback. More information about lifecycle callbacks you can find here.
.clientConnector(new ReactorClientHttpConnector(
.doOnRedirect((res, conn) ->
System.out.println("Location header: " + res.responseHeaders().get("Location")))
.exchangeToMono(clientResponse -> {


How to use OAuth Authorization Code for CLIs

Trying to allow a CLI I'm developing to "login" via web browser and obtain an access token for the user's account, similar to how gcloud and github's CLIs do it. I realize it'll be using the OAuth Authorization Code flow.
But what about the client_secret?
I've found out that github cli just doesn't care about exposing it, and it's right there in the source code:
Why is this not a problem? or is it?
I'm not yet using OAuth for the cli's login
The CLI app is a native public client and should use authorization code flow + PKCE rather than a fixed client secret. It should also follow the flow from
RFC8252 and receive the browser response using a local HTTP (loopback) URI.
Looks like the github code here uses a client secret and does not use PKCE. You may have to provide a client secret if using this library, but it cannot be kept secret from users. Any user could easily view it, eg with an HTTP proxy tool.
If the infrastructure enables you to follow the standards, aim for something similar to this Node.js code.
* The OAuth flow for a console app
export async function login(): Promise<string> {
// Set up the authorization request
const codeVerifier = generateRandomString();
const codeChallenge = generateHash(codeVerifier);
const state = generateRandomString();
const authorizationUrl = buildAuthorizationUrl(state, codeChallenge);
return new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
let server: Http.Server | null = null;
const callback = async (request: Http.IncomingMessage, response: Http.ServerResponse) => {
if (server != null) {
// Complete the incoming HTTP request when a login response is received
response.write('Login completed for the console client ...');
server = null;
try {
// Swap the code for tokens
const accessToken = await redeemCodeForAccessToken(request.url!, state, codeVerifier);
} catch (e: any) {
// Start an HTTP server and listen for the authorization response on a loopback URL, according to RFC8252
server = Http.createServer(callback);
// Open the system browser to begin authentication
* Build a code flow URL for a native console app
function buildAuthorizationUrl(state: string, codeChallenge: string): string {
let url = authorizationEndpoint;
url += `?client_id=${encodeURIComponent(clientId)}`;
url += `&redirect_uri=${encodeURIComponent(redirectUri)}`;
url += '&response_type=code';
url += `&scope=${scope}`;
url += `&state=${encodeURIComponent(state)}`;
url += `&code_challenge=${encodeURIComponent(codeChallenge)}`;
url += '&code_challenge_method=S256';
return url;
* Swap the code for tokens using PKCE and return the access token
async function redeemCodeForAccessToken(responseUrl: string, requestState: string, codeVerifier: string): Promise<string> {
const [code, responseState] = getLoginResult(responseUrl);
if (responseState !== requestState) {
throw new Error('An invalid authorization response state was received');
let body = 'grant_type=authorization_code';
body += `&client_id=${encodeURIComponent(clientId)}`;
body += `&redirect_uri=${encodeURIComponent(redirectUri)}`;
body += `&code=${encodeURIComponent(code)}`;
body += `&code_verifier=${encodeURIComponent(codeVerifier)}`;
const options = {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
const response = await fetch(tokenEndpoint, options);
if (response.status >= 400) {
const details = await response.text();
throw new Error(`Problem encountered redeeming the code for tokens: ${response.status}, ${details}`);
const data = await response.json();
return data.access_token;

OAuth with KeyCloak in Ktor : Is it supposed to work like this?

I tried to set up a working Oauth2 authorization via Keycloak in a Ktor web server. The expected flow would be sending a request from the web server to keycloak and logging in on the given UI, then Keycloak sends back a code that can be used to receive a token. Like here
First I did it based on the examples in Ktor's documentation. Oauth It worked fine until it got to the point where I had to receive the token, then it just gave me HTTP status 401. Even though the curl command works properly. Then I tried an example project I found on GitHub , I managed to make it work by building my own HTTP request and sending it to the Keycloak server to receive the token, but is it supposed to work like this?
I have multiple questions regarding this.
Is this function supposed to handle both authorization and getting the token?
authenticate(keycloakOAuth) {
get("/oauth") {
val principal = call.authentication.principal<OAuthAccessTokenResponse.OAuth2>()
call.respondText("Access Token = ${principal?.accessToken}")
I think my configuration is correct, since I can receive the authorization, just not the token.
const val KEYCLOAK_ADDRESS = "**"
val keycloakProvider = OAuthServerSettings.OAuth2ServerSettings(
name = "keycloak",
authorizeUrl = "$KEYCLOAK_ADDRESS/auth/realms/production/protocol/openid-connect/auth",
accessTokenUrl = "$KEYCLOAK_ADDRESS/auth/realms/production/protocol/openid-connect/token",
clientId = "**",
clientSecret = "**",
accessTokenRequiresBasicAuth = false,
requestMethod = HttpMethod.Post, // must POST to token endpoint
defaultScopes = listOf("roles")
const val keycloakOAuth = "keycloakOAuth"
install(Authentication) {
oauth(keycloakOAuth) {
client = HttpClient(Apache)
providerLookup = { keycloakProvider }
urlProvider = { "http://localhost:8080/token" }
There is this /token route I made with a built HTTP request, this one manages to get the token, but it feels like a hack.
var grantType = "authorization_code"
val code = call.request.queryParameters["code"]
val requestBody = "grant_type=${grantType}&" +
"client_id=${keycloakProvider.clientId}&" +
"client_secret=${keycloakProvider.clientSecret}&" +
"code=${code.toString()}&" +
val tokenResponse =<HttpResponse>(keycloakProvider.accessTokenUrl) {
headers {
body = requestBody
call.respondText("Access Token = ${tokenResponse.readText()}")
TL;DR: I can log in via Keycloak fine, but trying to get an access_token gives me 401. Is the authenticate function in ktor supposed to handle that too?
The answer to your first question: it will be used for both if that route corresponds to the redirect URI returned in urlProvider lambda.
The overall process is the following:
A user opens http://localhost:7777/login (any route under authenticate) in a browser
Ktor makes a redirect to authorizeUrl passing necessary parameters
The User logs in through Keycloak UI
Keycloak redirects the user to the redirect URI provided by urlProvider lambda passing parameters required for acquiring an access token
Ktor makes a request to the token URL and executes the routing handler that corresponds to the redirect URI (http://localhost:7777/callback in the example).
In the handler you have access to the OAuthAccessTokenResponse object that has properties for an access token, refresh token and any other parameters returned from Keycloak.
Here is the code for the working example:
val provider = OAuthServerSettings.OAuth2ServerSettings(
name = "keycloak",
authorizeUrl = "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/auth",
accessTokenUrl = "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/$realm/protocol/openid-connect/token",
clientId = clientId,
clientSecret = clientSecret,
requestMethod = HttpMethod.Post // The GET HTTP method is not supported for this provider
fun main() {
embeddedServer(Netty, port = 7777) {
install(Authentication) {
oauth("keycloak_oauth") {
client = HttpClient(Apache)
providerLookup = { provider }
// The URL should match "Valid Redirect URIs" pattern in Keycloak client settings
urlProvider = { "http://localhost:7777/callback" }
routing {
authenticate("keycloak_oauth") {
get("login") {
// The user will be redirected to authorizeUrl first
route("/callback") {
// This handler will be executed after making a request to a provider's token URL.
handle {
val principal = call.authentication.principal<OAuthAccessTokenResponse>()
if (principal != null) {
val response = principal as OAuthAccessTokenResponse.OAuth2
call.respondText { "Access token: ${response.accessToken}" }
} else {
call.respondText { "NO principal" }
}.start(wait = false)

How to post and redirect with Razor Pages

I do integration with payment gateway, which required post method. So I need to redirect from my page including post data to the payment gateway application under https
Following by this answer on this questions:
Post Redirect to URL with post data
How to make an HTTP POST web request
I not able found the right answer for my problem.
I'am using razor pages. Here is my code snippet
public async Task<IActionResult> OnGetAsync(int id)
var values = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "thing1", "hello" },
{ "thing2", "world" }
var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(values);
var response = await client.PostAsync("https://example/payment/v1/easy", content);
var responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return Content(responseString);
I successfully get the response, but when I do return Content(responseString);. The page just show text only. Any idea how to solved this problem?

vertx Upload-File correct approach

I created 2 servers here
Router router = Router.router(vertx);
router.route().handler(BodyHandler.create());"/api/upload").handler(routingContext -> {
vertx.createHttpServer().requestHandler(req -> {
}).listen(8080, listenResult -> {
if (listenResult.failed()) {
System.out.println("Could not start HTTP server");
} else {
System.out.println("Server started");
// ==========================================
vertx.createHttpServer().requestHandler(req -> {
req.bodyHandler(buff -> {
System.out.println(buff.toString() + " from client");
}).listen(8081, listenResult -> {
if (listenResult.failed()) {
System.out.println("Could not start HTTP server");
} else {
System.out.println("Server started");
The 1st one is from vertx documentation.
The 2nd one is from
When tested with Postman, both works.
When tested with other front-end codes, (example:, only 2nd server works.
This is what I updated on the above github example.
fetch(`http://localhost:8081/api/upload`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
body: body,
.then(res => {
console.log('response status: ', res.statusText);
return res.json();
.then(res => console.log(res))
.catch(err => {
console.log("An error occurred");
In practice, I prefer to use the approach to 1st server.
Since both are tested by Postman, I believe server is not an issue, and need to tweak on the client side.
Can anyone point out what I should be adding to the client?
Edit'http://localhost:50123/api/upload', fileData)
.then(response => {
console.log('got response');
.catch(err => {
console.log("Error occurred");
axios works when passing a file from frontend.
Now the problem is unit-test using Vertx Web Client."content.txt", new OpenOptions(), fileRes -> {
if (fileRes.succeeded()) {
ReadStream<Buffer> fileStream = fileRes.result();
String fileLen = "1024";
// Send the file to the server using POST
.post(8080, "", "/some-uri")
.putHeader("content-length", fileLen)
.sendStream(fileStream, ar -> {
if (ar.succeeded()) {
// Ok
The above code from doesn't work for 1st server. FileUploads is empty.
It works for 2nd.
I decided to use a simple HttpClient code, and it works as well.
How can I make a multipart/form-data POST request using Java?
CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault();
HttpPost uploadFile = new HttpPost("http://localhost:8080/upload");
MultipartEntityBuilder builder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create();
builder.addTextBody("field1", "yes", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN);
// This attaches the file to the POST:
File f = new File("./test.txt");
new FileInputStream(f),
HttpEntity multipart =;
CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(uploadFile);
HttpEntity responseEntity = response.getEntity();
I don't see how your last example could work. You post to http://localhost:8080/upload, but your route is /api/upload. In your second example, with port 8081 you simply ignore the route, and assume that anything you receive is a file upload. That's the only reason second example "works".

ionic 2: http get request not working (proxy added)

I'm using Http from #angular/http to send GET requests, but the server is not receiving the request. The generated urls are correct because when I log them and open them in browser (I've tried all of Chrome, Firefox and Safari), the server does receive these requests.
This is how I am doing this:
let logButtonUrl = this.urlGenerator.generateTiramisuUrlTemp(this.servletPath,
return this.http.get(logButtonUrl).map(this.writeSuccess);
Function writeSuccess:
private writeSuccess(res: Response) {
let body = res.json();
let rows_affected =[0].rowsAffected;
if (rows_affected == "1") {
return true;
} else {
return false;
I got no error message in browser console, so it's probably not because of the CORS issue discussed here:
I also tried using a proxy. I added this in ionic.config.json:
"path": "/backendTemp",
proxyUrl": "" /*the ip address of the target server*/
And replace the ip address in my generated urls with "/backendTemp". Still not working.
Any suggestions/thoughts on this? Thanks a lot!
Use the $http ($http):
.controller('RequestCtrl', function ($http) {
method: 'GET',
url: ''
}).then(function successCallback(response) {
// this callback will be called asynchronously
// when the response is available
}, function errorCallback(response) {
// called asynchronously if an error occurs
// or server returns response with an error status.