Unable to locate a class or view for component, livewire - jetstreem - laravel-8

I had a net project in laravel 8, i just installed jetstream:livewire but when i try to call some compose for example:
It throws me the following error that I can't solve

Seem to be a typo.
In your error message is says jet-dropdowm <- with "m".


cannot find symbol error: cannot find symbol import com.google.ads.mediation.facebook.FacebookAdapter;

I am getting this error "cannot find symbol import com.google.ads.mediation.facebook.FacebookAdapter" while trying to execute app in android studioenter code here
The problem is cause by 'com.google.ads.mediation:facebook:'.
Google removed 2 classes: FacebookAdapter and FacebookExtras on version
I don't know why they are remove them (maybe replace for a new API or maybe just a mistake). You can temporary resolve this by downgrade the package version to

Not able to register 'FigureCanvasQtQuickAgg' in qml file using qmlRegisterType

I am trying to embed a matplotlib plot in my qml window. Following the example given in this link There are 2 points:
When I try to use QtQml.qmlRegisterType from matplotlib_backend_qtquick and rest from PySide6, I get error as module 'Backend' not installed.
When I try to use QtQml.qmlRegisterType from PySide6, I get following error
qmlRegisterType(FigureCanvasQtQuickAgg, "Backend", 1, 0, "FigureCanvas")
TypeError: A type inherited from PySide6.QtCore.QObject expected, got FigureCanvasQtQuickAgg.
How do I resolve these errors?

Typo3 Extension: Injection of repository doesn't work anyway

I followed the official Guide from Typo3 for creating a new extension (https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/book-extbasefluid/9.5/en-us/4-FirstExtension/Index.html). But when I finished, the page with the plugin gives me only an ERROR 500. No Error-Log anyway.
When I enabled ErrorDisplay I found, that there was a problem with boolean values. So I deleted them and tried again. Again all I got was ERROR 500. ErrorDisplay said the constructor cannot have a return value - hu?? Found inline 7 - but the declaration is in line 22 -??
public function __construct(int $j = 0, int $n = 0, int $i = 0, int $p = 0, int $y = 0, int $a = 0): void {...}
So I tried to delete the return value. But then it told me, that the class couldn't be found. Next, I tried to find anything about that error but found even less than nothing.
I wasn't even able to find extensions that are implementing the way explained by the official guide. Is there anybody who can tell me, what is going wrong and where I can find a solution - I have no idea anymore.
After hours and hours trial and error I found the solution. The Problem is, that Typo3 doesn't give a proper error message due to failing with the exception handling. You have to enable normal PHP Errors to get a clue what is wrong. If there is any php error, Typo3 fails and gives an reflection error, because it thinks the class isn't available.
First Error was: following the official guide instructions for first extension. Compiler ist failing if you try to give the constructor a return value.
Second Error: Typo3 doesn't recognize if a parameter in constructor is missing. It tries to take the next parameter and fails by comparing the parameters type.
Third Error: If the class is missing the instructions for underlying symphony framework the reflection also fails with registering the class without giving any error message.
After I found and corrected all the errors, all worked fine.

ModalDirective causing error in Angular Universal

I have a ModalDirective from ngx-bootstrap version 1.9.3 and am using Angular 4. When a call is made to show() when code is executing on the server side (I am using Angular Universal), I am getting the following exception:
Cannot read property 'body' of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property 'body' of undefined
at ModalDirective.checkScrollbar (ClientApp\dist\main-server.js:49156:105)
at ModalDirective.show (ClientApp\dist\main-server.js:48977:14)
at ConfirmModalComponent.show (ClientApp\dist\main-server.js:48086:27)
at SafeSubscriber._error (ClientApp\dist\main-server.js:87270:41)
at SafeSubscriber.module.exports.SafeSubscriber.__tryOrUnsub (ClientApp\dist\vendor.js:574:16)
at SafeSubscriber.module.exports.SafeSubscriber.error (ClientApp\dist\vendor.js:533:26)
at Subscriber.module.exports.Subscriber._error (ClientApp\dist\vendor.js:464:26)
at Subscriber.module.exports.Subscriber.error (ClientApp\dist\vendor.js:438:18)
at MapSubscriber.module.exports.Subscriber._error (ClientApp\dist\vendor.js:464:26)
at MapSubscriber.module.exports.Subscriber.error (ClientApp\dist\vendor.js:438:18)
Is the code not built to support Angular Universal or is there something I need to do in order to get this working?
Please update ngx-bootstrap to 2.0.0-beta.8, it supports Angular Universal.

Resolve to the links probleme

Net MVC 4, I created a side bar with links through the URL Helper
#Url.Action("Core", "Config" )
which refers to to the link :
the porblem is when going to another link by the call of URL Helper
#Url.Action("Install", "Module")
wich refers to the link :
in the state bare at hovering to the link it shows
which throws an Exception.
Is there any one who have the same problem.
If any one who have the same problem, I managed to resolve it by calling #Url.RouteUrl("Default", new { Controller="Core", Action="Config"}) Instead .