How to take date time difference by milliseconds in Oracle - sql

In my requirement, I need to take the difference between date time by milliseconds. its most of the time receiving correctly, but in sometimes, it shows minus value.
in my table I'm storing EXPIREDDATE as follows, to update EXPIREDDATE time by 2 hours
UPDATE nd_user_encode_keys
SET EXPIREDDATE = SYSDATE + ( 1 / 1440 * 120) -- here 120 means 2 hours
and according to my SP, above query running before the below query.
My problem is most of the time result is 7200000 , but somtimes it shows minus value like this -34932000 . what could be the reason for this issue. can someone please explain.

When you have A - B, then the result can be:
0, if A = B
a positive number, if A > B
a negative number, if A < B --> that is your case
Why is expirydatetime less than sysdate and is that a valid value, I wouldn't know, but you should as it is your database, you're storing values into that table.
According to update statement you posted, and regarding the fact that sysdate won't return the same value "right now" as it did "a few moments ago", then it depends on when you ran that update.
Therefore, I presume it is about time difference between update and select.


Converting an nvarchar into a custom time format to query upon duration

I am working with a table that has a variety of column types in rather specific and strange formats. Specifically I have a column, 'Total_Time' that measures a duration in the format:
days:hours:minutes (d:hh:mm)
e.g 200:10:03 represents 200 days, 10 hours and 3 minutes.
I want to be able to run queries against this duration in order to filter upon time durations such as
SELECT * FROM [TestDB].[dbo].[myData] WHERE Total_Time < 0:1:20
Ideally this would provide me with a list of entries whose total time duration is less than 1 hour and 20 minutes. I'm not aware of how this is possible in an nvarchar format so I would appreciate any advice on how to approach this problem. Thanks in advance...
I would suggest converting that value to minutes, and then passing the parametrised value as minutes as well.
If we can assume that there will always be a days, hours, and minutes section (so N'0:0:10' would be used to represent 10 minutes) you could do something like this:
FROM (VALUES(N'200:10:03'))V(Duration)
CROSS APPLY (VALUES(TRY_CONVERT(int,LEFT(V.Duration,H.CI-1)),TRY_CONVERT(int,SUBSTRING(V.Duration,H.CI+1, M.CI - H.CI-1)),TRY_CONVERT(int, STUFF(V.Duration,1,M.CI,''))))DHM(Days,Hours,Minutes)
CROSS APPLY (VALUES((DHM.Days*60*24) + (DHM.Hours * 60) + DHM.Minutes))D(Minutes)
WHERE D.[Minutes] < 80; --1 hour 20 minutes = 80 minutes
If you can, then ideally you should be fixing your design and just storing the value as a consumable value (like an int representing the number of minutes), or at least adding a computed column (likely PERSISTED and indexed appropriately) so that you can just reference that.
If you're on SQL Server 2022+, you could do something like this, which is less "awful" to look at:
FROM (VALUES(N'200:10:03'))V(Duration)
WHEN 2 THEN TRY_CONVERT(int,SS.[value]) * 60
END) AS Minutes
FROM STRING_SPLIT(V.Duration,':',1) SS)D
WHERE D.[Minutes] < 80; --1 hour 20 minutes = 80 minutes;

Select excluding certain time of the day

So I'm trying to query records that don't have a specific timestamp, I don't want to see any records that have a time of 01:00:00 AM
select * from records
where to_char(record_time,'hh24') not between 1 and 1
But I'm still not getting the result set I'm looking for, any help is appreciated.
WHERE NVL(TO_CHAR(record_time,'HH24:MI:SS AM'),'X') <> '01:00:00 AM';
You can compare the time with the time truncated back to midnight with one hour added and since NULL is never equal to anything you can test for that separately:
FROM records
WHERE record_time != TRUNC(record_time) + INTERVAL '1' HOUR
OR record_time IS NULL;

Get data when date is equal to or greater than 90 days ago

I wonder if anyone here can help with a BigQuery piece I am working on.
I'm trying to pull the date, email and last interaction time from a dataset when the last interaction time is equal to or greater than 90 days ago.
I have the following query:
DATE_FROM_UNIX_DATE(gmail.last_interaction_time) AS Last_Interaction_Date,
'Last_Interaction_Date' >= 'Days_ago'
However, I run into the following error:
DATE value is out of allowed range: from 0001-01-01 to 9999-12-31
As far as I can see, it makes sense - so not entirely sure why its throwing out an error?
Looks like you have some inconsistent values (data) in filed gmail.last_interaction_time, which you need to handle to avoid error.
Moreover above query will not work as per your expected WHERE conditions, you should use following query to get expected output.
DATE_FROM_UNIX_DATE(gmail.last_interaction_time) AS Last_Interaction_Date,
Last_Interaction_Date >= Days_ago
Presumably, your problem is DATE_FROM_UNIX_DATE(). Without sample data, it is not really possible to determine what the issue is.
However, you don't need to convert to a date to do this. You can do all the work in the Unix seconds space:
select u.*
from `bqadminreporting.adminlogtracking.usage` u
where gmail.last_interaction_time >= unix_seconds(timestamp(current_date)) - 90 * 60 * 60 * 24
Note that I suspect that the issue is that last_interaction_time is really measured in milliseconds or microseconds or some other unit. This will prevent your error, but it might not do what you want.

How to select data but without similar times?

I have a table with create_dt times and i need to get records but without the datas that have similar create_dt time (15 minutes).
So i need to get only one record instead od two records if the create_dt is in 15 minutes of the first one.
Format of the date and time is '(29.03.2019 00:00:00','DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS'). Thanks
It's a bit unclear what exactly you want, but one thing I can think of, is to round all values to the nearest "15 minute" and then only pick one row from those "15 minute" intervals:
with rounded as (
select create_dt,
date '0001-01-01' + (round((cast(create_dt as date) - date '0001-01-01') * 24 * 60 / 15) * 15 / 60 / 24) as rounded,
... other columns ....
from your_table
), numbered as (
select create_dt,
row_number() over (partition by rounded order by create_dt) as rn
... other columns ....
from rounded
select *
from numbered
where rn = 1;
The expression date '0001-01-01' + (round((cast(create_dt as date) - date '0001-01-01') * 24 * 60 / 15) * 15 / 60 / 24) will return create_dt rounded up or down to the next "15 minutes" interval.
The row_number() then assigns unique numbers for each distinct 15 minutes interval and the final select then always picks the first row for that interval.
Online example:
I'm going to walk you through this conceptually. First of all, there's a difficulty in doing this that you might not have noticed.
Let's say you wanted one record from the same hour or day. But if there are two record created on the same day, you only want one in your results. Which one?
I mention this because to the designers of SQL, there is not a single answer that they can provide SQL to pick. Then cannot show data from both records without both records being in the tabular output.
This is a common problem, but when the designers of SQL provided a feature to handle it, it can only work if there is no ambiguity of how to have one row of result for two records. That solution is GROUP BY, but it only works for showing the fields other than the timestamp if they are the same for all the records which match the time period. You have to include all the fields in your select clause and if multiple records in your time period are the same, they will create multiple records in your output. So although there is a tool GROUP BY for this problem, you might not be able to use it.
So here is the solution you want. If multiple records are close together, then don't include the records after the first one. So you want a WHERE clause which will exclude a record if another record recently proceeds it. So the test for each record in the result will involve other records in the table. You need to join the table to itself.
Let's say we have a table named error_events. If we get multiples of the same value in the field error_type very close to the time of other similar events, we only want to see the first one. The SQL will look something like this:
FROM error_events A
INNER JOIN error_events B ON A.error_type = B.error_type
You will have to figure out the details of the WHERE clause, and the functions for the timestamp will depend you when RDBMS product you are using. (mysql and postgres for instance may work differently.)
You want only the records where there is no record which is earlier by less then 15 minutes. You do want the original record. That record will match itself in the join, but it will be the only record in the time period between its timestamp and 15 minutes prior.
So an example WHERE clause would be
WHERE B.create_dt BETWEEN [15 minutes before A.create_dt] and A.create_dt
HAVING 1 = COUNT(B.pkey)
Like we said, you will have to find out how your database product subtracts time, and how 15 minutes is represented in that difference.

Query records which have been in a certain status for one hour or more

So I have a question (running oracle sql developer), I can't seem to get the syntax of it right.
Let's say T1 has a stat_code column and a last_updated column; I want to query all records which have been in t1.stat_code < 90 for one hour or more.
From research I have come with the following query;
select * from t1
where t1.stat_code <90
and t1.last_updated > (SYSDATE-1/24);
This is right, but also pulls back records which are less than an hour old.
Any help is very much appreciated!
You could also use an INTERVAL literal to explicitly state the duration:
WHERE stat_code < 90