Hi I was wondering how to block mouse + keyboard from games only examples Fortnite, Warzone, Apex Legends any help would be appreciated.
Ball Movement Code:
Goalie Movement Code:
The code was working before, however it is not working now.
I tried to rework my code change my blocks for when the ball touches the goalie to send a message to the goalie and the goalie to send a message to change the backdrop(background) to game over backdrop.
According to the screenshots, it's possible you are not calling Ball Movement.
To improve your code, make it so that the soccer ball does not have the "When background switches to Game Over", since there is already a function in the same sprite that changes background.
Put the code in the ball sprite that is under "When background switches to Game Over " inside the "if touching goalie" statement.
100% Make sure you're calling ball movement in a forever loop under its own green flag clicked.
I have constructed a volume slider in flash CC and published to createjs but when I drag the Nob inside the slider the Nob position is offset from the mouse position by the Slider.x position. I have looked at all of the examples on this site and I believe that this can be fixed by using either localToGlobal or globalToLocal but so far I have not been able to work out how to do this.
My project is using the following library "http://code.createjs.com/easeljs-0.7.1.min.js" and the java script code to control the slider is as follows
function VolumeDrag(event){
event.currentTarget.x = Math.min(230, Math.max(0, event.stageX));
Any help with this would be appreciated.
So I'm working on this simple little program and I'm down to the aesthetics of it. Now, I've dabbled with VB since high school, so over 6 or so years, but I'm by no means a genius with it However, I know my way around quite well.
I have a mouse hover event set to make the alpha channel (or in this case, and soon to be changed, background color of the button) ever so slightly fade in to give a smoother effect, more metro, etc.
But the problem is with anything I do on that mouse hover event, there's about a 500 ms delay before that code initiates. Any thoughts?
I'm about 99% positive it's not the code inside the event as I've tried different code doing completely different things.
It's juts annoying, so thoughts? :)
Thank you!
The MouseHover event doesn't occur immediately. The events you're looking for are MouseEnter and MouseLeave.
Mouse events on controls occur in this particular order:
MouseHover / MouseDown / MouseWheel
In my application I have one arrow image with fix center and I can rotate it by the touch move method on the same center.
But I also need to toss/throw the arrow after doing some rotation with touch move. How can I toss the arrow?
You can refer to this for some basic events like swiping or touching.
For Physics engine, I suppose you can refer to this :
I would like to get access to the area covered by a finger for each touch event on an IPad.
Every touch event will result in a coordinate pair X and Y independent of how big the finger and consequently the touch area is that triggered the event.
I was wondering if there is a way to get the area data which triggered the touch event e.g. size or coordinates NOT
Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance for you answer or redirects,
There is no public API for this. A private API exists in UITouch:
#property(assign, nonatomic, setter=_setPathMajorRadius:) CGFloat _pathMajorRadius;
but using this on AppStore will cause your app be rejected. See my answer in Is there any way at all that I can tell how hard the screen is being pressed for the usage of this property.