From the documentation, it is not obvious how to use the module Job Queue
for Odoo15.
The main task for me is sending asynchronous messages to Jira API during saving Purchase Order.
And I'm making it by self.env['purchase.order'].with_delay().my_method_for_jira()
Change odoo.conf file
server_wide_modules = base,web,queue_job
limit_memory_hard = 0
workers = 6
channels = root:2
And then I'm stuck. I do not understand what should I do.
I have implemented Celery with RabbitMQ as Broker. I rely on Celery v4.4.7 since I have read that v5.0+ doesn't support RabbitMQ anymore. RabbitMQ is a MUST in my case.
Everything has been containerized then deployed as pods within Kubernetes 1.19. I am able to execute long running tasks and everything apparently looks fine at first glance. However, I have few concerns which require your expertise.
I have declared inbound and outbound queues but Celery created his owns and I do not see any message within those queues (inbound or outbound) :
inbound_queue = "_IN"
outbound_queue = "_OUT"
app = Celery()
broker_url = 'pyamqp://%s//' % path,
broker_heartbeat = None,
broker_connection_timeout = int(timeout)
result_backend = 'rpc://',
result_persistent = True,
task_queues = (
Queue(algorithm_queue, Exchange(inbound_queue), routing_key='default', auto_delete=False),
Queue(result_queue, Exchange(outbound_queue), routing_key='default', auto_delete=False),
task_default_queue = inbound_queue,
task_default_exchange = inbound_exchange,
task_default_exchange_type = 'direct',
task_default_routing_key = 'default',
reply_to = outbound_queue,
retry_kwargs={'max_retries': 5, 'countdown': 2})
def execute(self, data):
I have implemented callbacks to get results back via REST APIs. However, randomly, it can return or not some results when the status is successfull. This is probably related to message persistency. In details, when I implement flower API to get info, status is successfull and the result is partially displayed (shortened json messages) - when I call AsyncResult, for the same status, result is either None or the right one. I do not understand the mechanism between rabbitmq queues and kombu which seems to cache the resulting message. I must guarantee to retrieve results everytime the task has been successfully executed.
def callback(uuid):
task = app.AsyncResult(uuid)
Specifically, it was that Celery 5.0+ did not support amqp:// as a result back end anymore. However, as your example, rpc:// is supported.
The relevant snippet is here:
We tend to always ignore_results=True in our implementation, so I can't give any practical tips of how to use rpc://, other than to infer that any response is put on an application-specific queue, instead of being able to put on a specified queue (or even different broker / rabbitmq instance) via amqp://.
I have a route in my API which kicks off a job to a message queue (I'm using the AMQP package). I would like to leave the connection open and respond to the web request when the job finishes.
With AMQP, I have no way of knowing when a job I started will finish. Instead, I can subscribe to a channel that will report when a job finishes.
Here's some pseudo-code:
main = do
doneChannel = openAMQPChannel "done"
-- assume some other program subscribes to jobs, performs them
-- and puts them onto "done" when finished.
jobsChannel = openAMQPChannel "jobs"
forkIO $ subscribeAMQP doneChannel onDone
onDone jobId info = do
-- How can I return this info in my request?
-- assume it has unique identifying information
startServer jobs = do 8000 $ do
post "/jobs" $ \payload -> do
jobId <- generateUniqueId
publishAMQP jobs jobId payload
-- TODO wait until onDone happens for my particular request
info <- waitForJobToComplete jobId
return info
(See here for the real AMQP interface. I'm using Servant for routing)
Is there some way to do this with Control.Concurrent? MVar and Chan don't seem to be addressable by an ID like this. How could I implement it in such a way that I could handle thousands of requests at once?
Any other ideas?
I am using Celery with Rabbitmq broker on Server A. Some tasks require interaction with another server say, Server B and I am using Rabbitmq queues for this interaction.
Queue 1 - Server A (Producer), Server B (Consumer)
Queue 2 - Server B (Producer), Server A (Consumer)
My celery is unexpectedly hanging and I have found the reason to be incorrect implementation of Server A consumer code.
channel.start_consuming() keeps polling Rabbitmq as expected however putting this in a celery task creates multiple pollers which don't expire. I can add expiry but the time completion for the data being sent to Server B cannot be guaranteed. The code pasted below is one method I used to tackle the issue but I am not convinced this is best solution.
I wish to know what I am doing wrong and what is the right way to implement this because I have failed searching for articles on the web. Any tips, insights and even links to articles would be extremely helpful.
Finally, my code -
def task_a(data):
# Create only 1 Rabbitmq consumer instance to avoid celery hangups
def task_b(data):
if data is not None:
def task_c():
data = some_data
data = json.dumps(data)
conn_params = pika.ConnectionParameters(host=RABBITMQ_HOST)
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(conn_params)
channel =
def task_d():
def queue_helper(ch, method, properties, body):
Callback from queue.
data = json.loads(body)
conn_params = pika.ConnectionParameters(host=RABBITMQ_HOST)
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(conn_params)
channel =
I want to be able to delete all job in queue, but I don't know what queue is it. I'm in perform method of my worker and I need to get the "current queue", the queue where the current job is come from.
for this time I use :
require 'sidekiq/api'
queue =
queue.each do |job|
because I just use "default queue", It's work.
But now I will use many queues and I can't specify only one queue for this worker because I need use a lots for a server load balancing.
So how I can get the queue where we are in perform method?
You can't by design, that's orthogonal context to the job. If your job needs to know a queue name, pass it explicitly as an argument.
This is much faster:
These docs show that you can access all running job information wwhich includes the jid (job ID) and queue name for each job
inside the perform method you have access to the jid with the jid accessor. From that you can find the current job and get the queue name
workers =
this_worker = workers.find { |_, _, work|
work['payload']['jid'] == jid
queue = this_worker[2]['queue']
however, the content of Sidekiq::Workers can be up to 5 seconds out of date, so you should only try this after your worker has been running at least 5 seconds, which may not be ideal
I am using celery with a rabbitmq backend. It is producing thousands of queues with 0 or 1 items in them in rabbitmq like this:
$ sudo rabbitmqctl list_queues
Listing queues ...
c2e9b4beefc7468ea7c9005009a57e1d 1
1162a89dd72840b19fbe9151c63a4eaa 0
07638a97896744a190f8131c3ba063de 0
b34f8d6d7402408c92c77ff93cdd7cf8 1
f388839917ff4afa9338ef81c28aad75 0
8b898d0c7c7e4be4aa8007b38ccc00ea 1
3fb4be51aaaa4ac097af535301084b01 1
This seems to be inefficient, but further I have observed that these queues persist long after processing is finished.
I have found the task that appears to be doing this:
def write_pages(page_generator):
g = group(render_page.s(page) for page in page_generator)
res = g.apply_async()
for rendered_page in res:
print rendered_page # TODO: print to file
It seems that because these tasks are being called in a group, they are being thrown into the queue but never being released. However, I am clearly consuming the results (as I can view them being printed when I iterate through res. So, I do not understand why those tasks are persisting in the queue.
Additionally, I am wondering if the large number queues that are being created is some indication that I am doing something wrong.
Thanks for any help with this!
Celery with the AMQP backend will store task tombstones (results) in an AMQP queue named with the task ID that produced the result. These queues will persist even after the results are drained.
A couple recommendations:
Apply ignore_result=True to every task you can. Don't depend on results from other tasks.
Switch to a different backend (perhaps Redis -- it's more efficient anyway):
Use CELERY_TASK_RESULT_EXPIRES (or on 4.1 CELERY_RESULT_EXPIRES) to have a periodic cleanup task remove old data from rabbitmq.