OpenCV Mat to Java/Kotlin array and back - kotlin

I'm working with OpenCV in Kotlin. I have a Mat object representing a RGBA image.
Mat [ 720*960*CV_8UC4, isCont=true, isSubmat=false, nativeObj=0xb400007aa27c8150, dataAddr=0xb4000079d0be3040 ]
I want to convert it into a Java/Kotlin native array (well actually a MultiK array, but one step at a time...). Then I want to operate on that array, and convert it back into an OpenCV Mat.
How do I do this? Preferably efficiently - I'd like to avoid:
Having to loop over every element in kotlin (slow).
Having to copy the data (assuming mat.iscontinuous is true, it should be all contiguous in memory)


Storing pre-processed images

I am evaluating a couple of object detection models on a data set and was planning on performing pre-processing on the data using standardization to zero mean and unit variance. But I don't know how to store the images when they have been pre-processed. Currently they are in jpg format, but what format can be used after I have pre-processed them? Some of the models I evaluate are yolov4, yolov5, and SSD.
If i instead scaled the pixel values from 0-255 to 0-1, what image format could I then use?
Also, if I train the object detector on pre-processed images and then want to apply it to a video, I assume I need to somehow pre-process the video to get decent results. How would I go about doing that?
I have calculated mean and std on my data set using the python module cv2. I read the images using imread which returns a numpy array. Then I subtract mean and divide with std. This gives me a numpy array with both negative and positive floating point values. But when I try to save this numpy array as an image using the function imwrite(filename, array), it doesn't work. I assume because the numpy array isn't allowed to contain negative values.

OpenGL ES 2.0 - Copy Texture Data

I have an array of 2D textures initialized in OpenGL ES 2.0:
After I delete one of the textures at a given array index:
glDeleteTextures(1, &textures[5]);
How do I remove the empty gap left in my array, with relative ease, in order to keep things neat and tidy? Is there a more direct method other than rendering each texture and then using glGetTexImage as a way to change the order of the textures in the array?
The textures array is actually an array of 'names' represented by non-zero integers set by glGenTextures that represent texture locations on the GPU. As long as you keep track of the valid textures names and what your using them for you can sort the array any way you want.

Mutable array, Objective-c, or variable array, c. Any difference in performance?

I have a multidimensional array (3D matrix) of unknown size, where each element in this matrix is of type short int.
The size of the matrix can be approximated to be around 10 x 10 x 1,000,000.
As I see it I have two options: Mutable Array (Objective-c) or Variable Array (c).
Are there any difference in reading writing to these arrays?
How large will these files become when I save to file?
Any advice would be gratefully accepted.
Provided you know the size of the array at the point of creation, i.e. you don't need to dynamically change the bounds, then a C array of short int with these dimensions will win easily - for reasons such as no encoding of values as objects and direct indexing.
If you write the array in binary to a file then it will just be the number of elements multiplied by sizeof(short int) without any overhead. If you need to also stored the dimensions that is 3 * sizeof(int) - 12 or 24 bytes.
The mutable array will be slower (albeit not by much) since its built on a C array. How large will the file be when you save this array?
It will take you more than 10x10x10000000 bytes because you'll have to encode it in a way where you can recall the matrix. This part is really up to you. For a 3D array, you'll have to use a special character/format in order to denote a 3D array. It depends on how you want to do this, but it will take 1 byte for every digit of every number + 1 char for the space you'll put between elements in the same row + (1 NL For every 2nd dimension in your array * n) + (1 other character for 3d values * n *n)
It might be easier to Stick each Row into its own file, and then stick the columns below it like you normally would. Then in a new file, I would start putting the 3d elements such that each line lines up with the column number of the 2nd dimension. That's just me though, its up to you.

Seam Carving – Accessing pixel data in cocoa

I want to implement the seam carving algorithm by Avidan/Shamir. After the energy computing stage which can be implemented using a core image filter, I need to compute the seams with the lowest energy which can't be implemented as a core image filter for it uses dynamic programming (and you don't have access to previous computations in opengl shading language).
So i need a way to access the pixel data of an image efficiently in objective-c cocoa.
Pseudo code omitting boundary checks:
for y in 0..lines(image) do:
for x in 0..columns(image) do:
output[x][y] = value(image, x, y) +
min{ output[x-1][y-1]; output[x][y-1]; output[x+1][y-1] }
The best way to get access to the pixel values for an image, is to create a CGBitmapContextRef with CGBitmapContextCreate. The important part about this is that when you create the context, you get to pass the pointer in that will be used as the backing store for the bitmap's data. Meaning that data will hold the pixel values and you can do what ever you want with them.
So the steps should be:
Allocate a buffer with malloc or another suitable allocator.
Pass that buffer as the first parameter to CGBitmapContextCreate.
Draw your image into the returned CGBitmapContextRef.
Release the context.
Now you have your original data pointer that is filled with pixels in the format specified in the call to CGBitmapContextCreate.

is row-major or column-major in 2d array allocation?

is row-major or column-major in 2d array allocation?
.NET stores 2D arrays in Row Major order.
Ref. (about half-way down!)
CLI spec (section 8.9.1) states:
Array elements shall be laid out
within the array object in row-major
order (i.e., the elements associated
with the rightmost array dimension
shall be laid out contiguously from
lowest to highest index). The actual
storage allocated for each array
element can include platform-specific