How to destructure and display required data - api

i have been tried to implement domain availability check using REST API I am getting the desired output but I wasn't able to display the data how I wanted
I want to display the domain name if the status is true and the price also


SPOTIFY API - get artist top tracks by country

I'm trying to search for the artist's top track within a certain country market, unfortunately, it seems like Spotify doesn't allow that (since my account country is already set and cannot be changed)
I'm using a param in the request with the country code -> ?country=BRbut the response received shows results accordingly to my country.
I'm aware of the fact that -> "If a valid user access token is specified in the request header, the country associated with the user account will take priority over this parameter"
Is there any way to bypass this?

How to get data from a specific ID from The Guardian API?

I want to get data from a specific id from The Guardian API.
The documentation states that you just have to fetch this:
You also have to include your API key, but when I try to fetch it, I always get only the status and some basic information and not the actual data.
response screenshot
I even added
But nothing seems to work, any help would be appreciated.

How to filter with "_links" properties params on API.v3 in openproject

I just learned to use "hypermedia rest API" on openproject
I want to use "filter" param with "_links" properties on API but not know-how
http:/<my_domain>/target/api/v3/projects/design/work_packages?filters=[{"updatedAt":{"operator":"<>d","values":["2017-06-10T22:00:00Z","2017-07-05T22:00:00Z"]}, "_links":{"type":{"title":{"operator":"=","values":["Box"]}}}]
==> My Question:
i not known use to "_links":{"type":{"title":{"operator":"=","values":["Box"]} params filter. Now, result is not filter for "_links"
And show me books name to learn API for to beginner
? ( -> is this ok?
Help me, please!
Image for my api
What I understood you wanting to achieve is getting all work packages in the project "design" that have been updated last within a certain time interval and that are of the type "Box".
The filters in OpenProject do not differentiate between native properties (like updatedAt) and linked resources (like type) when it comes to the structure of the filters. The syntax is always
{"<name of the filter>": {"operator": "<operator>": "values": [<list of values>]}}
When it comes to the filter values however, there is a difference. For linked resource the client is expected to use the id whereas native value like an integer, string or date is required for the native properties.
For your request the above requires the client to issue the following query:
GET http://domain/target/api/v3/projects/design/work_packages?filters=[{"updatedAt":{"operator":"<>d","values":["2017-06-10T22:00:00Z","2017-07-05T22:00:00Z"]}}, {"type":{"operator":"=", "values":["10"]}}]
I took the id of 10 for the type "Box" out of the screenshot you provided.
To get the filter values of all available filter you can call
POST http://domain/target/api/v3/queries/form
with a body of
The response will list all available filters in the _embedded/schema/_embedded/filtersSchema array.

Can we send multiple Properties in Json of Analytics(IBM MobileFirst)

I was asked for a usecase where I have to filter ActionEvents on type of Page that action is being is being called from.
use case: I have a login page and I have to capture analytics of its events
Can I do something like this
String json = {"PageLevel":"LoginPage","ActionLevel":"LoginButton"};
WLAnalytics analytics=new WLAnalytics();
analytics.log(message, new JSONObject(json));
Will this work... can we create custom chart with first property being ActionLevel and filter it as per PageLevel.
No this will not work. Custom analytics can only be logged in key value pairs i.e. you cannot send two key value pairs in one JSON object. This is a good idea though, I recommend you submit an RFE.
Submit a Feature Request

Formulating REST API call

Here is my query string
I'm having no success reaching the group_photo resource.
In the docs they say:
Returned when fields request parameter contains "group_photo".
Represents photo for the group hosting the event
I tried changing group_photo to group_photo=true but that didn't help.
Here's the console if you wanna test it
From the Meetup API documentation:
fields: Request that additional fields (separated by commas) be
included in the output
group_photo: Returned when fields request parameter contains
"group_photo". Represents photo for the group hosting the event
so you must add fields=group_photo and the call you gave above would be be something like: