Apache Directory 2.x API changes - ldap

We were using Apache Directory API 1.x and it was using the AdDirSyncImpl to send the cookies to the Microsoft Directory and receiving the reply cookie through AdDirSyncDecorator.
Now we are upgrading the Apache Directory API to 2.x and it seems the above APIs were removed from the latest one and instead of these API, they have introduced the new AdDirSyncRequestImpl and AdDirSyncResponseImpl and many others.
So, anyone has use these API, Kindly confirm that, do I need to replace the AdDirSyncImpl by AdDirSyncRequestImpl and AdDirSyncDecorator by AdDirSyncResponseImpl.
Thank you in advanced.


Local instance of gitlab does not respond to REST-calls from the API documentation located in "/gitlab/doc/api/v4"

I have undertaking a master thesis project that uses the openapi.yaml files to auto generate test for REST-api web-services - This has lead me to host a local instance of gitlab, so that I can run the tool I am working on, on gitlab. For that to happen I need the .yaml files containing the documentation for the API calls. Such files are found within in the gitlab source-code, but the call does not seem to work.
Some calls work, namely:
all returns meaningful JSON.
the problem is that a lot of the calls within the documentation does not work (returns a "404 not found"), namely:
and more calls specified in the documentation.
The problem is that a lot of the calls that work are not documented (all of the above except the 'version' call). I have really tried to look for an alternative openapi.yaml files, but with little success and I am also puzzled to why the one left in the actual source-code does not contain meaningful documentation. Have I overlooked something? I am currently using postman and providing a sudo authentication-token.
Thanks in advance - I must surely have overlooked something!
Currently I have tried to look for an alternative openapi.yaml both by googling and be browsing swaggerhub.com. I Have look at the documentation pages for gitlab, but I have not found anything I did not already have.
Unfortunately, at this time of writing, GitLab does not provide an OpenAPI spec for all of its API. Only a very small part of the API is documented in openapi.yml. There is an open issue that is tracking this improvement.
For now, the online API docs are going to be your best source of information available on using the GitLab API.
As for your problem of getting 404 responses, the most common cause of this is that the credentials you are using do not have permissions to the project/feature you are trying to access or you are not using a proper authentication method. Also keep in mind some features of the API require an appropriate license entitlement.

PWA Caching Issue

I have a PWA which has been developed in ASP.net Core and hosted on an Azure App Service (Linux).
When a new version of the PWA was released, I found that devices failed to update without clearing the browser cache.
To resolve this, I discovered a tag helper called asp-append-version that will clear cache for a specific file. I also discovered that I can append the version of the src attribute that specifies the URL of a file to trigger the browser to retrieve the latest file. For example, src="/scripts/pwa.js?v=1". Each time I update the pwa.js file I would also change the version i.e. v=2.
I’ve now discovered that my PWA is caching other JavaScript files in my application which results in the app not working on devices that have been updated to the new version however failed to clear the cache on specific files.
I believed that if I didn’t specify any cache control headers such as Cache-Control that the browser would not cache any files however this appears not to be the case.
To resolve this issue, is the recommended approach to add the appropriate Cache-Control headers (Cache-Control, Pragma, and Expires) to prevent browser caching or should I only add the tag helper asp-append-version to for example scripts tags to auto clear cache for that specific file?
I would preferably like the browser to store for example images rather than going to the server each time to retrieve these. I believe setting the header Cache-Control: no-cache would work as this would check if the file has changed before retrieving the updated version?
Thanks # SteveSandersonMS for your insights, In your web server returns correct HTTP cache control headers, browsers will know not to re-use cached resources.
Refer here link 1 & link 2 for Cache control headers on Linux app service
For example, if you use the "ASP.NET Core hosted" version of the Blazor WebAssembly template, the server will return Cache-Control: no-cache headers which means the browser will always check with the server whether updated content is present (and this uses etags, so the server will return 304 meaning "keep using your cached content" if nothing has changed since the browser last updated its content).
If you use a different web server or service, you need to configure the web server to return correct caching headers. Blazor WebAssembly can't control or even influence that.
Refer here

Magento API Stopped Working After Domain Name Change

I had Magento SOAP API working perfectly until the client said Doh! We need it on this url instead, after I moved it it to that new url API will not run no matter what, I've made all the necessary url changes in the API script, Configuration, the DB and the site files.
Is there somewhere the old url may be encoded where I'm not finding it using a find and replace?
For instance, I created a full cPanel back up of the site, restored it to another server, whet back through and changed all the instances of the new url back to the old url in the db, site files and configuration and WHALA! SOAP starts working again..

google weather api links need human authentication

I developed a weather app using google weather API
but from today it stopped working.
When I tried to access the weather API using location through browser it asks for human authentication.
How can my app work when it is like this? Is there a way to bypass the authentication process?
It's very odd behavior...I wonder if it has something to do with headers that are passed along as when I try loading the API url in Chrome, Unsupported API...or if I do same URL in Firefox, works just fine.
It's also worth noting that I tried setting up an Apache Proxy to Google's weather service by placing the following two lines in a separate Web Server's apache config and referenced the API via www.domain.com/weather/api?weather=Chicago and it still works...so that's my workaround for now:
ProxyPassReverse /weather/ http://www.google.com/ig/
ProxyPass /weather/ http://www.google.com/ig/
Try to change domain, ex: http://www.google.ca/ig/api?weather=Sondrio . It works (for now :D).
Looks like it is out of use from now on
Even using .CA it returns Unsupported API randomly.
Yeah, interesting, Google seems to send back random "Unsupported API" responses if the request is missing the cookies that the browsers (tested with Chrome and Firefox) are including with requests to the inofficial weather URL.
I've fixed my application by copying the entire "Cookie:" header I found when I ran the request in Firefox with Firebug's "Net" tab enabled.
Not sure where on .google.com the browser got the cookies from yet, I presume from using a personalized service like gmail.
if you are looking for a weather API that works right now, I have a suggestion…
Try Metwit Weather API, it's new but sounds very cool…
This api is really simple to use because it use standards that are available nowadays, like JSON and REST.
you can use this new api this has the same xml structure of google weather api

Sitefinity 4.4 and Extensionless URLS: Is the sf404.aspx error mapping still required

Does anyone know if you still need the sf404.aspx mapping for Sitefinity 4.4?
I'm trying to run a new test SF 4.4 project, but when I try and login the page just gives me the following:
HTTP 404 cannot find /sf404.aspx (this was mapped like that for Sitefinity 3.7)
I then changed the IIS 404 configuration from sf404 to default and now I just get HTTP/1.1 404 Object Not Found.
The project works through Cassini, but not through IIS 6.
Any ideas?
the sf404.aspx page is definitely only used for Sitefinity 3.x and should not be mapped in a Sitefinty 4 website.
If you are attempting to run a newer version of Sitefinity on IIS6, you need to make sure to use a wildcard mapping so that all requests go through the ASP.NET engine.
This page details everything you need to setup to run Sitefinity on IIS6: http://www.sitefinity.com/documentation/documentationarticles/installation-and-administration-guide/install-sitefinity/configuring-the-iis-to-host-sitefinity-projects
You might also find this blog post helpful: http://www.sitefinity.com/blogs/joshmorales/posts/11-02-23/installing_sitefinity_4_on_iis_6.aspx