ReadyAPI - Automation script to get the value from data source step - automation

i am new to ReadyAPI and automation. But now i facing some issue where i wanted to fill in the consent page will the value that will get from the Data source.
The Role value is the value that i need to get and fill into the consent page
Here is my automation code to get the value:
I have to get the value from Data source, then fill into text box, then click button
This is the code im using:
document.getElementById('freeTextHabilitations').value = 'ObjectiveCombinaisons Data Source#Role';
I having problem where get nothing after the data source ran .
Anyone have any idea on how to inject the value from data source to automation script (java?)
Thank you.

Unclear as to how you are using DOM methods(with ReadyAPI), but to answer your question on accessing Data Source values
For that, you will need property expansion. So, your groovy script should be something like
xxxx.value = context.expand( '${ObjectiveCombinations Data Source#Role}' )
Property Expansion
This can be generated for you by using the Get Data dialog
Get Data Dialog


How to access value from react-native-cn-richtext-editor

I have successfully implemented react-native-cn-richtext-editor with limited toolbar functions.
I want to know that, how to get value (text that we have typed) from editor.
I am new in RN, have tried to get value but didn't get success. How can I resolve this issue, as I want to sent this text to server and then do further process.
In given example of this library there is method onValueChange on change the content object is present in value and to extract the value below example is there
onValueChanged = (value) => {
Finally I got the solution of above question.
convert the value in HTML with convertToHtmlString write following command,
let html = convertToHtmlString(this.state.value)
for more details refer this github link

TestCafe does not write in text input field

I'm using TestCafe for test automation of a web application based on the Wicket framework. I try to type text into a text input field ... well, actually it is a dropdown list, where a text input field appears, so that the user can search for certain codes. The HTML fragment is as follows:
HTML fragment
And here is the corresponding screenshot (text field above "001"):
Text input field with dropdown
The user can type some characters and the list below is automatically filtered (I did this manually):
Text input field with some text
My TestCafe test tries this:
.click( productcodeList )
.expect( productcodeInputField.visible ).ok()
.click( productcodeInputField )
.typeText( productcodeInputField, 'ABW' )
Click on the drop down list.
Assume that the text input field is now visible (works fine).
Click on the text input field (this should not be necessary, since typeText() is supposed to do this anyway).
Type the text "ABW" into the text input field ==> This does not work.
I'm sure that my Selector works, since the assertion (expect) is successful and when I debug the test run after the second click (on the text input field), I see the following:
TestCafe screenshot
I.e. the cursor is directly on the text field, but somehow TestCafe cannot write the text into the field.
Some additional information: The Selector for the input field is created as follows:
productcodeInputField = Selector('span').withAttribute('class', /select2-dropdown.*/ ).child('span').withAttribute('class', /select2-search.*/ ).child('input').withAttribute('class', 'select2-search__field' );
More information: I'm using the same logic on the same page:
kurzbezeichnungField = Selector('input').withAttribute('name', /.*aeAbbreviation.*/);
await kurzbezeichnungField )
.typeText( kurzbezeichnungField, 'xxxWWW' )
and this works fine.
Node.js version: v10.16.3
Testcafe version: 1.5.0
This issue looks like a bug. However, I cannot say it precisely without an example that demonstrates the problem.
My team would really appreciate it if you share your project or sample to demonstrate the issue.
Please create a separate issue in the TestCafe github repository using the following template and provide as much additional information as possible.

How to get the IDObject with Attribute in SAP using Automation Anywhere with DLL?

I'm developing an automation process on SAP with Automation Anywhere using the SAP DLLs provided by Automation Anywhere itself. I need to find IDObject with specify attribute to click/get value the specify element , but seems that there are no fuctions that allow you to do it. An example of code generated from the SAP recorder is the following:
session.findById("wnd[0]/shellcont[1]/shell/shellcont[0]/shell").setCurrentCell 0,"ICON_EXEC"
session.findById("wnd[0]/shellcont[1]/shell/shellcont[0]/shell").selectedRows = "0"
using the dlls I have already tried the following functions:
Step 1 : Login on existing session (in this case 0)
Step 2 : Search Object by ID (in this case wnd[0]/shellcont[1]/shell/shellcont[0]/shell )
Step 3: CurrentCellRow (in this case 0)
Step 4: DoubleclickCurrentCell
The problem is that it doesn't click where i want, because as you can see there is the attribute "ICON_EXEC" that specify the element that i want to click . (i also tried to insert in the SearchObjectbyID all the string with the attribute, but it doesn't work)
Currently to avoid that i'm using Execute VBscript, but it seems that error handling does not work with scripts, so i would like to avoid them too
Any tips?
You can find out the SAP-Object ID (IDObject) by recording a (.vbs-)macro in SAP:
Hit Alt + F12 or click the respective icon and choose "Record script and playback" ("Skript-Aufzeichnung und -Playback" in my screenshot):
In the following dialogue window, hit the record button and click the desired object:
Open the recorded .vbs-macro and and look for something like this (=the desired object ID):
You can handle errors in sap vb script , please refer below articles as reference and handle error as per you requirement.

Can't pass a Test Execution result to a variable in Robo Framework

I am posting the results of automated tests to an offline forum. It would be nice to include PASS/FAIL in the forum post title but I'm having some difficulties retrieving the ${TEST STATUS} value - (obviously a hard-coded value works fine) .
I've defined the following in common-variables.robot as:
then on publish-results.robot
Input Text....//*[#id="title"]....${FORUM_TEST_RESULT}
The error I get is: variable ${FORUM_TEST_RESULT} not found
I can see here: that ${TEST STATUS} can only be used as part of Teardown.
I'm not sure how to collect the value of ${TEST STATUS} in the context of my RF script.
e.g the very last thing my script does is post to a forum:
Input Text....//*[#id="title"]....${FORUM_TEST_RESULT}
but before that I obviously need to populate ${FORUM_TEST_RESULT} with the value of ${TEST STATUS) which you can only get on Teardown? Hope this makes sense.
Input Text is a keyword of Selenium2Library that types the given text into the text field of a web page. You need to start a browser session first and open the right page an then possibly wait for the element to become visible, for example like this:
Open Browser [URL of your site]
Wait Until Element Is Visible //*[#id="title"]
Input Text //*[#id="title"] ${FORUM_TEST_RESULT}
If you want to retrieve a text from a page (as your coment suggests) then you need to use the keyword Get Text which returns the text of the element identified by locator.
Get Text locator

How can I store a dynamic text value in selenium ide and use it later in different window

I am new in selenium and trying to learning. I am creating a script and I got stuck here, I want to store a dynamic value from text message on web page ex. " Event Name:Test" this Event Name is dynamic and I want to store this and want to get in other window. In 2nd window i want to use this value(Test) to verify in the page
I tried storeValue, StoreText and storeAttribute command and getting error message for xpath or "element not found".
Please help me and advice me , what should I do?
Can You please suggest me the Xpath for storing and retrieving the event name. Please help me...
Thanks in advance,
If you are using the same test-case to navigate from page 1 to page 2 you can use the storeText function in the IDE to store the value of your event name. And then you can use the same variable in the page 2 for verification.
For example, in page 1 to store the value of event you use:
storeText(locator1, temp)
And then on page 2 you use assert:
assertText(locator2, ${temp})