WHERE JSON_Value Dynamically - sql

I am working with the JSON_VALUE function and I need a kind of dynamic query
I have a column called Criteria and sometimes it has 1 value but sometimes it has 2 or 3 vales like:
Example of 1 value: $.IRId = 1
Example of 2 values: $.IROwner = 'james.jonson#domain.com' AND DaysTillDue < 10
So in order to read the values from a JSON column and taking the Criteria column I am using this logic:
DECLARE #CriteriaValue int
,#CriteriaStatement VARCHAR(50)
SELECT #CriteriaValue=SUBSTRING(Criteria, CHARINDEX('=',Criteria)+1, len(Criteria)) FROM #SubscriptionCriteria;
SELECT #CriteriaStatement= SUBSTRING(Criteria,0, CHARINDEX('=',Criteria)) FROM #SubscriptionCriteria;
SELECT #CriteriaValue,#CriteriaStatement
FROM [SAAS].[ObjectEvent]
JSON_VALUE(JSONMessageData, #CriteriaStatement) = #CriteriaValue
That SQL code is taking only the Criteria Column with only 1 value ($.IRId = 1), but the idea is to have something that reads the criteria no matter the different filters and apply them into the final query. The idea I have is that the query would look like this:
FROM [SAAS].[ObjectEvent]
JSON_VALUE(JSONMessageData, #CriteriaStatement1) = #CriteriaValue1 ADN JSON_VALUE(JSONMessageData, #CriteriaStatement2) = #CriteriaValue2 AND
JSON_VALUE(JSONMessageData, #CriteriaStatement3) = #CriteriaValue3
Any suggestion?


How can I count all NULL values, without column names, using SQL?

I'm reading and executing sql queries from file and I need to inspect the result sets to count all the null values across all columns. Because the SQL is read from file, I don't know the column names and thus can't call the columns by name when trying to find the null values.
I think using CTE is the best way to do this, but how can I call the columns when I don't know what the column names are?
WITH query_results AS
select count_if(<column_name> is not null) FROM query_results
If you are using Python to read the file of SQL statements, you can do something like this which uses pglast to parse the SQL query to get the columns for you:
import pglast
sql_read_from_file_here = "SELECT 1 foo, 1 bar"
ast = pglast.parse_sql(sql_read_from_file_here)
cols = ast[0]['RawStmt']['stmt']['SelectStmt']['targetList']
sum_stmt = "sum(iff({col} is null,1,0))"
sums = [sum_sql.format(col = col['ResTarget']['name']) for col in cols]
print(f"select {' + '.join(sums)} total_null_count from query_results")
# outputs: select sum(iff(foo is null,1,0)) + sum(iff(bar is null,1,0)) total_null_count from query_results

Add filter on column which subtract to columns

i have long store procedure in whcih i want Add filter on this Column
select (PaymentAmount-PaymentPosted) as Unapplied, BalancDue from ERAMaster
where Unapplied = 22
but i run the query they give me error invalid column name. any one tell me the write way to Add filter on Unapplied Column
You can do it like below :
select * from
select (PaymentAmount-PaymentPosted) as Unapplied, BalancDue from ERAMaster
) as T where Unapplied = 22
Or like this :
select (PaymentAmount-PaymentPosted) as Unapplied, BalancDue from ERAMaster
where PaymentAmount-PaymentPosted = 22
It should be like this:
select (PaymentAmount-PaymentPosted) as Unapplied, BalancDue from ERAMaster
where (PaymentAmount-PaymentPosted) = 22
'Unapplied' is not a column name it is only alias.

Dynamic appending constraints in SQL query

I have this SQL
SELECT devudp1.deviceoid,devudp1.valueType
FROM DeviceUdpValues devUDP1
WHERE devudp1.udpname='TestUDP'
and <<either bdvalue or string value based on user selected value datatype>>
Here in the Query based on the devudp1.valueType I want to append below attribute
If the valueType is 3 then I want to append my above select clause with devudp1.bdvalue ='10', else it should be appended by devudp1.bdvalue = 'Hello'
So the above query when valueType is 3 will look like
SELECT devudp1.deviceoid,devudp1.valueType
FROM DeviceUdpValues devUDP1
WHERE devudp1.udpname='TestUDP'
AND devudp1.bdvalue = '10'
else it will look like
SELECT devudp1.deviceoid,devudp1.valueType
FROM DeviceUdpValues devUDP1
WHERE devudp1.udpname='TestUDP'
AND devudp1.stringValue = 'Hello'
Can anyone suggest me how to put this logic in place
Try this:
SELECT devudp1.deviceoid,devudp1.valueType
FROM DeviceUdpValues devUDP1
WHERE devudp1.udpname='TestUDP'
(<USER-SELECTED-VALUE> = 3 AND devudp1.bdvalue ='10') OR
(<USER-SELECTED-VALUE> <> 3 AND devudp1.stringvalue ='Hello')

Check if a value exists in a collection stored in XML data type column

I have an XML data type column called "tags".
In that, I am storing a collection, like so:
I want to select all the rows, that have one of the values that I am looking for: for example, I want to select all rows in the table that have a tag "travel".
I know that this works, if I know the index of the value I am looking for:
select * from posts
where tags.value('(/ArrayOfString/string)[1]', 'nvarchar(1000)') = 'travel'
but this query works only if the tag "travel" is the 2nd item in the nodes. How do I check if a value exists, irrespective of the position it is in?
select *
from tags
where tags.exist('/ArrayOfString/string[. = "travel"]') = 1
Or like this if you want to check against a variable.
declare #Val varchar(10)
set #Val = 'travel'
select *
from tags
where tags.exist('/ArrayOfString/string[. = sql:variable("#Val")]') = 1
You can try something like this:
tags.exist('/ArrayOfString/string/text()[. = "travel"]') = 1
This will list all the rows that have "travel" in one of the strings in your XML

sqlite3 UPDATE generating nulls

I'm trying to transition from MySQL to SQLIte3 and running into an update problem. I'm using SQLite 3.6.20 on redhat.
My first line of code behaves normally
update atv_covar set noncomp= 2;
All values for noncomp (in the rightmost column) are appropriately set to 2.
select * from atv_covar;
It is the second line of code that gives me problems:
update atv_covar
set noncomp= (select 1 from f4003 where
atv_covar.study = f4003.study and
atv_covar.rpid = f4003.rpid and
(rsoffrx="81" or rsoffrx="77"));
It runs without generating errors and appropriately sets atv_covar.noncomp to 1 where it matches the SELECT statement. The problem is that it changes atv_covar.noncomp for the non-matching rows to null, where I want it to keep them as 2.
select * from atv_covar;
Any help would be welcome.
#Dan, the problem with your query is not specific to SQLite; you are updating all rows of atv_covar, but not all of them have correspondence in f4003, so these default to NULL. You should filter the update or provide a default value.
The following statement sets 1 only to the rows that macth the filtering condition:
UPDATE atv_covar
SET noncomp = 1
FROM f4003
WHERE atv_covar.study = f4003.study
AND atv_covar.rpid = f4003.rpid
AND (rsoffrx="81" or rsoffrx="77")
The following statement sets 1 or 2 for all rows of noncomp, depending on the filtering match (use this instead of two updates):
UPDATE atv_covar
SET noncomp = COALESCE((
FROM f4003
WHERE atv_covar.study = f4003.study
AND atv_covar.rpid = f4003.rpid
AND (rsoffrx="81" or rsoffrx="77")
), 2);