Is it possible to configure lint-staged to ignore files/dirs as specified in .gitignore? - lint-staged

As the title suggests, is it possible to configure lint-staged to ignore files/dirs as specified in .gitignore?


Can I specify capacitor config file on build?

I want to create two versions of an app with slightly different content. Therefore I thought about having two "www" directories (lets say "www-foo" and "www-bar") and tell capacitor in the capacitor.config.json which one to use (with "webDir" setting). Also the "appId" should be different then.
So I guessed the easiest way would be to have these capacitor.config.json files with different "appId" and "webDir" settings and when running the build script to specify which config file to use (like it's known from webpack with --config flag). But I can't find any information if it's possible to specify the config file to use for building the app.
Is it just not possible (yet) or am I too stupid to find it? :)
Otherwise I would try to create the capacitor.config.json file with webpack before running the capacitor build script.
I used this article as a guide for my project.
I don't know if exist any option for two or more AppID/webDir in Capacitor.
But understanding you necessity my suggest is create a custom build script in Node.js that change info in capacitor.config.ts (appId) > build (www/www-Two) > sync & copy to platform

Could not find any NvInferVersion.h, How do i change where it is looking for it?

When building tensorflow, i receive the following error.
Could not find any NvInferVersion.h matching version '' in any subdirectory:
However my NvInferVersion.h is located at /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/
How do i tell ./configure to check at that location? Where can i add this to the list of directories which it uses?
./configure should prompt you for the following:
Please specify the comma-separated list of base paths to look for CUDA libraries and headers. [Leave empty to use the default]:
/usr/local/cuda-10.1, /lib, /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libfakeroot, /usr/local/cuda-10.1/targets/x86_64-linux/lib, /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/
You may also want to make sure that libnvinfer is properly installed as described here:

Ignoring Less files with Middleman

I have a Middleman project that includes several Less files. I think Middleman attempts to build the files but fails. I can reproduce this on a a clean install. I just initiate a project, add an empty 'test.less' within the source folder and then either build or run the server -- both fail. I get an error to the tune of: cannot load such file -- less (LoadError)
Is there a way to explicitly ignore these files?
Middleman has support for ignoring files. The docs for this are part of the dynamic pages feature.
In your config.rb you can call ignore "test.less" and this file will be ignored.
You can make this more complex by using globs or regexes e.g. ignore "*.less". See the ignore docs for more detailed information.

Unable to specify .nsolid-proxyrc for Nsolid Proxy is causing issues

We have a situation where we want to be able to start the Nsolid Proxy/Hub from an arbitrary folder. When we try to do this it fails due to not being able to find .nsolid-proxyrc in one of the parent folders.
We took a look at the source code for Nsolid Proxy and it looks like the library it is using, rc, allows end-users to specify a file location, but Nsolid Proxy doesn't accept a CLI argument that allows us to specify it. It should be functionality that is easy to add, but it appears to be a closed source project.
TL:DR; We need to be able to specify the exact location of .nsolid-proxyrc when starting the hub. Is there a known work-around for this or is there a way we could request this feature gets added to the project?
You can specify the configuration file by using the --config flag (from rc) when starting N|Solid Proxy
$ nsolid proxy.js --config /path/to/config/file
By default it will look at the current working directory and then up the folder tree like node_modules then resort to the following locations:

How to install a FindXXX.cmake to a correct location?

I am developing a library which uses CMake to control it. It would be good to provide a "FindXXX.cmake" which locates the library and header files. This file would enable the users to use the command "find_package(XXX)" to find my library.
However, I don't know how to install my lib's "FindXXX.cmake" to an correct location. I failed to find a CMake's build-in mechanism to install a "FindXXX.cmake". In addition, CMake's variable "CMAKE_MODULE_PATH" is a list of directories, so I cannot install according to that vairable because I cannot decide which specific directory to use.
If the copy of CMake is installed to a standard location(i.e. use no prefix etc) then this can be done by placing the file in /usr/share/cmake/Modules/ directory.
If you are going to supply a bundle probably you can add some commands to check if the cmake is available. if yes you can check for cmake --system-information|grep _INCLUDED_SYSTEM_INFO_FILE value from that to get modules directory.
Otherwise there's no way you can do that.
A workaround can be done i.e. if there is a binary in your bundle then you can add a command line option for placing this file.