cannot resolve com.sun.jersey - intellij-idea

Within web.xml cannot resolve package com.sun.jersey with IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate:
enter image description here
all necessary dependencies are described in pom.xml and appropriate libraries have been downloaded by Maven throughout compile:
enter image description here
This problem occurs under Fedora Linux
under Windows everything seems to be ok.
Who could give some advice, please
thank you


is there any JDK which will help to resolve my issue

enter image description here
I am not able to run my Test Runner file in my BDD framework
I had change jdk also but still facing same issue

Downloaded PyCharm and now Java is broken in IntelliJ

Like the title says, I downloaded Pycharm and now my Java project in Intellij is broken. IntelliJ was totally fine beforehand. I know have errors in every file in random places. I also had errors on java imports such as "import java.util.List", (resolved now, see below).
In IntelliJ, I went to File > Project Structure and saw that the SDK was set to Python 3. I changed that JDK 1.8 that I already had set up. That resolved the import errors but I now have weird methods that can't resolve such as concat() or orElse().
Any ideas??
To fix this, I had to right click on the pom file and click "add as maven project"

IntelliJ error - could not open init generic class cache for initialization script

enter image description here
enter image description here
I was trying to download IntelliJ and learn Kotlin, but i get a BUG error before i am starting, and i dont now what to do..
I have try to delete the scipts folder, but it just make a new scipts folder, and say the same error. I have also reinstall IntelliJ, and thats give the same error.
Is der someone there can help me? :-)
Could not open init generic class cache for initialization script 'C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\wrapper_init4.gradle' (C:\Users\username.gradle\caches\6.6.1\scripts\3yb5naxddghzghazzdf2vk0em).
BUG! exception in phase 'semantic analysis' in source unit 'BuildScript' Unsupported class file major version 60
As per the details in your error message, you can see that the root cause is a gradle error.
Gradle is likely using an unsupported version of the JVM in your case (e.g. I could reproduce the error in the latest IntelliJ 2021.3 version where gradle was using JVM 17 from my home path, while the IDE itself was using JDK 11.) In the attached IntelliJ Preferences screen, note that the JVM used by Gradle is specified separately.
To fix the error, verify the JVM version being used by gradle and specify a JVM 11 version to gradle.
IntelliJ Gradle Preferences Screenshot:
You should set these options when you create your project enter image description here
Or, when creating a project, choose Java - Kotlin\JVM
For me this problem occurred when i was using wrong JDK file to build the project that is the Gradle JDK used was a normal SE JDK rather than one preferred by Android Studio so you follow the following steps to solve it.
Go to Settings (ctrl + alt + s)
Go to Build,Execution and Deployment
Then select Build Tools > Gradle
Change Gradle JDK to jbr-17 (the one i am using) you can prefer to choose options from Android studio Java Home or Default JDK

IntelliJ Idea red Spring and Lombok annotations

I have a problem with IntelliJ Idea 2020.1 Ultimate Edition. It shows Lombok and Spring annotations and imports in red. The project compiles, I can run tests. I did some googling. I tried to reimport maven projects and go to File->Invalidate Caches/Restart. Then I deleted Idea system directory - it does not help. Before it worked fine, I do not know why it started doing this. Can somebody help me out?
I am not sure it is a correct solution, but it worked for me. I just reinstalled IDEA. It was faster that talk to IDEA support trying to figure out what is the cause of the issue
I got the same problem and fixed it from this way. First download lombok dependency from spring.
Then go to IDE and paste it to pom file and run. It isn't fix your problem. Go to Choose this and clear cache. Then restart.
If isn't fix your problem then go to this site and download relevant version of lombok for your IDE.
enter image description here
Then it will download a file. Then go to where you install the IDE and go to this path and paste that lombok java file.
IDE path
After trying these methods error was fixed. Thank you.

How to resolve a conflict in JetGradle on IntelliJ IDEA 11.1.2?

I am new to the Gradle integration JetGradle in IntelliJ IDEA 11.1.2 and currently I ran into a conflict with a compile time dependency.
Currently I do not know how to solve this conflict since IDEA does not provide me more informations than this little screenshot. Do you ran into a similar problem and were able to fix it? Any hints are appreciated.
Update: I have found out that IntelliJ IDEA is somehow unable to attach the joda-time-2.1.jar to the joda-time-2.1 library .
If I then manually add the JAR the conflict is successfully resolved. Is there a way IntelliJ can tell my why it does not add the JAR?
Yes, the problem is that the library is defined either in gradle or IDE but the jar is not attached to it at the IDE side.
AFAI there is no GUI at the IDE side that helps to resolve this situation. Please create a dedicated feature request at the tracker.