¿how can i represent this RE in JFLAP? - jflap

What is the equivalent expression of this RE in JFLAP?
RE --> (bb* | a+)ab?
I know in JFLAP "+" is or operator but i can´t find how to represent "?" in JFLAP,


How Splunk field contains double quote

When use Splunk, if we have log
Search in Splunk by
* | table a
we can see hello value
We might print out value with double quote, if we don't escape
We'll see key value is hel. Value breaks before the position of quote
If try to escape double quote with \,
We'll see key value is hel\
Is use single quote around
We'll see key value include single quotes, it's 'hello"lo'. In this case, search criteria should be
* key="'ab\"c'" | table a
single quotes are parts of value
Question is how to include double quote as part of value?
Ideally, there should be a way to escape double quotes, input
should match the query
But it's not.
I have this problem for many years. Splunk value is dynamic, it could contain double quotes. I'm not going to use JSON my log format.
I'm curious why there is no answer in Splunk's official website.
Someone can help? Thanks.
| makeresults
| eval bub="hell\"o"
| table bub
Puts a double-quote mark right in the middle of the bub field
If you want to search for the double-quote mark, use | where match() like this:
| where match(bub,"\"")
Ideally, the data source would not generate events with embedded quotes without escaping them. Otherwise, how would a reader know the quote is embedded and not mismatched? This is the problem Splunk is struggling with.
The fix is to create your own parser using transforms.
In props.conf:
TRANSFORMS-parseKey = parse_key
In transforms.conf:
REGEX = (\w+)="(.*\".*)"
FORMAT = $1::$2
Of course, this regex is simplified. You'll need to modify it to match your data.

How do I make an item optional or repeatable in K syntax rule?

How can I convert this EBNF rules below with K Framework ?
An element can be used to mean zero or more of the previous:
items ::= {"," item}*
For now, I am using a List from the Domain module. But inline List declarations are not allowed, like this one:
syntax Foo ::= Stmt List{Id, ""}
For now, I have to create a new syntax rule for the listed item to counter the problem:
syntax Ids ::= List{Id, ""}
syntax Foo ::= Stmt Ids
Is there another way to counter this creation of a new rule?
An element can appear zero or one time. In other words it can be optional:
array-decl ::= <variable> "[" {Int}? "]"
Where we want to accept: a[4] and a[]. For now, to bypass this one I create 2 rules, where one branch has the item and the other not. But this solution duplicate rules in an unnecessary way in my opinion.
An element can appear one or more of the previous:
e ::= {a-z}+
Where we don't accept any non-zero length sequence of lower case letters. Right now, I didn't find a way to simulate this.
Thank you in advance!
Inline zero-or-more productions have been restricted in the K-framework because the backend doesn't support terms with a variable number of arguments.
Therefore we ask that each list is declared as a separate production which will produce a cons list. Typical functional style matching can be used to process the AST.
Your typical EBNF extensions would look something like this:
{Id ","}* - syntax Ids ::= List{Id, ","}
{Id ","}+ - syntax Ids ::= NeList{Id, ","}
Id? - syntax OptionalId ::= "" [klabel(none)] | Id [klabel(some)]
The optional (?) production has the same problem. So we ask the user to specify labels that can be referenced by rules. Note that the empty production is not allowed in the semantics module because it may interfere with parsing the concrete syntax in rules. So you will need to create a COMMON module with most of the syntax, and a *-SYNTAX module with the productions that can interfere with rule parsing (empty productions and tokens that can conflict with K variables).
No, there is currently no mechanism to do this without the extra production.
I typically do this as follows:
syntax MaybeFoo ::= ".MaybeFoo" | Foo
syntax ArrayDecl ::= Variable "[" MaybeFoo "]"
Non-empty lists may be declared similar to lists:
syntax Bars ::= NeList{Bar, ","}

Substring in Postgresql

I have a quick question.
I'm studying some SQL exercises, and one of them, I need to remove the number from a street name.
For example:
308 WESTWOOD PLZ # 1390L - Should Be WESTWOOD
Then, the answer to treat the address above was like this:
substring(facility_address FROM '[\d]+\s?\w?\s([\w]+)\s?')
I would like to understand how the substring works, what does it means de [\D] etc.
Could someone explain?
Thank you very much indeed! :)
You should read up on regular expressions.
'[\d]+\s?\w?\s([\w]+)\s?' is a regular expression.
I'll try to break it down:
First of all, these are quantifiers:
+ means one or more
? means one or none
And now for the regular expression:
[\d]+ matches one or more digits. I think the square brackets are actually not necessary here.
\s? optionally matches a whitespace character (optionally meaning it may or may not be there)
\w? optionally matches a word character
\s matches a whitespace character, but this time it's not optional since there is no ? at the end
([\w]+) matches one or more word characters. Notice the parenthesis which denote a so called 'capture group`. Everything within the parenthesis is actually returned by the substring function.

Regexp - recognize trailing 0 for decimal numbers?

I need a regular expression which can find a trail of "0" in the decimal space.
F.e. following format should be recognized:
Is there somekind of "wildcard" for that?
Any idea?
Please see the following regular expression that matches trailing zeros on the end of any decimal. Note that this does match trailing zeros in the case where there is a meaningful decimal value, but zeros occur after.
When working with regex, it is very valuable to always use a tool like https://regex101.com or https://regexr.com. Both of these tools will help you truly understand the Regular Expression. Try hovering your mouse over the different elements of the regex in my example and the tool will describe each part. You can also read the "Explanation" section to on the right side.

ANTLR Parser Question

I'm trying to parse a number of text records where elements in a record are separated by a '+' char, and where the entire record is terminated by a '#' char. For example E1+E2+E3+E4+E5+E6#
Individual elements can be required or optional. If an element is optional, its value is simply missing. For example, if E2 were missing, the input string would be: E1++E3+E4+E5+E6#.
When dealing with empty trailing elements, however, the separator char ('+') may be missing as well. If, for example, the last 3 elements were missing, the string could be: E1+E2+E3#, but it could also be:
I have tried the following rule in Antlr:
'R1' 'E1 + E2 + E3' '+'? 'E4'? '+'? 'E5'? '+'? 'E6'? '#
but Antlr complains that it's ambiguous which of course is correct (every token following E3 could be E4, E5 or E6). The input syntax is fixed (it's from a legacy mainframe system), so I was wondering if anybody has a solution to this problem ?
An alternative would be to specify all the different permutations in the rule, but that would be a major task.
Best regards and thanks,
That task sounds like excessive overkill for ANTLR, any reason you're just not splitting the string into an array using the '+' as a separator?
If it's coming from a mainframe, it most likely was intended to be processed in a trivial way.
C++ : http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstring/strtok/
PHP : http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.explode.php
Java: http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/lang/String.html#split%28java.lang.String%29
C# : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.string.split%28VS.71%29.aspx
Just a thought.
If this is ambiguous, it's likely because your Es all have the same format (a more complicated case would be that your Es all just start with the same k characters where k is your lookahead, but I'm going to assume that's not the case. If it is, this will still work; it will just require an extra step.)
So it looks like you can have up to 6 Es and up to 5 +s. We'll say a "segment" is an optional E followed by a + - you can have 5 segments, and an optional trailing E.
This grammar can be represented roughly like this (imperfect ANTLR syntax since I'm not very familiar with it):
r : (e_opt? PLUS){1,5} e_opt? END
e_opt : E // whatever your E is
PLUS : '+'
END : '#'
If ANTLR doesn't support anything like {1,5} then this is the same as:
(e_opt? PLUS) ((e_opt? PLUS) ((e_opt? PLUS) ((e_opt? PLUS) (e_opt? PLUS)?)?)?)?
which is not that clean, so maybe there is a nicer way to do it.