Better sql lite gives error for the code written in migration file - sql

Better sql lite gives error and stops executing further code written in .sql file for the migration. due to which we might have to perform\write manual code.
For Example
you have table x in db file.
you add column through migration .sql file which is not available in table x.
run exe, column gets added.
closing the exe
run exe again
Now you will find error for the column already exists and stop execution further for .sql content.
I found some issues like it also not supports 'IF NOT EXIST' etc. may I know the reason as I'm not much familiar with the Database things.
here is which I have used for the database and it's helper packages manager.
Thank you for helping hand in advance.



I'm currently updating all of our ETLs using Visual Studio 2015 (made in BIDS 2008) and redeploying them to a new reporting server running on SQL Server 2016 (originally 2008R2).
While updating one of the ETLs and trying to run on the new server I got this error:
The package execution failed. The step failed.
Sometimes it also produces this error:
Source: Load Fact Table SSIS.Pipeline Description: "Copy To Fact
Table" failed validation and returned validation status
I've tried deleting and re-adding the OLEDB Destination, connection strings and opened up the column mappings to refresh the meta data. I also recreated the whole data flow task but I'm still getting the same error.
The package runs fine on my local machine.
I started taking the package apart and running only pieces of it to try and narrow down which part was failing. It seemed to be failing on loading into the staging table but I couldn't find out why.
I eventually decided to just try and re-create the whole thing. After re-creating the entire package, still no luck. The picture below is from the event viewer on the server itself but it didn't give me any new information.
Package error from event viewer
I have tried all the solutions provided above and the other sites. Nothing worked.
I got a suggestion from my friend Which worked for me.
Here are the steps:
Right click on the Source/Target Data flow component.
Go to Advanced Editor -> Component Properties
Find ValidateExternalMetadata and set it to False.
Try your luck. This is a pathetic issue and left me clueless for 2 days.
I finally found the issue and here's how I did it.
Because the error messages I was getting from SSMS weren't very insightful I first opened up my remote desktop and logged into the server. Then I went to Administrative Tools>Event Viewer and then Windows Logs>Application to see if the failed event would provide greater detail.
It didn't give me much still.
The next step I took was to run the package from the command line because the messages should be more verbose. Opened up cmd, changed directory to the one my package was in and then...
DTEXEC /FILE YourPackageName.dtsx
Finally, the error message here showed a missing column in the tables the package was trying to write to. I added those columns and voila!
As stated in comments,
if it runs ok in your development environment, then the problem isn't with the package, it's with the scheduled job on the server. Try recreating that.
If that doesn't work,
It seems like the server has a cached instance of the package it's using instead of the updated one. Try renaming your package and creating a new job with the new package name and see if that works.
If that doesn't work,
all I can recommend at that point is to cut the package down until it succeeds, then add the next step that fails.
Sounds like from your solution the development environment is more forgiving of schema updates than the deployed solution. Glad you were able to resolve, eliminating clutter helps.
I had the same problem and my issue was a difference between two environments, the same field in the same table once was written with a capital and once not. So the name was the same, but with this small difference (e.g. isActive vs IsActive).
This came from a refactoring effort, where we used VS database publish that did not updated the field name.
Have you tried deleting and re-creating the source? When I get this I can generally modify OK any object that has the error but have to delete and rebuild the paths between them, however sometimes I have to delete everything in the data flow and re-create it.
A Proxy for SSIS Package Execution should be created under the SQL Server Agent. You should then change your job step (or steps) to Run As the Proxy you've created.
I had your same problem some time ago and the proxy fixed it.
Forgive me if you've already tried this.
It is very common to get that message when 2 columns in the source file are being inserted into the same field of the table.
My text file has twice "neighborhood" (same label for different columns) and my table has "neighborhood" and "neighborhoodb" (notice the "b" at the end). The import will try to import both text columns into the field "neighborhood" and ignore the "neighborhoodb" field, it will fail with the "VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA" error.
Re-creating the job worked for me. Some cached version of the job may have been causing the VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA error. The package was executing correctly but it was failing, when it was executed by an agent job.
This ended up being a permissions issue for me. The OLE DB Source was using a stored procedure that selected from a SQL view. This view joined to a table in another database and unfortunately the proxy account the SQL Agent job step was running the package under did not have SELECT permission to the table in that database. This is why the package ran fine in Visual Studio but not from a job when deployed to the server. I found the root cause of the error by taking the SELECT statement out of the stored procedure and putting it directly in the Source Query box of the OLE DB Source control which caused it to finally return the 'SELECT permission denied' error message. This error was apparently hidden from SSIS since the proxy account DID have execute permission on the stored procedure.
It works for me after changing the ValidateExternalMetadata to false. I was transferring the data from MSSQL database to MySQL database. Changed "ADO NET Destination".
You may need to strongly type your Source Query.
If your DestinationDB has a FullName field Nvarchar(255)
and in your source query you have
select firstname + lastname as FullName from...
Try this:
Select CONVERT(NVARCHAR(255),firstname + lastname) as Fullname from...
So if you are going from db to db and both are nvarchar(255) I don't have this issue, but if you are concatenating fields in your query specify the data type and length.
This error can also occur when an entire SSIS project needs to be redeployed rather than just one of the packages (for VS versions that allow deployment of a single package in a multi-package project), particularly when a project connection has been changed or added. For example, if you've added or removed columns from a flat-file project connection. In that case, you need to deploy the entire project to push out the updated project connection properties. This can be true even if the project only has one package in it. In VS Solution Explorer, rather than click on the package name to deploy, select the bolded project name at the top, and then click deploy.

SQL Sever 2012 - generating scripts - Save to File = Not Run

I am creating scripts of a SQL Server 2012 database because I cannot backup the database to a local drive. I understand how to create the script but at the end of the process the application seems to get stuck at the Save to file = Not Run.
The database is a huge database, but it appears that not much data is being written to the drive.
This appears to be a bug in SQL Server 11.0.6020 tools.
There is no trace in event log or server log, the script generator wizard just stops at the last step (which is writing the script to the destination, which can be a file or a new script window - either remains in status "not run" forever, with "Cancel" as the only possible user action).
Some experimenting showed that it indeed depends on script size.
I was not able to reproduce the problem on any lower or newer version of Microsoft SQL Server.
The solution is annoying: click yourself through the wizard multiple times, first scripting only database definition in parts:
datatypes, functions and tables
then only views, and
then only procedures
You can later concatenate the three resulting files if that is a requirement.
This approach will not help if any of the three parts alone is bigger than the (unknown) treshold. Eventually, script the data, selecting only smaller sets of tables for each run.
As mentioned in one of the comments on the original post, this is still an issue with SQL Server Management Studio v17.9.1 To work around it, I was able to use the "Single file per object" option. I definitely would have preferred a single file, but at least it worked this way. There was still a bit of a delay between the time that the status for all database objects showed Completed and the time that the "Save to file" line item changed from "Not Run" to Completed.
I'm using SQL Server Management Studio version 18.6. I wanted to export to a query in a new window:
But it resulted in it saying "Not run":
And a few seconds later, it said "Error":
Instead, what worked, was to save the result to a script file:
And here is the successful result:

Create a Sql Server Db from WIX in a specific location

I'm trying to have WIX create a database in a location the user specifies. I've got it working for the most part using some CustomActions and passing parameters to a sql script. But am having problems with permissions on the directory I'm attempting to create the DB in.
Searching for a resolution to this problem lead me to a post on here that I had not seen before today (Wix: create a sql server database at a specified location) where it seems like someone accomplished the same thing I'm wanting to do.
It is not clear from that post how the user was invoking the script? I am hoping they were doing something like the code code snippet below and I just don't know how to pass values to the script. If so, that would greatly simplify my task.
Can someone tell me how to pass values to a SqlScript when not using a customAction to invoke the script via sqlcmd.exe?
For the future reference of anyone else wishing to do this there are a couple of ways to create a database at a specified location. The simplest of which is using the wix tags that I did not know existed:
<sql:SqlFileSpec Name="DataBaseFile" Id ="mdfFile" Filename = "[DBDIR]TestDataBase.mdf"/>
<sql:SqlLogFileSpec Name="DataBaseLogFile" Id ="ldfFile" Filename = "[DBDIR]TestDataBase_Log.ldf"/>
This works perfectly as long as the directory that the database is being created in is not under "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)". Both of these locations seem to have special permissions to them that don't allow SQL Server to create a database there. This theory can be tested by trying to create a database using Sql Server Mgmt Studio in a folder somewhere under Program Files and looking at the error that is produced. Which is something like this for me:
CREATE FILE encountered operating system error 5(Access is denied.) while attempting to open or create the physical file
I'm still trying to figure out how an installer can accomplish putting a database under Program Files as I'm sure it's been done before.

How to use a Visual Studio sql deployment script in a windows installer

We've used a Visual Studio database project to manage our database schema. What we would like to is include .sql output of a database deployment as part of our products installer which is being created in InstallShield.
However when we add the sql script to the InstallShield project and run the installer, the installer fails to run the script. We get an OLEDB error complaining about the :setvar(s), although I could edit the sql script manually and fix it this isn't really a long term solution.
Garbage In Garbage Out. InstallShield just reads the scripts and executes it against an OLEDB connection. You can tell it On Error Abort, On Error Goto Next Statement or On Error Goto Next Script. Other then that it is what it is. If your SQL has problems they need to be fixed.
InstallShield can do search and replace processing on your SQL. Without a sample of your SQL it's difficult to say exactly what to do but take a look at:
Using InstallScript Text Substitution to Dynamically Replace Strings in SQL Scripts

Visual Foxpro SQL Server - Can't find the Call to SQL server in Foxpro

My DBA's are saying my foxpro application or .DBC (Database container) are hitting SQL server but searching all the code can't find the SQL call (FMTONLY ON/OFF).
This is the SQL command being sent:
Getting called 16260 times every few minuets?
Any ideas how to find this or what could be causing it, maybe my DBC file?
If you can't find it embedded in the .DBC, but not entirely sure its NOT in there, you can use a VFP tool to dump its contents to a .prg file... GENDBC which is in your installation folder of {VFP}\Tools\GenDBC\GenDBC.prg
Open your database, then run that program, it will cycle through all the tables, indexes, relations, connections, etc and generate the code corresponding to everything in it... You could then look at the output .prg file and see if something in there might be triggering what you can't see otherwise.