interact.js disable native scoll - vue.js

I would like develop a VueJS swip cards app but interactJS disable the y-axis native scroll on mobile. I reproduce my app on this codepen :
I can't scroll anymore on mobile. A solution ?
The shorter url :

Remove these two lines of CSS from your code, and the scrolling issue should be gone.
-ms-touch-action: none;
touch-action: none;
For these two lines, your touches are being ignored.


VuetifyJS - Scrolling v-navigation-drawer

I am new to VueJs and I started working on my first project which requires me to have a side panel (drawer) to serve as a navigation bar and it will always be visible.
So far so good it is done and it looks exactly as I wanted it.
The problem is that each time I put a lot of links the drawer doesn’t scroll in order to see all the links I have put there.
I have tried with css but nothing happens. Does anyone have any hint on what I should do?
I just need the drawer to be scrollable when links exceed the page or when the screen it’s small.
What I did is that I enclosed my drawer in a div with a class"scrollable" and added the below css:
.scrollable{ height:100%; overflow:auto;}
I also tried this as it was the closest thing I could find to my problem
I was facing the same issue because of the 'absolute' keyword in the v-navigation-drawer. Try removing it and it might work.
<v-navigation-drawer class="blue-grey lighten-5 height-app" v-model="drawer" temporary app width="310"> </v-navigation-drawer>
Navigation drawers should be scrollable if you add the app option as per the documentation
I still had the problem once where I could not add the app option to the drawer since I had two drawers side by side.
I just added this style to my drawer and it did the trick :
calc(100% - 48px); height: 100vh;
For me, the problem was that i did not put the app attribute on th v-navigation-drawer
I just change:<v-navigation-drawer absolute temporary ></v-navigation-drawer>
<v-navigation-drawer absolute temporary app ></v-navigation-drawer>
The adittion of app allow scrolling on my v-navigation-drawer
Just add app attribute to v-navigation-drawer tag

Bootstrap clock picker in modal is not auto adjusting when it is bottom of the model

I am using bootstrap Clock Picker plugin.
When I use picker in modal, it is not auto adjusting when it is in bottom of the modal. so that I am not able to view the picker completely. When it is in the bottom of the page, it should come on top of the text field automatically.
Please help.
I am not able to fix.
Please suggest.
Thanks in Advance.
use this code to fix your issue.
sometimes when you are multiple layers of Div or any Tags. then this type of issue comes or some CSS code of an Element always force to come in top or Front. then that case this example will very helpful. In some solutions to this problem, I saw some developers used different codes like they are finding DIV Class name and setting Z-index. that also works.
.popover {
z-index: 215000000 !important;
When you use clock picker in modal then you will be not able to view it because of the z-index of the modal, you have to give z-index to clockpicker also as below, please add this below style in your css.
.clockpicker-popover {
z-index: 999999;

Durandal dialog scrolling on overflow

Using version 2.1.0 of durandal I found a problem I am not able to fix it seems.
I'm using a dialog but the content is too big for the screen, the buttons - which are at the bottom of the screen - kind of fall off, under the screen.
This mostly comes from the fact that I use visible bindings using knockout the show and hide elements on the dialog making durandal position it wrong and/or not showing a scrollbar for the dialog/screen when it overflows.
Does anyone know how to solve this by either getting a scrollbar or repositioning it on the screen?
I have tried the reposition method but to no success.
Moreover I tried both of these:
Responsive dialog
Durandal modal dialog
Both did not help out and I'm still stuck on this.
Anyone got any idea how to get the scrollbar on the dialog or on the screen so I can actually see my buttons by scrolling? Or is there a better way to get around this?
I'm not sure this is what you want
.modal-body {
max-height: calc(100vh - 210px);
overflow-y: auto;

Safari webkit transition flicker

I am experiencing flickering when fading in elements using webkit transition opacity.
The issue only occurs in Safari but it is really glitchy.
I have tried -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; and -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
but none are working, does anyone have any ideas?
solved it, adding keyframes in the CSS stopped the flicker

how to 'fix' the header footer position using jquery mobile with data-position="fixed"

i am using jquery mobile and for header/footer i am using data-position="fixed".
However, when we scroll the page... the header footer goes away ands reappear when scrolling stops..
Is there a way we could just make it fixed on the screen an show all the time you are scrolling ?
I can only think of a way is to apply position fixed and not use jquerymobile for these elements..
I tried my best to get this to work. If you want you can delete the function that changes the header and footer class from .ui-fixed-overlay to .ui-fixed-inline and remove the webkit animation from and .fade.out, but I've had no lock preventing the windows from disappearing. However, I believe JQM only recalculates the position of the header and footer elements after you scroll.
I put the following css in page div to remove the webkit animation.
.ui-fixed-inline {
opacity: 1!important;
}, .fade.out {
opacity: 1!important;
I know this is not what you want but it does speed up the reappearance of the header and footer elements (it looks a bit choppy.) Unless you want to rewrite the JQM javascript that controls the header and footer positioning, I don't think there is any easy way to do this as the JQM fixed position code is built to re-position after the user scrolls. I'll keep looking and edit this answer if I find a way.
A simpler version of Chase's code works fine for me:
/* sass - remove toolbar fade */
&.in, &.out {
Note that tap-to-hide toolbars uses this same fade property, so the following is required:
$.mobile.fixedToolbars.setTouchToggleEnabled false # coffeescript