How to disable auto expansion of entries in index? - pdf

When i open some pdf files - entries in index section automatically opened without my intention. It's wired into pdf at build step? How to disable this, maybe use some programms to rebuild with off option to this? Because searching for particular information is hard.
example of the problem


PhpStorm Search Everywhere is not working, do you know the solution?

I don't know this is off topic or not, I'm using general channels. Is there a solution for Search Anywhere in PhpStorm. I work with Laravel but when I use the feature I can't find the file even though it exists.
Looking at your screenshot: based on the fact that ALL files in the project tree have that sort of "dirty yellow" background color... it looks like ALL of your files are considered excluded / outside of the project for some reason.
Most likely a user error of some kind. E.g. you may have opened it from a different path (i.e. when symlink is involved), may have c=misconfigured it later somehow (marked folder as Excluded by mistake or whatnot) or maybe even some sort of config file corruption (pretty unlikely).
Anyway, please do this:
Close your project
Go to the project root folder and delete your .idea subfolder (that's where your project settings are stored).
If you have that project still visible in the IDE (Recent Projects on the Welcome screen) -- you may remove it there as well (to avoid any possible confusion).
Now create a new project in PhpStorm from scratch using existing files: just use "Open" and point to the folder with your project.
Please check filter option. If you are doing file search then click on Files tab.

How to use ctags for code documentation

I have some source code that I want to document without touching the code. For every source file (e.g., example.cpp, example.f90, etc.) I would like to have a separate documentation file (e.g., example.cpp.doc, example.f90.doc) that has some metadata (ctag) linking it to the original source file.
Ideally I could open the source file and the documentation file in parallel views in my favorite editor (ViM) and have the two files synced so that they scroll together. In this manner, I can keep my documentation visually inline with the un-touched source code.
I know this is likely to be a unique scenario. But I'm hoping someone else has already figured this out.
Is this even a possibility?
Create the initial .doc structure outside of Vim such that the "metadata" you want to keep is in the same line number as the original file.
Then open the two files in different Vim windows with vim -O example.cpp example.cpp.doc. At this point use :windo set scrollbind to enable scroll binding, which will allow to navigate any of the windows while keeping both in sync.

Unable to change some files in RubyMine project

Currently I'm having an issue where I cannot make any changes to some files in my project. When hitting the return or space bar key it will only select text and not create new lines or spaces respectively.
I'm fairly certain it has something to do with the VCS features but cannot seem to find any settings to correct the Read-Only issue I'm running into.
This issue did raise it head after installing the Dash plugin. Not sure if this is coincidental or related.
update: After further test it looks like some files go into a sort of preview mode. Return and Space bar keys will let you scan the file and hitting any other keys will wake up the edit function. Strange?
IdealVim caused this for me. Definitely plugin related.

Is it possible to configure OpenERP or my browser to open PDFs automatically?

Every OpenERP web report ask me if I want to keep the PDF. Of course I must keep it to view it. I end up with lots of PDF files that I have to clean up. I would like to configure OpenERP or my browser to automatically create and manage the temp PDF files.
My research shows me great confusion in the industry about security flaws in PDF files causing browser plugins that profess to being "PDF Viewers" to come and go. I have yet to find any method, procedure, plugin, add-on or magic incantation that views PDFs without me managing the file.
If you are using firefox and linux , why not open firefox & go to
Edit -> preferences -> applications ->
search for 'pdf' and in Action field select 'use(default)'.
This way the pdf will be stored in '/tmp' folder & opened from there.
You won't have to bother about managing it.
It is not possible in a clean way, you need a module that modifies the behaviour of openerp reports to be inline. There are two options: - I think this
is the best option as it works all the time, the caveat is it
launches a separated window like a popup (then you require to accept
popups). - This is amazing as it
shows the pdf in the work area of openerp (no need to open a new tab
or a new window) but at the moment doesn't work at all times,some
reports are just downloaded instead of displayed (I dunno why).
Andres Calle

Code editor with multiple categories of opened tabbed files?

Hi can anyone recommend a good, and ideally free editor that will allow me to group opened files based on a module or component I'm working on?
I'm learning joomla so I need one with php,JavaScript,HTML.
I'm currently using dreamweaver. It's great but I hate having to traverse through the file tabs which are usually hidden because I have so many files opened at once. I would ideally want something that will allow me to group these opened files almost like a folder structure where I can create a category for grouping the opened files together so as keep things that are related to one another close by.
Failing this please recommend what is the best approach when dealing with lots and lots of opened files.
I like how browser works because it allows me to open multiple instances and let me group the sites I want via tabs to each browser instance. Dreamweaver won't allow more than one instance. Is there anything out there that can do this?
UltraEdit gives tab a different color depending on the filetype - CSS are green, Javascript are orange, etc. I find this very useful. It also allows the tabs to spill over to several rows, instead of forcing them to one line like Dreamweaver.
If you do have to use Dreamweaver, you can use the file directory panel to traverse the folders on your hard disk. Double-click on a file in a subdirectory to open it, or switch to its tab if it is already open. The file directory panel is on the top-right by default, I think.