Can I host a static website on Azure storage and still have an email address for that domain? - azure-storage

Is it possible to host as a static website on Azure storage, and still setup email address
I believe that CNAME is required for hosting on Azure storage, but this won't work with email

Answering my own question - seems like this is possible by using an ANAME record in Azure DNS... I'll have to move my domain registration across to test this, but will report back when I eventually get around to it

Yes you can host an static website to Azure Storage.You can serve static content (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image files) directly from a container in a general-purpose V2 or BlockBlobStorage account.
You can simply follow this Microsoft Document to host your static website to Azure Storage container and you will primary and secondry endpoint to access the website.
You can map your both endpoint to the customer for that please also refer this document


Proxy or API Key redirect for URL

I have a requirement to set up a restriction to a public url/website. Unfortunately I do not have access to this server myself. My question would be if there is an API server I can host on e.g. Azure on which I can create API/URLs (maybe also with time limit) which I can enable and/or disable. These generated URL should simply redirect to the other URL.
See example image.
Many thanks

How to enable Azure CDN for Azure storage blob static website?

After enabling static website on Azure storage, I have deployed an index.html to the $web blob container. https://<name>.<zone> works fine.
To add custom domain with HTTPS support, it is recommended that we use Azure CDN to access the blobs. On the linked page to enable that, the page says
During preview of static websites support in Azure Storage, select "custom origin" from the "origin type" drop down menu to add your storage web endpoint. In Azure Portal, you will need to do this from your CDN Profile instead of directly in your storage account.
So I selected Custom Origin as the origin type and made <name>.<zone> as the origin hostname.
However, trying to access https://<cdnendpointname> is sending me to 404 Not Found page.
It looks like it was a propagation issue. The CDN endpoint started working fine after 30 mins.

How to use Akamai infront of S3 buckets?

I have a static website that is currently hosted in apache servers. I have an akamai server which routes requests to my site to those servers. I want to move my static websites to Amazon S3, to get away from having to host those static files in my servers.
I created a S3 bucket in amazon, gave it appropriate policies. I also set up my bucket for static website hosting. It told me that I can access the site at
I modified my akamai properties to point to this url as my origin server. When I goto my website, I get Http 504 errors.
What am i missing here?
S3 buckets don't support HTTPS?
Buckets support HTTPS, but not directly in conjunction with the static web site hosting feature.
See Website Endpoints in the S3 Developer Guide for discussion of the feature set differences between the REST endpoints and the web site hosting endpoints.
Note that if you try to directly connect to your web site hosting endpoint with your browser, you will get a timeout error.
The REST endpoint will work for providing HTTPS between bucket and CDN, as long as there are no dots in the name of your bucket
Or if you need the web site hosting features (index documents and redirects), you can place CloudFront between Akamai and S3, encrypting the traffic inside CloudFront as it left the AWS network on its way to Akamai (it would still be in the clear from S3 to CloudFront, but this is internal traffic on the AWS network). CloudFront automatically provides HTTPS support on the hostname it assigns to each distribution.
I admit, it sounds a bit silly, initially, to put CloudFront behind another CDN but it's really pretty sensible -- CloudFront was designed in part to augment the capabilities of S3. CloudFront also provides Lambda#Edge, which allows injection of logic at 4 trigger points in the request processing cycle (before and after the CloudFront cache, during the request and during the response) where you can modify request and response headers, generate dynamic responses, and make external network requests if needed to implement processing logic.
I faced this problem currently and as mentioned by Michael - sqlbot, putting the CloudFront between Akamai and S3 Bucket could be a workaround, but doing that you're using a CDN behind another CDN. I strongly recommend you to configure the redirects and also customize the response when origin error directly in Akamai (using REST API endpoint in your bucket). You'll need to create three rules, but first, go to CDN > Properties and select your property, Edit New Version based on the last one and click on Add Rule in Property Configuration Settings section. The first rule will be responsible for redirect empty paths to index.html, create it just like the image below:
builtin.AK_PATH is an Akamai's variable. The next step is responsible for redirect paths different from the static ones (html, ico, json, js, css, jpg, png, gif, etc) to \index.html:
The last step is responsible for customize an error response when origin throws an HTTP error code (just like the CloudFront Error Pages). When the origin returns 404 or 403 HTTP status code, the Akamai will call the Failover Hostname Edge Server (which is inside the Akamai network) with the /index.html path. This setup will be triggered when refreshing pages in the browser and when the application has redirection links (which opens new tabs for example). In the Property Hostnames section, add a new hostname that will work as the Failover Hostname Edge Server, the name should has less than 16 characters, then, add the suffix to it (that's the Akamai pattern). For example:
Finally, create a new empty rule just like the image below (type the hostname that you just created in the Alternate Hostname in This Property section):
Since you are already using Akamai as a CDN, you could simply use their NetStorage product line to achieve this in a simplified manner.
All you would need to do is to move the content from s3 to Akamai and it would take care of the rest(hosting, distribution, scaling, security, redundancy).
The origin settings on Luna control panel could simply point to the Netstorage FTP location. This will also remove the network latency otherwise present when accessing the S3 bucket from the Akamai Network.

How is it I am hosting through

I created a static website mockup for a friend and decided to put it up on my s3 account for a temporary hosting spot. So I uploaded the site files and made them public.
I was surprised to learn that I can access the site via (actual path redacted, but example illustrates point):
How is this possible? I expected to have some sort of identifier in the url, referencing my account, but clearly this is not the case.
Can someone explain how amazon does this?
Access to s3 can be secured in a variety of ways, but frequently people want to host these files directly out of s3, so they provide public access. You must have setup access to your bucket/objects so that they are public.
You can also set the bucket name to be a domain of your choosing ala, add a CNAME pointing to s3, and they will automatically determine that the files should come from your public bucket, using a little bit of internal rewriting.

Amazon S3: Static Web Sites: Custom Domain or Subdomain just announced that one can host static web sites in a S3 bucket. I went to their setup page at and created a bucket for my static web site, and it worked fine. I have an URL of the form http://[my bucket name]
However, I would like to point a subdomain that I own (e.g. to my static web site at Amazon S3. Has anybody figured out how to do that?
I appreciate any help you can give me.
It turns out that to make it work, you cannot just map any arbitrary subdomain to any arbitrary bucket. The fully qualified subdomain name must be the same as the S3 bucket name.
Suppose the name of your site is Then you need to create a S3 bucket with that same name, named
Once you configure that bucket as a S3 static web site, it will have a URL assigned to it that looks something like
Go to your domain host and map your subdomain to the URL from step 2. In, that meant mapping the host "static" to the address "" as a CNAME record.
Thanks to Uriah and David for suggestions. I eventually got my answer at an Amazon AWS forum.
Make sure that you follow the S3 DNS bucket naming conventions when creating your bucket.
Enable S3 Website support for the bucket using the AWS Management Console at Properties --> Website
Make sure the files in the bucket have public read permissions
Try the website using the endpoint listed in the Management Console
Setup your CNAME using the listed endpoint (e.g. CNAME
Create a hosted zone say You can use a web based UI DNS30.
Now create a CNAME entry for this hosted zone.
Add a resource record
with following detail Name as ""
Type as "CNAME"
Value as ""
TTl as "on your required configuration"
Hope this will also work for
This is called Virtual Hosting of Buckets:
How about using a DNS service, like the Route 53 that Amazon provides. Set it up with a CNAME from your sub domain to the public bucket URL. Of course, if your domain company provide CNAME configuration, that could work directly.
Update 2019 : AWS custom subdomain hosting in S3
As of today following steps worked for me to have a working subdomain for AWS S3 hosted static website:
Create a bucket with subdomain name. In this example
Note: Make sure on 'Permission' tab of bucket:
-Block public access (bucket settings)
-Access Control List &
-Bucket policy
are appropriately set to make sure bucket is public. ( Assuming you already did this for your root domain bucket, those settings can be mirrored on this subdomain bucket)
Upload the index.html file in the bucket
Create a CNAME record with your domain provider