I use AsyncStorage.multiSet, then how can I get Item? - asyncstorage

I use AsyncStorage.multiSet as below.
export const logUserIn = async (token, username) => {
await AsyncStorage.multiSet([
["token", JSON.stringify(token)],
["username", JSON.stringify(username)],
["loggedIn", JSON.stringify("yes")],
after it, I want to get key "username".
So I use
AsyncStorage.getItem("username").then(val => JSON.parse(val))
But it says
Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {_U, _V, _W, _X}).
how to get "username"?


Mikro-Orm - ManyToMany Relationship how can I delete reference in PivotTable?

I'm using NestJS with mikro-Orm and have a weird behaviour on all of my manyToMany relations.
export class Realty {
#Field(() => ID)
#PrimaryKey({ columnType: "uuid" })
id: string = v4();
#Field(() => [Contact])
#ManyToMany(() => Contact, (contact) => contact.realties)
contacts: Collection<Contact>;
export class Contact {
#Field(() => ID)
#PrimaryKey({ columnType: "uuid" })
id: string = v4();
#Field(() => [Realty])
#ManyToMany(() => Realty, (realty) => realty.contacts, { owner: true })
realties: Collection<Realty>;
When I want to delete a realtyReference from a contact, that works fine and the row from the Contact_Realty PivotTable gets removed. But when I try to delete a contactReference from a realty, nothing happens. Does that only work on the owning side?
ContactsService (works):
async update(updateContactInput: UpdateContactInput) {
const { id, realtyIds } = updateContactInput;
const contact = await this.findOneOrFail(id);
const updated = this.contactsRepository.assign(contact, {
realties: await this.realtiesService.find(realtyIds),
await this.contactsRepository.persistAndFlush(updated);
return updated;
RealtiesService (returns correct updated entity but doesnt remove row in PivotTable):
async update(updateRealtyGeneralInput: UpdateRealtyGeneralInput) {
const { id, contactIds } = updateRealtyGeneralInput;
const realty = await this.realtiesService.findOneOrFail(id);
const updated = this.realtiesRepository.assign(realty, {
contacts: await this.contactsService.find(contactIds),
await this.realtiesRepository.persistAndFlush(updated);
return updated;
Both return the correct updated entity but only the ContactsService actually removes the row in the pivotTable.
Would really appreciate some help, thanks alot!
I want to remove one or more contacts from a realty and cannot get it to work. Am I doing something wrong?
You always need to have the owning side of your M:N collection initialized/populated, which you apparently don't in the second example. In your case it is Contact.realties, so if you want to manipulate this collection from the inverse side, all the entities you add/remove from the inverse need to have the owning side populated. Only owning side is what is taken into account when computing changesets. I will need to revisit this a bit, we might be able to improve on this thanks to the recent changes like the reference updates added in v5.5.
Also, there is some misunderstanding in your code. assign mutates the parameter, it does not return "modified entity", it mutates the one you pass in the first argument. If that entity is already managed (as in your case), there is no point in re-persisting it again, just flush.
async update(updateRealtyGeneralInput: UpdateRealtyGeneralInput) {
const { id, contactIds } = updateRealtyGeneralInput;
const realty = await this.em.findOneOrFail(Realty, id);
this.realtiesRepository.assign(realty, {
contacts: await this.em.find(Contact, contactIds, { populate: ['realties'] }),
await this.em.flush(updated);
return realty;

Best way to have a default dynamic value derived from other atom [Recoil]

I am developing an app, which has sidebar menu. I have an atom, which saves the state of the /menu and an atom which saves the last selected menu key (as this key is used for other selectors too) -> for getting specific info for the current selected key.
export const menuItems = atom({
key: "menuItems",
default: ({ get }) => get(baseApi)("/menu"),
}); -> Returns Menu Items
And then I have an atom, which saves the selected menu item key:
export const selectedMenuKey = atom<string>({
key: "selectedMenuKey",
I cannot prefix the initial selected menu key as I don't know it in advance. I want the behavior to be following:
If the key is not set (when the app initially runs) set the selectedMenuKey value to be the first item of the menuItems atom value, otherwise be whatever is set last.
What would you say is the best way to achieve this?
I ran into this exact use case. Here is what I ended up doing.
In my 'activeTabState' file, equivalent to your 'selectedMenuKey':
import { atom, selector } from 'recoil';
import formMapState from './formMapState';
const activeTabState = atom({
key: 'activeTabAtom',
default: selector({
key: 'activeTabDefault',
get: ({ get }) => {
const formMap = get(formMapState);
if (!formMap) return null;
const [defaultTab] = Object.keys(formMap);
return defaultTab;
export default activeTabState;
Then you can update the tab just like any other recoil state:
const FormNavigationTab = (props) => {
const { text, sectionName } = props;
const [activeTab, setActiveTab] = useRecoilState(activeTabState);
return (
<NavigationTab active={activeTab === sectionName} onClick={() => setActiveTab(sectionName)}>
One thing to watch out for is that your activeTab value will be null until the menu items are loaded. So based on my use case, I needed to add a safeguard before using it:
const FormPage = () => {
const map = useRecoilValue(formMapState);
const activeTab = useRecoilValue(activeTabState);
// Starts out null if the map hasn't been set yet, since we don't know what the name of the first tab is
if (!activeTab) return null;
const { text, fields, sections } = map[activeTab];
// ... the rest of the component

do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers

I am trying to overwrite an object inside an array called device inside my store.
the mutation saveState receives a device, if it doesn't exist in device array it would push the object , but if it is already existing it will just replace it with the received device.
I tried searching for a solution for almost a day and I can’t the problem with my code.
export const state = () => ({
device: []
export const mutations = {
saveState(state, device) {
var index = state.device.findIndex(dev => dev.id == device.id)
index === -1 ? state.device.push(device) : (state.device[index] = device)
export const getters = {
getStateById: state => id => {
return state.device.find(dev => dev.id === id)
The issue you are having is that Vue cannot detect state changes when you directly try to set an array index like you are doing with state.device[index] = device.
For this they provide Vue.set which allows you to update an array at a certain index. It is used like this:
//Vue.set(array, indexOfItem, newValue)
index === -1 ? state.device.push(device) : Vue.set(state.device, index, device);
You can read about it in the docs here

How can I update a nested array with ionic4 storage

openSavedForm() {
this.storage.get('test').then((val) => {
this.auditResults = JSON.parse(val);
this.audit = this.auditResults
this.auditOne = this.auditResults.siteVehicle;
console.log('pull all', this.audit);
I can view my key value pair stored items in sqlite. Here is a photo of the of the console.log
Is it possible to only update only the siteVehicle Array with
async saveFormUpdates() {
this.newAudit =this.auditOne;
await this.storage.set( 'test', JSON.stringify(this.newAudit));
console.log ("storage", this.newAudit);
with out deleting all the other arrays?
My async saveFormUpdates() was wrong. Turns out just saving this.audit instead of this.auditOne did everything with no further input from me.
async saveFormUpdates() {
this.newAudit = this.audit;
await this.storage.set( 'test', JSON.stringify(this.newAudit));
console.log ("storage", this.newAudit);

Lists and Components not updating after data change - (VueJS + VueX)

A question about best practice (or even a go-to practice)
I have a list (ex. To-do list). My actual approach is:
On my parent component, I populate my 'store.todos' array. Using a
getter, I get all the To-do's and iterate on a list using a v-for
Every item is a Component, and I send the to-do item as a prop.
Inside this component, I have logic to update the "done" flag. And this element display a checkbox based on the "state" of the flag. When it does that, it do an action to the db and updates the store state.
Should I instead:
Have each list-item to have a getter, and only send the ID down the child-component?
Everything works fine, but if I add a new item to the to-do list, this item is not updated when I mark it as completed. I wonder if this issue is because I use a prop and not a getter inside the child component
const state = {
tasks: []
const mutations = {
CLEAR_TASKS (state) {
state.tasks = [];
SET_TASKS (state, tasks) {
state.tasks = tasks;
ADD_TASK (state, payload) {
// if the payload has an index, it replaces that object, if not, pushes a new task to the array
state.currentSpaceTasks[payload.index] = payload.task;
// (1) Without this two lines, the item doesn't update
SET_TASK_COMPLETION (state, task){
let index = state.tasks.findIndex(obj => obj.id == task.id);
state.tasks[index].completed_at = task.completed_at;
const getters = {
getTasks: (state) => (parentId) => {
if (parentId) {
return state.tasks.filter(task => task.parent_id == parentId );
} else {
return state.tasks.filter(task => !task.parent_id );
const actions = {
* Add a new Task
* 1st commit add a Temp Task, second updates the first one with real information (Optimistic UI - or a wannabe version of it)
addTask({ commit, state }, task ) {
let iNewTask = state.currentSpaceTasks.length - 1;
response => {
let newTask = response.data;
task: newTask,
index: iNewTask
error => {
markTaskCompleted({ commit, dispatch, state }, task ){
commit('SET_TASK_COMPLETION', task);
dispatch('updateTask', { id: task.id, field: 'completed', value: task.completed_at } ).then(
response => {
commit('SET_TASK_COMPLETION', response.data);
error => {
task.completed_at = !task.completed_at;
commit('SET_TASK_COMPLETION', task);
updateTask({ commit, state }, data ) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
axios.patch('/spaces/'+state.route.params.spaceId+'/tasks/'+ data.id, data).then(
response => {
error => {
And basically this is my Parent and Child Components:
Task List component (it loads the tasks from the Getters)
<task :task = 'item' v-for = "(item, index) in tasks(parentId)" :key = 'item.id"></task>
The task component display a "checkbox"(using Fontawesome). And changes between checked/unchecked depending on the completed_at being set/true.
This procedure works fine:
Access Task list
Mark one existing item as done - checkbox is checked
This procedure fails
Add a new task (It fires the add task, which firstly adds a 'temporary' item, and after the return of the ajax, updates it with real information (id, etc..). While it doesn't have the id, the task displays a loading instead of the checkbox, and after it updates it shows the checkbox - this works!
Check the newly added task - it does send the request, it updates the item and DB. But checkbox is not updated :(
After digging between Vue.js docs I could fix it.
Vue.js and Vuex does not extend reactivity to properties that were not on the original object.
To add new items in an array for example, you have to do this:
// Vue.set
Vue.set(example1.items, indexOfItem, newValue)
More info here:
and here: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/list.html#Caveats
At first it only solved part of the issue. I do not need the "hack" used after pushing an item into the array (push and pop an empty object to force the list to reload)
But having this in mind now, I checked the object returned by the server, and although on the getTasks, the list has all the fields, including the completed_at, after saving a new item, it was only returning the fields that were set (completed_at is null when created). That means that Vue.js was not tracking this property.
I added the property to be returned by the server side (Laravel, btw), and now everything works fine!
If anybody has a point about my code other than this, feel free to add :)
Thanks guys