Serialize Enum as an Integer - kotlin

I have generated some models using the Open API tool on one of our backend APIs with Swagger. I got the following as the enum definition:
enum class ClientBackgroundState(val value: kotlin.Int) {
#SerialName(value = "0")
#SerialName(value = "1")
#SerialName(value = "2")
When I use Kotlin Serializer, it serializes the above type into a String like "FOREGROUND" and the Backend API explodes because it wants an Integer.
Is there a way to configure the serializer to convert this enum to an Integer?


Convert string data representation back to Kotlin Data Class

In Kotlin how is possible to convert a data class from its string representation back to the actual data class without having to manually parse the string?
for example, I have the next data class where both Interest and EmploymentType are enums, being the second element a List.
data class DataFilter(val mainInterest: Interest, val employments: List<EmploymentType>)
with toString I can get the contents its string representation, but if I want to get it back to a data class, how is it done?
For this purpose, you need to use a serialization library. I recommend you use Kotlinx.serialization library. This will help you convert the data object into a JSON String and convert it back to the data object easily.
You can follow the guideline to setup Kotlinx.serialization library.
After the setup is done, look at the following example:
I will define both enum classes Interest and EmploymentType, and the DataFilter class:
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.decodeFromString
import kotlinx.serialization.encodeToString
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json
enum class Interest {
enum class EmploymentType {
#Serializable //You have to annotate your class as Serializable to make it works.
data class DataFilter(
val mainInterest: Interest,
val employment: List<EmploymentType>
Notice that Interest and EmploymentType are not annotated as #Serializable because enums are Serializable by default, but if you defined any other normal classes to use with DataFilter, then you have to annotate them as well.
Next, I will show you how conversions work:
fun main() {
val filter = DataFilter(
mainInterest = Interest.BOOKS,
employment = listOf(EmploymentType.FULL_TIME, EmploymentType.FREELANCE)
// Converting filter object into JSON String:
val filterAsJsonString = Json.encodeToString(filter)
println(filterAsJsonString) //prints {"mainInterest":"BOOKS","employment":["FULL_TIME","FREELANCE"]}
//Convert JSON String back to data object:
val filterAsDataObject: DataFilter = Json.decodeFromString(filterAsJsonString)
println(filterAsDataObject) //prints DataFilter(mainInterest=BOOKS, employment=[FULL_TIME, FREELANCE])

Deserializing a generic type using gson in kotlin

I have a generic type Animal implemented as a sealed class that can be a Dog or a Cat.
sealed class Animal(val typeOfAnimal: String) {
data class Dog(val barkVolume: Int): Animal("dog")
data class Cat(val hasStripes: Boolean): Animal("cat")
According to you can deserialize an Animal by registering a RuntimeTypeAdapterFactory
val animalAdapterFactory = RuntimeTypeAdapterFactory.of(, "typeOfAnimal").registerSubtype(,,
gson = GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapterFactory(animalAdapterFactory)
But if I try to deserialize an animal that looks like
jsonStr = "{barkVolume: 100}"
RuntimeTypeAdapterFactory complains that it can't deserialize Animal as it does not dfine a field named "typeOfAnimal"
To my understanding typeOfAnimal is a field you add to differentiate the subtypes and not something you need in the json you are deserializing. Because my json is really coming from an api I cannot add the field.
typeOfAnimal is required because gson must know which class should choose to deserialize your json. There is no way to guess the type, but you can implement your own deserializator. In a custom deserializator you can implement logic such as:
if (jsonObject.get("barkVolume") != null) {
// retun Dog object

How to set serializer to an internal class extending a public interface?

I'm trying to create a serializer using kotlinx.serialization for Compose Desktop classes, I have this :
#Serializer(forClass = MutableState::class)
class MutableStateSerializer<T>(private val dataSerializer: KSerializer<T>) : KSerializer<MutableState<T>> {
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder) = mutableStateOf(decoder.decodeSerializableValue(dataSerializer))
override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = dataSerializer.descriptor
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: MutableState<T>) = encoder.encodeSerializableValue(dataSerializer, value.value)
That should be used for instances of MutableState class (as the #Serializer annotation says), but I have to put an explicit serializer for each properties otherwise I get this error :
xception in thread "main" kotlinx.serialization.SerializationException: Class 'SnapshotMutableStateImpl' is not registered for polymorphic serialization in the scope of 'MutableState'.
Mark the base class as 'sealed' or register the serializer explicitly
Code used :
class Test {
var number = mutableStateOf(0)
fun main() {
val json = Json { prettyPrint = true }
val serialized = json.encodeToString(Test())
I have to put this annotation on my property :
#Serializable(with = MutableStateSerializer::class)
Isn't there a way to automatically link my serializer to the MutableState interface ? As the SnapshotMutableStateImpl is internal I can't set it to this class.
What you want is currently not possible. Other people seem to have requested a feature similar to what you need on GitHub: Global Custom Serializers.
Currently, for 3rd party classes, you need to specify the serializer in one of three ways:
Pass the custom serializer to the encode/decode method in case you are serializing it as the root object.
Specify the serializer on the property using #Serializable, as you do now.
Specify the serializer to be used by a full file using #file:UseSerializers.
Note that due to type inference, number will be attempted to be serialized as the return type of mutableStateOf. If you specify the type as an interface instead (does it have a supertype?), using polymorphic serialization, you could try to register the concrete type and pass your custom serializer there for the concrete type. Not really what this feature is designed for, but I believe it may work if you don't want to specify your serializer in multiple places. However, the serialized form will then include a type discriminator everywhere.

Kotlin, mapstruct and generated DTO error "does not have an accessible parameterless constructor."

I am trying to use mapstruct to convert my complex dtos on my kotlin project.
mapstruct :
kotlin: 1.3.71
openapi generator: 4.2.3
For example, i want to convert from a simple object to TestObjectDTO
#Mapping(source = "mydescription", target = "description")
fun convertToDto(dto: TestObject): TestObjectDTO
I use OpenApi to generate my DTO :
title: TestObject
description: ''
type: object
type: string
type: string
- mode
- description
generated DTO
* #param mode
* #param description
data class TestObjectDTO (
#JsonProperty("mode") var mode: kotlin.String,
#JsonProperty("description") var description: kotlin.String
) {
A always have an error, because my constructor does not permit parameterless.
Did you have any idea how to fix this?
You can instantiate the DTO class manually using #ObjectFactory. The problem is that TestObjectDTO does not accept nulls, so you will need to use dummy values, which is not that pretty:
interface TestObjectMapper {
fun createDto() = TestObjectDto("", "")
#Mapping(source = "mydescription", target = "description")
fun convertToDto(dto: TestObject): TestObjectDto
1.3.1.Final does not support using constructors to create your objects. You will have to define a parameter less constructor as the error message says.
However, you can try 1.4.0.Beta3 that adde support for mapping using constructors. And this works with Kotlin data classes
In Java
A possible solution for this is to annotate the dto class with #NoArgsConstructor, for example:
public class MyClass {
private String myString;
private Int myInt;

DynamoDBMapper load cannot instantiate Kotlin data class

Using DynamoDBMapper within an AWS Lambda (i.e. not Android) written in Kotlin, I can save a record using a data class. However when I attempt to load a record to a data class, I receive a "DynamoDBMappingException: could not instantiate class" exception.
#DynamoDBTable(tableName = "Test")
data class TestItem(
#DynamoDBAttribute(attributeName = "someKey")
var someKey: String?,
#DynamoDBAttribute(attributeName = "someValue")
var someValue: String?
val ddbMapper = DynamoDBMapper(AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder.defaultClient())
ddbMapper.load(, "xyz")
Results in the following exception:
could not instantiate class
With the root exception being:
AWS has an example for Android that uses com.amazonaws.mobileconnectors.dynamodbv2.dynamodbmapper.DynamoDBMapper instead of I tried the Android version, but the result was the same.
Any help would be appreciated.
The DynamoDBMapper expects a class with an empty constructor. Using a Kotlin data class, you can specify default values for all parameters and use #JvmOverload, which will generate the empty constructor for JVM (Java). Also all parameters need to be mutable, so you need to use "var" instead of "val".
#DynamoDBTable(tableName = "Test")
data class TestItem #JvmOverloads constructor(
var someKey: String = "",
var someValue: String = ""
Make sure that all your classes have an empty constructor. In my case I had nested documents. Those had to have empty constructors too.
In Kotlin, an empty (parameterless) constructor will be created if you specify default values for all the attributes.
Also, make sure that the data from the db can be converted to the data in your classes.
For example, mine failed because I had an Integer property in my class while in the db I had a String. i.e. I had the String value "30" in the db, instead of the Integer value 30.