IntelliJ IDEA shortcut tips - intellij-idea

Is the shortcut key prompt on the picture a function of IDEA? How do I enable this feature?

This feature provided by Presentation Assistant plugin.
See on how to manage plugins in IDEA.


Configuring Intellij to behave as Eclipse

As i recently switched to Intellij from eclipse, i was looking for a way a way i can make Intellij shortcuts to behave same as Eclipse.
I found that there are individual shortcuts available to be edited, But that is too much time taking.
Any help on locating the easy way out?
If you go to File -> Settings -> Keymap you can choose Eclipse from the dropdown list.
More information regarding keyboard shortcut configuration you could find here.
Personally I would advise to learn the default shortcuts from Intellij IDEA.
There is Eclipse predefined keymap in "Keymap" list at Settings | Keymap.
Also check this article:

Access Terminal in IntelliJ Enterprise edition 2017

I'm on a windows 10 64 bit box. I need to open the terminal inside intellij 2017.1. According to google the key command for this is alt-F12 but that combination of keystrokes does nothing apparent for me.
Is there an alternative way to open the console inside intellij that I might be overlooking?
It has clearly explained in the documentation provided by the JetBrains.
To find the terminal related details please use the following link.
IntelliJ IDEA Terminal
If you want to configure the key bindings please refer the following
IntelliJ IDEA Keyboard Shortcuts
That shortcut is correct, to run embedded local terminal press Alt + F12. But you should make sure that the Terminal plugin is enabled. The plugin is bundled with IntelliJ IDEA and is activated by default, if it is not the case, you can enable it, go to Settings > Preferences > Plugins

Text editor that mimics the same hotkeys as those found in JetBrains WebStorm, IntelliJ, PyCharm etc

I would love to just replicate the same hot keys as I'm used to in WebStorm and IntelliJ, Android Studio, but just in a text editor.
Anyone knows if there is a project open source or not for this?
You can do this for both Atom and Sublime. You'll have to change the default keybindings for either editor but this is easy to do.
For Atom here is a link that will show you how to change the default keybindings to intellij.
For Sublime, this link contains the intellij keybindings.
If you want to use another IDE's keybindings besides intellij, just google sublime <IDE that you want> keybinding map.
I hope that helps!
Take a look at Visual Studio Code. It's a great editor with loads of available extensions. You'll be able to configure the key bindings yourself or install something like IntelliJ IDEA Key Bindings for Visual Studio Code.

Best practices in working with Intellij IDEA

I would like to ask your advise on how to do auto build gradle project with IDEA? On eclipse I could not worry, when I add some dependency, because eclipse did everything for me, but on IDEA I need to push synchronize button.
I found this article on IDEA official site,
What I'm asking is how to do auto build?
One way to do is if you are using Intellij Idea 14 or later then while importing Gradle project enable auto import by enabling 'use auto-import' check box.
Try this plugin
It enables auto-make project on every save.

Autoscroll in IntelliJ IDEA

I'm using version 12 community edition. Is there a way to enable "autoscroll" feature in settings or add it through some plugin?
Picture of "autosroll" (not really sure if I'm calling it right) addon from VS:
There is no such feature in IntelliJ IDEA, and I'm not aware of any plugin that does that.