How change line spacing?
The default line spacing is too small,I want to change it bigger.
How change line spacing?
The default line spacing is too small,I want to change it bigger.
How change line spacing?
The default line spacing is too small,I want to change it bigger.
In the IntelliJ, I set the line length vertical line on the right.
But, for some reason, the vertical line is on the 90, even though I set the word wrap at 120.
How do I change the vertical line to be on 120?
I have this chart where the origin, that is (0, 0) is above another line. I expected it to be the only line like the second chart. Ho do I remove the bottom line and make the origin the first bottom line?
Here is what I have
Here is what I want
After applying xAxis.setDrawAxisLine(false) as suggested by #Lilya the chart got improved. Bottom line is gone. But still shows line below 0 on Y-axis and the labels haven't moved yet to where the extra line was. see the image
How to adjust the white line?
When one line of code crosses the white line, it moves to the next line. Is there any way to change the white color line?
Please Help me to Change Line Spacing in Text Box on VB.Net!
I have a MultiLine TextBox and want to change line Spacing Between the lines
Do I have to use another control?
Can't do this in the text box?
How can I get the line spacing of NSTextView?
You have to get defaultParagraphStyle of your NSTextView.