Hyperlink Removal from emails Received - vba

I want to remove hyperlinks by VBA from emails that is received. I found a website which provided some code piece to remove hyperlinks.
I modified it to the codes below as I want to run it from the selected email of the inbox. i.e the email appears in the preview pane.
the code is finding the hyperlinks but can not delete them.
what is the problem?
EDIT: When I click forward button and the email is displayed in edit/prepare forward email, and run the code the hyperlinks are deleted.
EDIT2: with help of #niton, I found that the line below is required to be able to remove hyperlinks
'ActiveInspector.CommandBars.ExecuteMso "EditMessage"'
Set objSelection = objOL.ActiveExplorer.Selection
For Each objMsg In objSelection
Set objInspector = objMsg.GetInspector
x = objInspector.IsWordMail
If (objInspector.IsWordMail) Then
Set objDocument = objInspector.WordEditor
Set objHyperlinks = objDocument.Hyperlinks
On Error Resume Next
If objHyperlinks.count > 0 Then
strPrompt = "Are you sure to remove all the hyperlinks in this email?"
nResponse = MsgBox(strPrompt, vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Remove All Hyperlinks")
If nResponse = vbYes Then
While objHyperlinks.count > 0
End If
End If
End If.....

I found objHyperlinks.count to be zero.
With code adjusted to apply to open items, objHyperlinks.count remained unchanged. This construct deletes the first hyperlink in an infinite loop.
While objHyperlinks.count > 0
In my setup, to run the code I have to display the selected items outside of the main code.
(Debugging can trigger whatever is needed to generate a non-zero objHyperlinks.count.)
Sub RemoveAllHyperlinksInSelection()
' If Debug.Print objHyperlinks.count gives zero,
' open all applicable items first.
' objMail.Display inside this sub is insufficient
' Sub OpenSelection() is a separate subroutine to display selected items
Dim objItem As Object
Dim objMail As mailItem
Dim objInspector As Inspector
Dim objDocument As Word.Document
Dim objHyperlinks As Word.Hyperlinks
Dim objHyperlink As Word.Hyperlink
Dim strPrompt As String
Dim nResponse As VbMsgBoxResult
Dim objSelection As Selection
Set objSelection = ActiveExplorer.Selection
For Each objItem In objSelection
If objItem.Class = olMail Then
Set objMail = objItem
Debug.Print objMail.subject
Set objInspector = objMail.GetInspector
Set objDocument = objInspector.WordEditor
Set objHyperlinks = objDocument.Hyperlinks
Debug.Print objHyperlinks.count
' The OP edited to add this line I suggested in a comment and indicated success.
' No impact on my results with this line.
ActiveInspector.CommandBars.ExecuteMso "EditMessage"
' If you find this is zero run Sub OpenSelection() first
Debug.Print objHyperlinks.count
If objHyperlinks.count > 0 Then
strPrompt = "Are you sure to remove all the hyperlinks in this email?"
nResponse = MsgBox(strPrompt, vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Remove All Hyperlinks")
If nResponse = vbYes Then
Dim i As Long
For i = objHyperlinks.count To 1 Step -1
' This remains unchanged
' While Wend with objHyperlinks(1).Delete will remove
' the first hyperlink in an infinite loop
Debug.Print objHyperlinks.count
'objMail.Close olSave
objMail.Close olDiscard
End If
objMail.Close olDiscard
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub OpenSelection()
' Run this before RemoveAllHyperlinksInSelection
' if you find hyperlinks are not found
Dim objItem As Object
Dim objSelection As Selection
Set objSelection = ActiveExplorer.Selection
For Each objItem In objSelection
If objItem.Class = olMail Then
End If
End Sub

In the loop where you iterate over selected items in Outlook the objMsg object is used:
For Each objMsg In objSelection
But to apply changes the objMail object is used instead.
To save your changes you need to call the Save method on the item - in your case it is the objMsg instance.
Be aware, Outlook may not display changes immediately. Most probably you need to change the folder by setting the CurrentFolder property of the Explorer class to any other folder in Outlook and then return back to refresh the view on the reading pane, or just change the selection to make changes visible.


How to send mail based on a draft then keep the draft?

We are updating mails from the drafts folder and sending them a few times a day.
I want to open a selected mail resend it save it so it goes back to drafts and then close it.
I tried below
Dim myItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim objInsp As Outlook.Inspector
Dim objActionsMenu As Office.CommandBarControl
Dim olResendMsg As Outlook.MailItem
' get current item & open if needed
On Error Resume Next
Select Case TypeName(Application.ActiveWindow)
Case "Explorer"
Set myItem = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
Case "Inspector"
Set myItem = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
Case Else
End Select
On Error GoTo 0
If myItem Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Could not use current item. Please select or open a single email.", _
GoTo exitproc
End If
' run the resend command
Set objInsp = myItem.GetInspector
objInsp.CommandBars.ExecuteMso ("ResendThisMessage")
' save orig email
' close orig email
Set myItem = Nothing
Set objInsp = Nothing
Set objActionsMenu = Nothing
Set olResendMsg = Nothing
End Sub
You need to pass a OlInspectorClose enumeration value to the MailItem.Close method. It indicates the close behavior, i.e. the save mode. If the item displayed within the inspector has not been changed, this argument has no effect.
Name Value Description
olDiscard 1 Changes to the document are discarded.
olPromptForSave 2 User is prompted to save documents.
olSave 0 Documents are saved.
So, your code should like that:
' close orig email
myItem.Close olSave
Instead of executing the ribbon control programmatically using the CommandBars.ExecuteMso method you may try to create a cope of the source item and then send it.
The ExecuteMso method is useful in cases where there is no object model for a particular command. Works on controls that are built-in buttons, toggleButtons and splitButtons. On failure it returns E_InvalidArg for an invalid idMso, and E_Fail for controls that are not enabled or not visible.
Instead, you may use the MailItem.Copy method which creates another instance of an object.
Sub CopyItem()
Dim myNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim myFolder As Outlook.Folder
Dim myNewFolder As Outlook.Folder
Dim myItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim myCopiedItem As Outlook.MailItem
Set myNameSpace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myFolder = myNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
Set myNewFolder = myFolder.Folders.Add("Saved Mail", olFolderDrafts)
Set myItem = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
myItem.Subject = "Speeches"
Set myCopiedItem = myItem.Copy
myCopiedItem.To = "email#address.com"
End Sub
Although there is a mistake in myItem.Close, you cannot resend mail that has not been sent.
Option Explicit
Sub SendMailBasedOnPermanentDraft()
Dim myItem As MailItem
Dim objInsp As Inspector
Dim myCopyOfUnsentItemInDrafts As MailItem
' get current item & open if needed
On Error Resume Next
Select Case TypeName(ActiveWindow)
Case "Explorer"
Set myItem = ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
Case "Inspector"
Set myItem = ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
Case Else
End Select
On Error GoTo 0
If myItem Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Could not use current item. Please select or open a single email.", vbInformation
GoTo exitProc
End If
If myItem.Sent = False Then
Set myCopyOfUnsentItemInDrafts = myItem.copy
With myCopyOfUnsentItemInDrafts
.Subject = "Copied " & Now & ": " & myItem.Subject
.Display ' change to .Send
End With
MsgBox "Select or open a single unsent email.", vbInformation
End If
Set myItem = Nothing
Set objInsp = Nothing
Set myCopyOfUnsentItemInDrafts = Nothing
End Sub

Moving over 20,000 emails, based on email address, freezes Outlook

I am trying to move over 20,000 emails, based on email address, into desired folders.
The code I found freezes Outlook. The code does work before the freeze.
Using first code from the answer to this post
Option Explicit
Public Sub Move_Items()
' // Declare your Variables
Dim Inbox As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim SubFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim olNs As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim Item As Object
Dim Items As Outlook.Items
Dim lngCount As Long
On Error GoTo MsgErr
' Set Inbox Reference
Set olNs = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set Inbox = olNs.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
Set Items = Inbox.Items
' // Loop through the Items in the folder backwards
For lngCount = Items.Count To 1 Step -1
Set Item = Items(lngCount)
If Item.Class = olMail Then
Select Case Item.SenderEmailAddress
' // Email_One
Case "Email_One#email.com"
' // Set SubFolder of Inbox
Set SubFolder = Inbox.Folders("Folder One")
Set Item = Items.Find("[SenderEmailAddress] = 'Email_One#email.com'")
If TypeName(Item) <> "Nothing" Then
' // Mark As Read
Item.UnRead = False
' // Move Mail Item to sub Folder
Item.Move SubFolder
End If
' // Email_Two
Case "Email_Two#email.com"
' // Set SubFolder of Inbox
Set SubFolder = Inbox.Folders("Folder Two")
Set Item = Items.Find("[SenderEmailAddress] = 'Email_Two#email.com'")
If TypeName(Item) <> "Nothing" Then
' // Mark As Read
Item.UnRead = False
' // Move Mail Item to sub Folder
Item.Move SubFolder
End If
End Select
End If
Next lngCount
Set Inbox = Nothing
Set SubFolder = Nothing
Set olNs = Nothing
Set Item = Nothing
Set Items = Nothing
Exit Sub
'// Error information
MsgBox "An unexpected Error has occurred." _
& vbCrLf & "Error Number: " & Err.Number _
& vbCrLf & "Error Description: " & Err.Description _
, vbCritical, "Error!"
Resume MsgErr_Exit
End Sub
Also is it possible to filter not a specific email address e.g. dave#test.com but *#test.com?
I think at least your first problem might be the line 'Set Inbox = olNs.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)'
I have the similar line 'Set Items = objNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Items' in my start-up routine Private Sub Application_Startup() . This worked fine ever since we switched to 365, but then circa February 2021 it started to crash on start-up. I got here by searching on this problem. Presumably they have changed something about the object model.
I also suppose it could be where olNs is set in the first place ' Set objNS = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI"), if you mail doesn't use MAPI?
I've chucked the problem at out IT support, and I'll let you know if they come back with anything other than a mildly panicked 'what the hell you doing using VBA?'
The delay is caused by running a time-consuming task/code in Outlook. So, you need to optimize what and how is run in Outlook.
The problem is in the source code. I've noticed that you are iterating over all items in the folder:
// Loop through the Items in the folder backwards
For lngCount = Items.Count To 1 Step -1
That is completely a bad idea!
Instead, you need to use the Find/FindNext or Restrict methods to process all items that correspond to the specified search criteria. The Find method returns a single and first entry from the list of items. To get the second (if any) you need to use the FindNext method in the loop.
Read more about these methods in the following articles:
How To: Use Find and FindNext methods to retrieve Outlook mail items from a folder (C#, VB.NET)
How To: Use Restrict method to retrieve Outlook mail items from a folder
Also you may consider using the AdvancedSearch method of the Application class. The key benefits of using the AdvancedSearch method in Outlook are:
The search is performed in another thread. You don’t need to run another thread manually since the AdvancedSearch method runs it automatically in the background.
Possibility to search for any item types: mail, appointment, calendar, notes etc. in any location, i.e. beyond the scope of a certain folder. The Restrict and Find/FindNext methods can be applied to a particular Items collection (see the Items property of the Folder class in Outlook).
Full support for DASL queries (custom properties can be used for searching too). You can read more about this in the Filtering article in MSDN. To improve the search performance, Instant Search keywords can be used if Instant Search is enabled for the store (see the IsInstantSearchEnabled property of the Store class).
You can stop the search process at any moment using the Stop method of the Search class.
See Advanced search in Outlook programmatically: C#, VB.NET for more information.
If processing every item there is no need for a Find. Find replaces the For loop item. It is more likely to run to completion when there are fewer items.
The simplest change is to remove the Find. This should fix any array out of bounds errors. Still it is inefficient.
// Email_One
Case "Email_One#email.com"
'// Set SubFolder of Inbox
Set SubFolder = Inbox.Folders("Folder One")
'// Mark As Read
Item.UnRead = False
'// Move Mail Item to sub Folder
Item.Move SubFolder
One way to limit processing to the applicable items.
Option Explicit
Public Sub Move_Items_Restrict()
'// Declare your Variables
Dim myInbox As Folder
Dim subFolder As Folder
Dim myItem As Object
Dim myItems As Items
Dim resItems As Items
Dim strfilter As String
Dim i As Long
' Not while developing
'On Error GoTo MsgErr
' Set Inbox Reference
Set myInbox = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
'// Email_One
Set myItems = myInbox.Items
strfilter = "[SenderEmailAddress] = 'Email_One#email.com'"
Debug.Print strfilter
' some of these work, fromemail does
' https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/office/developer/exchange-server-2007/aa579702(v=exchg.80)
'strfilter = "#SQL=urn:schemas:httpmail:fromemail LIKE '%#test.com'"
'Debug.Print strfilter
Set resItems = myItems.Restrict(strfilter)
Debug.Print resItems.count
If resItems.count > 0 Then
'// Set SubFolder of Inbox
Set subFolder = myInbox.folders("Folder One")
For i = resItems.count To 1 Step -1
Set myItem = resItems(i)
With myItem
'// Mark As Read
.UnRead = False
'// Move Mail Item to sub Folder
.Move subFolder
End With
' If there is a memory error,
' release item when no longer necessary,
'Set myItem = Nothing
End If
'// Email_Two
Set myItems = myInbox.Items
strfilter = "[SenderEmailAddress] = 'Email_Two#email.com'"
Debug.Print strfilter
Set resItems = myItems.Restrict(strfilter)
Debug.Print resItems.count
If resItems.count > 0 Then
'// Set SubFolder of Inbox
Set subFolder = myInbox.folders("Folder Two")
For i = resItems.count To 1 Step -1
Set myItem = resItems(i)
With myItem
' // Mark As Read
.UnRead = False
' // Move Mail Item to sub Folder
.Move subFolder
End With
' If there is a memory error,
' release item when no longer necessary,
'Set myItem = Nothing
End If
Exit Sub
'// Error information for users to advise the developer
MsgBox "An unexpected Error has occurred." _
& vbCrLf & "Error Number: " & err.Number _
& vbCrLf & "Error Description: " & err.description _
, vbCritical, "Error!"
Resume MsgErr_Exit
End Sub

Remove a Recipient in a "Reply All"

I'm trying to "reply all", add text to the subject, add a recipient, and remove a recipient.
Sub Reply_All()
Dim olReply As mailitem
Dim strSubject As String
For Each olItem In Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
Set olReply = olItem.ReplyAll
Set olRecip = olReply.Recipients.Add("EmailAddressGoesHere")
Set olRecip = olReply.Recipients.Remove("EmailAddressGoesHere")
strSubject = olReply.Subject
olReply.Subject = "(Added Subject Line Info - ) " & strSubject
End Sub
Everything works when I comment out the Recipients.Remove line.
I noticed that
Set olRecip = olReply.Recipients.Add("EmailAddressGoesHere")
has "Add Name As String"
Set olRecip = olReply.Recipients.Remove("EmailAddressGoesHere")
has "Remove Index As Long" as the yellow text that comes up when you type it into the script.
Loop through the recipients using a "for" loop from Count down to 1, check the Recipient.Address property. If it matches the value you are after, call Recipients.Remove passing the current loop index.
As Dmitry mentioned, you could refer to the below code:
Sub Reply_All()
Dim olReply As MailItem
Dim strSubject As String
For Each olItem In Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
Set olReply = olItem.ReplyAll
For Each Address In EmailAddressGoesHere
olReply.Recipients.Add (Address)
For Each Rec In olReply.Recipients
strSubject = olReply.Subject
olReply.Subject = "(Added Subject Line Info - ) " & strSubject
End Sub
For more information, please refer to this link:
remove recipient from mail.recipient collection
Option Explicit
' Consider Option Explicit mandatory
' Tools | Options | Editor tab | Require Variable Declaration
Sub Reply_All_RemoveSingleOrMultipleCopiesAddress()
Dim olItem As Object
Dim olReply As MailItem
Dim i As Long
For Each olItem In ActiveExplorer.Selection
If olItem.Class = olMail Then
Set olReply = olItem.ReplyAll
' If the address could occur once or multiple times,
' start at the end and work backwards
For i = olReply.Recipients.count To 1 Step -1
'Debug.Print olReply.Recipients(i).Address
' "EmailAddressToBeRemoved" with the quotes as shown
If LCase(olReply.Recipients(i).Address) = LCase("EmailAddressToBeRemoved") Then
olReply.Recipients.remove (i)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub Reply_All_RemoveSingleAddressReliably()
Dim olItem As Object
Dim olReply As MailItem
Dim recip As recipient
For Each olItem In ActiveExplorer.Selection
If olItem.Class = olMail Then
Set olReply = olItem.ReplyAll
' If the address can appear once only,
' otherwise use a downward counting loop
For Each recip In olReply.Recipients
'Debug.Print recip.Address
' "EmailAddressToBeRemoved" with the quotes as shown
If LCase(recip.Address) = LCase("EmailAddressToBeRemoved") Then
' Delete not remove
' No need to continue if only one instance of address can occur,
' otherwise you would unreliably delete anyway.
' The address immediately after a deleted address is skipped
' as it moves into the old position of the deleted address.
Exit For
End If
End If
End Sub
To whom it may concern.
You can easily try a combination of the solutions offered for a quick result:
Set myRecipients = olReply.Recipients
Dim y As Long
y = myRecipients.Count
Do Until y = 0
If myRecipients(y) = "to be removed" Then
End If
y = y - 1

VBA to format selected text in Outlook

I want to highlight text in an email and format it to font consolas and indent it once.
I have tried this but get an error:
Sub Code()
Selection.Font.Name = "Consolas"
End Sub
Run-time error '429':
ActiveX component can't create object
You can use WordEditor to edit selected text in mail:
Private Sub Code()
' Mail must be in edit mode - compose, reply, forward
' If reading mail then under Actions | Edit Message
' Select some text
Dim objDoc As Object
Dim objSel As Object
Set objDoc = ActiveInspector.WordEditor
Set objSel = objDoc.Windows(1).Selection
objSel.Font.name = "Consolas"
End Sub
Code with validations:
Sub FormatSelection()
' With extra validation for troubleshooting
' Code in Outlook
' Mail must be in edit mode - compose, reply, forward
' If reading mail then under Actions | Edit Message
' Select some text
Dim myInspector As Inspector
Dim myObject As Object
Dim myItem As mailItem
Dim myDoc As Word.Document
Dim mySelection As Word.Selection
Set myInspector = ActiveInspector
If myInspector Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No inspector. Open a mailitem and select some text."
GoTo ExitRoutine
End If
If myInspector.EditorType <> olEditorWord Then
' olEditorWord / 4 / Microsoft Office Word editor
Debug.Print "EditorType: " & myInspector.EditorType
MsgBox "Editor is not Microsoft Office Word editor"
GoTo ExitRoutine
End If
' Probably not needed. EditorType should be enough
'If myInspector.IsWordMail = False Then
' MsgBox "myInspector.IsWordMail = False"
' GoTo ExitRoutine
'End If
On Error Resume Next
Set myObject = myInspector.currentItem
On Error GoTo 0
If myObject Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Open a mailitem and select some text."
GoTo ExitRoutine
End If
If myObject.MessageClass = "IPM.Note" Then
'Should be equivalent to If myObject.Class = olMail Then
Set myItem = myObject
Set myDoc = myInspector.WordEditor
Set mySelection = myDoc.Application.Selection
Debug.Print "Selected text is: " & mySelection
MsgBox "Selected text is: " & vbCr & vbCr & mySelection
mySelection.Font.name = "Consolas"
MsgBox "Not a mailitem. Open a mailitem and select some text."
GoTo ExitRoutine
End If
Set myInspector = Nothing
Set myObject = Nothing
Set myItem = Nothing
Set myDoc = Nothing
Set mySelection = Nothing
End Sub
Looks like you are trying to mix the Word object model with Outlook. The Selection class in Outlook is not the same as the Selection class from the Word object model. Moreover, there is no such shortcuts in Outlook. You must retrieve it each time you need it.
The Outlook object model provides three main ways for working with item bodies:
The Body property. A raw text.
The HTMLBody property. The body is represented by the html markup.
The Word object model. The WordEditor property of the Inspector class returns and instance of the Word Document class which represents the body.
You can read more about this in the Chapter 17: Working with Item Bodies article in MSDN. It describes all these properties in depth.

Delete automatic Signature from forwarded emails VBA macro

Newbie Outlook VBA. intermediate Excel VBA. Windows 7 Professional, Outlook 2010
I have a script running from a rule that autoforwards all incoming emails. I need it as a rule because otherwise it will not forward the mails in the queue when Outlook loads.
I would like to have the default signature deleted when the mails are forwarded. As the reply is "blank" it is unnecessary to have the sig appended. I have found some code that supposedly worked in Outlook 2007 from the MSDN site. It compiles no errors, executes no errors. I have referenced MS Word in VBA. But the forwarded emails all have the signature still attached.
I cannot just delete the signature because I need it to be there on replies. The switch for the signature is for both replies and forwarded mail.
Here is the code:
Option Explicit
Sub Incoming3(MyMail As MailItem)
Dim strID As String
Dim strSender As String
Dim StrSubject As String
Dim objItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim myItem As Outlook.MailItem
strID = MyMail.entryID
Set objItem = Application.Session.GetItemFromID(strID)
strSender = objItem.SenderName
StrSubject = objItem.Subject
StrSubject = strSender + ": " + StrSubject
objItem.Subject = StrSubject
objItem.AutoForwarded = False
Set myItem = objItem.Forward
myItem.Recipients.Add "bcc.hwb#gmail.com"
myItem.DeleteAfterSubmit = True
Call DeleteSig(objItem)
Set myItem = Nothing
Set objItem = Nothing
End Sub
Sub DeleteSig(msg As Outlook.MailItem)
Dim objDoc As Word.Document
Dim objBkm As Word.Bookmark
On Error Resume Next
Set objDoc = msg.GetInspector.WordEditor
Set objBkm = objDoc.Bookmarks("_MailAutoSig")
If Not objBkm Is Nothing Then
End If
Set objDoc = Nothing
Set objBkm = Nothing
End Sub
Any help with Outlook or VBA code would be much appreciated.
Processing the wrong mail in DeleteSig.
myItem.DeleteAfterSubmit = True
Call DeleteSig(myItem)
Edit 2015 02 26
Debugging VBA Code
Private Sub Incoming3_test()
' Open a mailitem then click F8 repeatedly from this code
Dim currItem As MailItem
Set currItem = ActiveInspector.currentItem
Incoming3 currItem
End Sub
Sub Incoming3(MyMail As MailItem)
Dim myItem As Outlook.MailItem
Set myItem = MyMail.Forward
myItem.Subject = MyMail.senderName & ": " & MyMail.Subject
myItem.Recipients.Add "bcc.hwb#gmail.com"
myItem.DeleteAfterSubmit = True
myItem.Display ' If you are using F8 you can
' view the action taken in DeleteSig.
' Delete the line later.
Call DeleteSig(myItem)
Set myItem = Nothing
End Sub
Sub DeleteSig(msg As Outlook.MailItem)
Dim objDoc As Word.Document
Dim objBkm As Word.Bookmark
On Error Resume Next '<--- Very bad without On Error GoTo 0
Set objDoc = msg.GetInspector.WordEditor
Set objBkm = objDoc.Bookmarks("_MailAutoSig")
On Error GoTo 0
If Not objBkm Is Nothing Then
objBkm.Select ' <--- This is where the action starts.
End If
Set objDoc = Nothing
Set objBkm = Nothing
End Sub
Edit 2015 02 26 - End
When you assign a VBA macro sub to run by the rule you get an instance of the MailItem object. For example:
Sub Incoming3(MyMail As MailItem)
The MyMail object represents an incoming email message which you should use in the code. But I see that you get a new instance:
strID = MyMail.entryID
Set objItem = Application.Session.GetItemFromID(strID)
There is no need to do so. Use the MyMail object in the code.
Also I see the following code:
Set objBkm = objDoc.Bookmarks("_MailAutoSig")
Try to run the code under the debugger and see whether the bookmark can be found. If there is no such bookmark you need to search the body for the first entry From: in the text and delete all the content before that keyword.
Finally, you may find the Getting Started with VBA in Outlook 2010 article in MSDN helpful.