I have created a kml with LabelStyle showing Label size and labelcolor.
If I open google maps and import the kml the labels appear, however if I use the api and link to the kml. the markers appear but without the label. Is this a limitation of the api or am I doing something wrong
<LabelStyle> is not supported by the Google Maps JavaScript API v3
See the documentation:
KML element
Supported in the API?
In my React Native app, I need to generate a static google maps image with a dynamic address (like the image below). Once you press on the image, it needs to open up the google maps app to that same address. I looked at react-native-maps and it seems like overkill for what I want to achieve... Is there a way to embed a static google maps image in the app, put it inside a TouchableOpacity and just open google maps once you press on it?
You can use The Maps Static API to get the image
and https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-open-maps to open the map app.
i hope you got your answer.
Google Docs api returns EmbeddedObjectProperties always blank.
I have placed a drawing in google doc header and footer and i want to change color of drawing using google drive api but every time unable to get drawing properties. also embeddedDrawingProperties response is blank every time in api documentation there is no explanation for embeddedDrawingProperties.
EDIT: Her Question is related to google docs api. She wants to change color of a shape placed in header of google docs but she is unable to get the shape object and its properties.
How do i customize my markers to bear many images as the airbnb google map interface does? and how would i upload the images to google maps without using story maps? Any clue will be appreciated.
Read about Marker and Callout API (it depends on your need):
Follow official example for customizing them:
CustomCallout: https://github.com/react-community/react-native-maps/blob/master/example/examples/CustomCallout.js
CustomMarker: https://github.com/react-community/react-native-maps/blob/master/example/examples/CustomMarkers.js
If you don't like reading code, follow tutorial, eg:
The above tut is not give you the same result, but it showed you how to customizing.
My map(V3) is loaded into an iframe. I need to find the pixel co ordinates of each marker relative to the iframe. Could someone tell me how to do that please? Thanks a ton.
Check the API how to add overlays Google Maps V3 API
I use custom images in google maps markers. I have included google earth control through google earth browser plugin. But they don't show custom images in google earth control? Any way I can solve this problem?
In general, you define your own symbols via Style/Iconstyle/Icon structure first, then you reference them in placemarks using the styleUrl element.
If you have a KML/KMZ that works well with the standalone GE application showing your custom icons, you can load it into the API using some JavaScript like
var networkLink = ge.createNetworkLink('My cool KML/KMZ file');
var link = ge.createLink('Link to My cool ...');
If not you may get the stylemaps into the "internal KML" via some code. For example see here
Hope this helps.
Good luck
Try absolute paths for the marker icon's images. Must be a bug of some sort.