vite - Subpage with relative asset path - vue.js

I have a Vue project with multiple pages where I use rollupOptions.input to specify them as entry points:
rollupOptions: {
input: {
main: resolve(__dirname, "index.html"),
subpage1: resolve(__dirname, "subpage1/index.html"),
subpage2: resolve(__dirname, "subpage2/index.html")
The final dist folder will be deployed at a subdirectory in a server,
so I then set a base attribute as base: "", to make the assets work for the main index.html . This turns all the paths into something relative like this: <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/main.35431485.css">. Works for the root index.html but for the subpages, the links look identical. This however doesn't work, because the folder structure is something like:
├── index.html
├── assets
├── main.35431485.css
└── ...
└── subpage1
└── index.html
As such, subpage1/assets/main.35431485.css will simply not work.
Is there a way to tell vite to relatively path its way to the asset folder, even for subpages?
Ideally not using a static parent directory (like with base: "/some/dir/"), but keeping it all relative?

This is a known issue that will be fixed in vite 3.0. There seems to be a fair amount of issues left for the 3.0 release but hopefully it will be released sometime in 2022. Right now the only way is to have a static base path, changing to some SPA approach, or using another build tool.
Edit: vite 3.0 is now released and relative base path is now properly supported. See the docs here.


Vue js problems when building outside the src folder

I am working on an MPA with Vue and codeigniter. I have the following architecture:
- application
- src
- views
- models
- controllers
I work with my frontend basically in the src directory and the others are codeigniter MVC model directories. What I am doing is configuring the webpack to build directly in the views directory so that my codeigniter can consume the generated htmls, configured as follows: (in this case I set it up in the vue.config.js file
outputDir: './views'
Up to this point everything works fine, wepback does the bundles and generates all the necessary files inside my views directory.The problem now is that the path to the files is the root of the project. Then he tries to fetch the files like this:
<link rel="preaload" href="/css/chunk-common.45fe69c2.css" as="style">
So that it points to the correct path (application/views) I made the following configuration in the vue.config.js:
assetsDir: './views'
But now when he is going to do the build I have the following warning and the files bundle is not completed.
Does anyone know why this happens?
Assuming you want to access static assets under the base URL, you'll want to set the publicPath property in your config
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
outputDir: 'views',
publicPath: '/application/views/',
// ...
FYI, if you ever do want to use assetsDir, don't prefix it with ./
A directory (relative to outputDir) to nest generated static assets (js, css, img, fonts) under.
An example would be
assetsDir: 'assets'
which would dump files in views/assets/css, views/assets/js, etc.

Vue + Webpack: exclude config.js from being packed works, but it does not load

What I want:
In my Vue project, when doing a vue run build, everything is packed (webpack) into the dist directory.
I could deploy this entire package to the test server, but since the test server needs another set of credentials (for database etc.), one file, namely config.js, must be different on each environment.
My strategy:
exclude config.js from being packed into the app.12314...js bundle
define config.js as being emitted unaltered as a file (via webpack's file-loader)
What I did:
In the Vue component files which need config data, config is included via:
import config from '#/config/config.js';
I created a vue.config.js file for modifying the default webpack settings like this:
const path = require("path");
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
publicPath: '/',
configureWebpack: {
module: {
rules: [
test: /config.*config\.js$/,
use: [
// exclude config file from being packed. The config file should simply reside as a plain file on the
// file system, since it must be replaced with the target environoment specific config file on the server,
// e.g. for setting the correct database connection
loader: 'file-loader',
options: {
name: 'config/config.js'
What I expected:
config.js will be emitted as a plain file, not bundled => dist folder will contain a bundled app....js file and a separate config.js file
I can deploy the content of the dist folder to the test server and the generated code will take care of loading config.js adequately, so that the components can use the config data
Granted, config.js is now emitted as a file, so my dist folder looks like this:
├── config
│   └── config.js
├── css
│   ├── app.eb377513.css
│   └── chunk-vendors.2da46af1.css
├── favicon.png
├── index.html
└── js
├── app.724607ed.js
├── chunk-vendors.426dad42.js
As you can see, a separate file config.js! All other JS code has been bundled into app.724607ed.js. So far, so good.
However, the application on the test server would not load config.js, so every component which tries to use the variables in it, fails.
I noticed that in Chrome's developer tools, there is no network traffic for config.js. Apparently, the webpack code does not try to actually load the file from the file system. I expected this to be the case automatically.
what am I doing wrong, what am I missing?
is this the best practice to exclude config file from being packed?
Apparently, Webpack's file-loader does emit the file separately (good), but does not add code for loading it in the webapp (bad). I assumed that file-loader would take care of inserting the correct <script> tag in the index.html file, so that:
the separately emitted config.js file will be loaded
on the dev side, the syntax for using the config.js is the same as for the other (packed) artifacts, like this:
(in the Vue component file:)
import backend from '#/utils/backend.js'; // <-- normal way of requiring modules in Vue component
import config from '#/config/config.js'; // <-- would work the same, but actually will load emitted file
Unfortunately, seems I was wrong. Since Webpack does not care about loading the file in the webapp, I switch to a manual way, like this:
Step 1: Emit as a separate file
This one is important, since I want the config.js file to be separate (not packed and minified along with the rest of the Vue app). I already described how to do this in the question (define a separate rule for config.js and use file-loader for it).
Step 2: Take care yourself of loading the config file in the webapp
Since the file-loader does not add loading code, make it manually. In index.html, insert the following line:
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0">
<link rel="icon" href="<%= BASE_URL %>favicon.png">
<script type="text/javascript" src="config/config.js" ></script> <-------- insert this line!
Step 3: change config.js to be compatible with legacy importing method (without ES2015 module)
Now, the commonJS syntax is not viable anymore because config.js should be loaded by the browser. And I am not sure how to mix ES2015 type module loading (with native import syntax) with Webpack code (which would replace all import's with Webpack loading code). So I decided to switch to a legacy method: let config.js simply register a global (yuck!) variable like in old times:
var config = (() => {
return {
databaseCredentials: ...
Consequently, in each Vue module consuming config settings, adapt the "import" code - simply remove the imports because the variable config will be avalailable globally anyway (after our changes in config.js in this step):
// import config from '#/config/config.js'; // <-- commented out - or just REMOVE this line
Step 4: Trigger Webpack to consider config.js at all
The only caveat now is that since config.js is never referenced in a Javascript file in an import statement, Webpack would not "find" the file and would never take it into consideration. Which means that config.js also never would get emitted.
So, force Webpack to handle it, in App.vue:
import configDummy from '#/config/config.js';
Note that we never use the configDummy reference (variable), this is just that Webpack finds it - and applies its rules to the file. The rule in this case would be: emit it as a separate file in the dist folder (i.e. produce a dist/config/config.js file)
That's it! We used Webpack's file-loader so that config.js is not minified and bundled into the application bundle, but kept as a separate file. Further we took care of loading it via index.html which means the config settings are globally available.
What I do not like about this solution is that the nice methodology with import methods is corrupted for this special file. But I found no simple solution which just would make Webpack take care of these things.
If somebody has a suggestion, I would be glad to hear!
Update 09.04.2019: No, this is NOT an ideal solution. This works for the packaging/deploying (the npm run build part), but not for the development server (the npm run serve part). In order for the dev server to work, I had to copy config.js into the path public/config/config.js, so that the dev server can find it at the place which index.html is telling it, i.e. config/config.js (this is resolved relative to the index.html file).
So, again: it works, but sort of clumsy. And I do not like this solution.

Webpack 'publicPath' with express static

I'm trying to understand webpack output.publicPath now. I'm reading webpack official docs now, but it dosen't help me.
So here is webpack.config.js
import webpack from 'webpack';
export default {
output: {
filename: 'bundle.js',
path: '/dist',
publicPath: '/assets' // what's this for?
plugins: [
// ...
So i guess, this makes all files reference /assets which is set to publicPath. like prefix.
When if i want to server static file in /assets with express server, i should makes /assets as static like app.use('/assets', express.static(__dirname + '/assets')) .
Then what is the purpose of publicPath ? is it just prefix for path?
I'm a bit late, but in case anyone else looked at this question like me and wished it had an answer -
This publicPath is used by webpack as an alias by which you can access your built files. When you also attach it to express static file serving as you've done above, you allow any files placed there by webpack to be requested via that path.
For example, if you have /assets as your publicPath and a file foo.js that is built during your webpack build, you can then access it by hitting localhost:[port]/assets/foo.js
I've spent so much time trying to wrap my head around path vs publicPath that my head nearly explodes. Here is what I understand (correct me if I'm wrong):
publicPath specifies the URL that Webpack needs to reference from the perspective of the index.html file.
For example:
module.exports = {
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist/assets')
publicPath: '/assets/
This means the bundle is located at the dist/assets directory in your file system, but a request to it will look like localhost:3000/assets/bundle.js.
Inside the index.html, the script tag will look like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="assets/bundle.js"></script>
It is even more important when you serve assets from external resources like a CDN.
What you do with Express static middleware is irrelevant AFAIK. But I still set the assets folder as the root directory from which to serve static files.

Vue.js - Prerender plugin

I would like to use this plugin. To prerender some of my vue.js components.
The structure of my project is the one coming with Laravel 5.4
├── app
├── artisan
├── bootstrap
├── resources
├── assets
My components are located in components
I added this in my webpackconfig.js to try to render the component linked to the / route.
new PrerenderSpaPlugin(path.join(__dirname, './dist'), [ '/' ]),
The file index.html which is generated contains {"statusCode":404,"error":"Not Found"}
What should I do to be able to pre-render my components ?
Follow the documentation sample. You are using a wrong path, Use ../dist instead of ./dist
new PrerenderSpaPlugin(
// Path to compiled app
path.join(__dirname, '../dist'),
// List of endpoints you wish to prerender
[ '/' ]
You should target the correct path for your index.html entry point.
You are currently targeting the dist folder.

How to use grunt-contrib-copy to copy to root AND change directory structure

I have an express app with my dev views in /assets/views. I figure I need to separate development and production views because in production I'll be editing the HTML when I used grunt-contrib-usemin to concat/uglify scripts.
So here's the problem. My current tree:
├── 404.html
├── index.html
├── layout.html
├── question_ask.html
└── question_display.html
Ideally, I want my production-ready views to live on the same level as assets. Using grunt-contrib-copy, it seems to copy the whole tree. I currently am putting it into public since I'm not sure how to set my dest to the root of the project.
copy: {
views: {
src: ['assets/views/*.html'],
dest: 'public/'
So there are a few questions here:
Is it bad practice to have dev views and production views? If so, is there another way of producing a view that has references to concat/uglified scripts?
How the heck can I use grunt-contrib-copy to copy to the root of my project? I don't want assets/views obviously, I just want a views/* folder that has the contents of what's in assets/views/*.
You need to specify the flatten option which will remove the directory structure from the destination path. See my answer here: Copy all files from directory to another with Grunt.js copy