how to get the previous state of the player in videojs - video.js

I'm using "videojs" to play videos on my site and i want to know how can i get the previous state of the player (playing, paused, etc).
I used to word with "jwplayer" and there was a variable called "oldstate" that did the work.

I was able to handle the state of the player with this code snippet:
var was_paying= false;
player.on(['waiting', 'pause'], function () {
was_playing= true;
player.on('playing', function () {
was_playing= false;
The was_playing variable acts as a flag to check whether the player was in a playing state or it was paused by the user or it was in a waiting mode because of the poor network connection.
If you know any better way to do this I'd be glad to know your solutions.


WebRTC - RTCPeerConnection.onconnectionstatechange fires with RTCPeerConnection.connectionState = 'disconnected' without any reason

I am working on the WebRTC application for video chatting. On my local network everything works well. But when I try it to test through internet RTCPeerConnection.onconnectionstatechange fires with RTCPeerConnection.connectionState = 'disconnected' without any reason after some 20-30 seconds of communication. Another very confusing thing is that for example I have peer2 and peer3 started in the same browser in different tabs connected to peer1 and peer1 videostreaming to them. And after 20-30 seconds RTCPeerConnection.connectionState = 'disconnected' can fire on peer2 and at the same time peer3 continues to receive video stream from peer1. I have googled a bit and found this solution (which doesnt work in my case):
this.myRTCMediaMediatorConnections[id][hash].onconnectionstatechange=async function(e){
case "failed":
case "closed":
case "disconnected":
if(await This.confirmPeerDisconnection(This.myRTCMediaMediatorConnections[id][hash]))This.disconnectMeFromConnection(targetId,logicGroupName,streamerId,streamerHash,id,hash)
this.confirmPeerDisconnection=async function(connectionObject){
var b1=await this.confirmPeerDisconnectionFunc(connectionObject);
await new Promise(resolve=>setTimeout(resolve,2000));
var b2=await this.confirmPeerDisconnectionFunc(connectionObject);
if(b2-b1>0)return false
return true;
this.confirmPeerDisconnectionFunc=async function(connectionObject){
var b=0
await connectionObject.getStats(null).then(function(stats){
return b
b2-b1 always equals 0 or less than 0. Can anyone give me an advise why RTCPeerConnection.onconnectionstatechange fires and how I can get rid of this bug.
Any help appriciated!

Managing 2 conferences with Voximplant scenario

I am trying to make conference with Voximplant, and when user makes a call to another user, while the call is still going on, it makes another call to another user making two calls and the callees is added to a video conferencing.
But it seems the caller is billed twice and the scenerio doesnt look optimised. What should i do to bill once and optimize it?
var call, conf = null;
VoxEngine.addEventListener(AppEvents.Started, handleConferenceStarted);
function handleConferenceStarted(e) {
// Create 2 conferences right after session to manage audio in the right way
if( conf === null ){
conf = VoxEngine.createConference(); // create conference
Logger.write('Conference started')
VoxEngine.addEventListener(AppEvents.CallAlerting, function(e) {, handleCallConnected);
let new_call = VoxEngine.callUser(e.destination,e.callerid,e.displayName,{},true)
function handleCallConnected(e) {
Logger.write('caller connected');
mode: "FORWARD",
direction: "BOTH", scheme: e.scheme
You need to end the conference when there are no participants. Refer to the following article in our documentation: You can find the full scenario code there.
Additionally, I recommend to add some handlers for the CallEvents.Disconnected and the CallEvent.Failed events right after
because sometimes the callee may be offline or press a reject button. 🙂

Video muted by default / Enable audio on fullscreen view only

I read the entire API and dozens of related help topics but I dont manage to get with the code to help me do what I want.
This is what I need:
The video is muted by default.
When user click on fullscreen button the video is played with full volume.
How do I code this?
I understand I can mute my video adding myPlayer.volume(0) like this:
var myPlayer = _V_("video_1");
But how do I detect whether the video is in fullscreen or not?
I found the fullscreenchange event on the API but dont manage to implement it successfully. Any help will do my day. Thank you!
Listen for the fullscreenchange event and check the isFullScreen property of the player.
var myPlayer = _V_("video_1");
var onFullScreen = function(){
if (this.isFullScreen) {
} else {
myPlayer.addEvent("fullscreenchange", onFullScreen);

Reset Video.js plugin to initial state

I'm using jquery ui tabs and video.js. I want to stop the video when I go to another tab and reset it when I come back to second tab.
As of VideoJS v4.6 you can do the following to reset the player:
That loadstart is the key which shows the poster image and rebinds the first play event.
u can use this for show poster or show bigplay button
$( '.backlink' ).click( function() {
// Player (this) is initialized and ready.
var myPlayer = _V_("video9");
myPlayer.currentTime(0); // 2 minutes into the video
myPlayer.pause(); = 'block';;
It's even easier.
let player = Video(el);
player.on('ended', () => {
First you need a reference to the video player.
var myPlayer = _V_("myVideoID");
Then you can use the API to start/stop/reset the video.
I'm not sure how the jquery tabs are set up, but you might be able to do:
Life is simple.
Get the id of the video.just append _html5_api with the id since videojs appends these letters and then you could use pause and make currentTime equal to 0.
var videoStop = document.getElementById(videoId+"_html5_api");
videoStop.currentTime= 0;
The solution I found was using the videojs api, invoke the reset function followed by initChildren for reconstruct the player structure, i'm using vesion 5.10.7.
videojs('sublime_video', {}, function () {
var videoPlayer = this;
videoPlayer.width(screen.width / 2);
videoPlayer.on("ended", function(){
I was looking for a way to reintialize the VideoJS plugin then I found this :-
var player = videojs('my-player');
player.on('ended', function() {
Just dispose off the video and init again.

Sencha Touch: Prevent multiple concurrent transitions

QA just filed a real doozy of a bug, and I'm scratching my head how to fix it.
If two buttons, e.g. back, and search are pressed at the same time, each will invoke Ext.dispatch, causing two simultaneous opposing transitions! This totally !##$s up the layout, rendering the app unusable.
This is really a general problem with touch-enabled apps... with multiple fingers hovering over the screen, the user can easily trigger weird and totally incompatible action combinations, and the app needs to accept only one at a time. Is there any way to handle this situation gracefully in Sencha Touch?
I fixed it by listening to the before-dispatch event, and canceling it if there is a dispatch already in progress.
this._isDispatching = false,
launch: function() {
Ext.Dispatcher.on('before-dispatch', function () {
var me;
if (this._isDispatching)
return false;
else {
this._isDispatching = true;
me = this;
setTimeout(function () {
me._isDispatching = false;
}, 500);
return true;
}, this);
Yes, the 500ms delay is definitely hacky, but I couldn't think of a more robust way of detecting when the transition has completed. There is no after-dispatch event, and the dispatch event fires before the transition has completed.
Hope this helps someone.