Getting "Unable to find resource, invalid path in url." after creating the selenium grid hub - selenium-grid

Getting "Unable to find resource, invalid path in url." after creating the selenium grid hub
enter image description here

Make sure you are using Java 8+ when starting the Selenium Grid 3.x onward.
In my case of Selenium Grid 4.7.1 I used Java 11, it was giving the error you described with Java 8.


What is the solution for "Could not start a new session. Possible causes are invalid address of the remote server or browser start-up failure."

I am doing selenium program and have written the script for Firefox browser. When I run the test, it opens a browser, but nothing happens after that. Console has below error:
"Could not start a new session. Possible causes are invalid address of the remote server or browser start-up failure."
What is the solution for this?
I am using code as :-
Update your selenium jars and geckodriver. Update your firefox browser too.
This problem is happening when the jars are too old to handle new changes in browser.
Downlaod selenium jars :-
Download geckodriver :-
You are using wrong gecko parameter :-
Hope it will help you :)

Unable to run WebDriverIo tutorial

I'm trying to follow the WebDriverIo tutorial at .
After setting up the Selenium server, when I try executing the test node script (step 7 in the tutorial), selenium warns me of some errors (see screenshot for full log), and I don't get any output returned.
Steps to reproduce:
I start the Selenium server
When I try running the node script, this happens (clock to zoom):
At this point a Firefox window opens automatically, and remains blank.
I'm running Firefox v52 and Selenium 3.0.1. I downloaded Geckodriver from
Any obvious thing that I'm missing? I'm very new to Selenium and browser automation, forgive the generic input :)
If you have been here to get your Windows release of gecko driver :, you may have miss this message :
"IMPORTANT: If you use geckodriver with Selenium, you must upgrade to
Selenium 3.3 since this release aligns HTTP responses with the
WebDriver standard."
(I can see you are in v3.0.1).

How to find chrome driver version in use for a node on a Selenium grid

Is there a way to check the chrome driver version in use on a particular node remotely?
I know running chromedriver.exe -v directly on the node will report the driver version. But is there any way to query this through the selenium grid api?
I've looked at the useful information here but I can't see a way to do it:
Or ideally I'd like to see this displayed on configuration tab of the selenium grid console for each node.
Maybe there's a way to display this as an extra property I add to the configuration by capturing the output of running capture the output of chromedriver.exe -v prior to connecting the node to the grid?
If you have a configuration file for your node you can add the currently running/deployed chromedriver version to that and than it will be shown in the Configuration tab.
I added the chromedriver version by hand, but you can easily add this during deployment of the node.
This way it will be displayed in the capabilities section of the Configuration tab in your /grid/console.
PS: If you need the Chromedriver version during runtime of your code you can get it with driver.getCapabilities().getCapability("chrome") and than parse the chromedriverVersion with a RegEx.

WebDriverException: Element is not clickable at point

Complete error
org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Element is not clickable at
point (931, 23). Other element would receive the click:
Running selenium tests using Jenkins in headless browser
In following environment
OS- CentOS 6 and Xvfb installed in same machine
Xvfb screen resolution - Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1280x1024x16 &
Driver - Firefox driver
Selenium webdriver version - 2.52.0
The same test case working fine in windows os with firefox
Try this. Install Xvfb plugin on Jenkins.
After that install Xvfb in "Global Tool Configuration"
Then under your project configuration, setup xvfb
Try Using resolution given in image
Now run your build :)
This is the reason it is important to test on different browsers and on different platforms. Sometimes what works on one browser/os does not work on the same browser but a different platform.
I would update your setup so that you make a screenshot when you run into this type (and most other types) of error. In my experience this is the single best thing you can do to reduce the time spent to debug these issues.
In my setup I do the following:
Create a screenshot
Capture the coordinates from the Selenium error message
Use an image manipulation program to automatically create a red dot where the click happened
Usually I just have to take one look at such an image to see exactly what is happening.

Selenium fails with empty exception message

I'm using Selenium 2.7.0 and Python 2.6, my OS is Mac OS X 10.7.
When I'm trying to instantiate webdriver object I'm getting the following message:
selenium.common.exception.WebDriverException: Message: ''
Previously I was using Selenium 2.13.0, but I've installed older version because I have working installation on another machine. The first attempt (after reinstallation) to launch webdriver was successful, but all subsequent are not. Then I tried to use Chrome driver instead Firefox, and got the same situation: successful first attempt and unsuccessful subsequent ones.
It's quite hard to google because error message is empty.