How to remove/replace OneLogin cookies from browser programmatically - api

When I Login OneLogin with one user on the same system. it's working fine. but I will Login with another user on the same system, it shows me an error message due to the old user cookie saved on that system.
The below code is used to set OneLogin cookies.
function makeCors(session_token,link) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.withCredentials = true;
var url = "";"POST", url, true);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
xhr.send(JSON.stringify({"session_token": session_token}));
Is there any way I can replace or remove OneLogin old user cookie from the browser programmatically?
To give the context we integrated the OneLogin with our React js application.


Microsoft Graph access token refresh

I am writing an application that uses the "OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant flow" to get an access token for calling the Microsoft Graph API. The application authenticates as itself, not on behalf of a signed in user.
I based my code off of this example from Microsoft.
This is how I initialize the GraphServiceClient:
// Read application settings from appsettings.json (tenant ID, app ID, client secret, etc.)
AppSettings config = AppSettingsFile.ReadFromJsonFile();
// Initialize the client credential auth provider
var scopes = new[] { "" };
var clientSecretCredential = new ClientSecretCredential(config.TenantId, config.AppId, config.ClientSecret);
var graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(clientSecretCredential, scopes);
And this is how I later use it (for example):
var users = await graphClient.Users.Request().GetAsync();
My application is an API. It is not an application that runs once and done. It will be continuously running for a long time. So I am concerned about what will happen when the access token expires. How do I make sure that when I need to use the graphClient the access token will not be expired?
According to your code snippet above, I think you are using the graph SDK and using the client credential flow as the authentication.
So we are no need to generate access token here but just using the graphClient to call the graph api and gather the information you needed. And due to this mode, it won't appear the token expired situation as each time you call an api you will new clientSecretCredential before it.
And let's come back to the refresh, azure ad provide refresh token for refreshing the access token when it expired as refresh token has much longer expire time than access token, when we try to get the refresh token, we need to append offline_access to the scope when generate the access. But using client credential flow means your app requests a new token with it's own credentials, so it's no need to using refresh token to avoid making signed-in user sign in again. Using credential flow shouldn't return refresh token.
Then you may have some ideas that you insist on using refresh the expired token process, then what you only can do is generate an access token first and save the token with its expired time in some place, and using the access token as the http request header and calling graph api. Then the code should like this, but I don't think you're willing to using this kind of code, you may also refer to this document for more details:
var scopes = new[] { "" };
var tenantId = "";
var clientId = "your_azuread_clientid";
var clientSecret = "corresponding_client_secret";
var clientSecretCredential = new ClientSecretCredential(
tenantId, clientId, clientSecret);
var tokenRequestContext = new TokenRequestContext(scopes);
var token = clientSecretCredential.GetTokenAsync(tokenRequestContext).Result.Token;
//using http sender with the token
httpClient = new HttpClient();
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token );
// Call the web API.
HttpResponseMessage response = await _httpClient.GetAsync(apiUri);

Get user profile details from Google using access token

We have mobile app developed in react native in which we have to implement Google and Facebook login. We have RN libraries using which we will get Facebook and Google user's profile details. But our requirement is like we need to just pass the access token to web api which is developed in core, and using the access token we have to verify the access token in core web api and fetch the user's profile details using Facebook or Google Apis.
It is working fine for Facebook api, below is the code for the same
var httpClient = new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri("") };
var response = await httpClient.GetAsync($"me?access_token={token}&fields=id,name,email,first_name,last_name,age_range,birthday,gender,locale,picture");
Similarly, when we pass access token(id_token) for google, it is not working, and below is code for the same,
var token ="eyJhb.eyJpc....";
var httpClient1 = new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri("") };
var response1 = await httpClient1.GetAsync($"userinfo?access_token={token}");
Can anyone please assist me, how can we verify the access token and fetch the user's profile details?
Thanks In Advance.
You can verify your "id_token" and get some user profile details at the same time by making GET request to the next endpoint:
var token ="eyJhb.eyJpc....";
var httpClient1 = new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri("") };
var response1 = await httpClient1.GetAsync($"tokeninfo?id_token={token}");
as described in google documentation "" (Calling the tokeninfo endpoint) section.
However in case you want to access google api services:
"id_token" is not meant to be used to access google api services, then you will need to have an "access_token" not an "id_token", you can follow the next documentation for that :

xhr to service with windows authentication

To access in browser web service using windows authentication I add the following:xhr.withCredentials= true;
Is it enough? Sometimes browser still shows windows asking for user win credentials. More details.
https://localhost:44386/api uses windows auth. Some users are allowed, some not - for test. Here is js code. Is it ok? Sometimes users still get dialog asking for teir windows credentials.
function send() {
const url = 'https://localhost:44386/api/values';
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.withCredentials = true;"GET", url);
xhr.onload = () => requestComplete(xhr);

ServiceStack Authentication IsAuthenticated always false for users authenticated via facebook

Hi am trying to use OAuth authentication FacebookAuthProvider provided by servicestack
var AppSettings = appHost.AppSettings;
appHost.Plugins.Add(new AuthFeature(() => new CustomUserSession(),
new IAuthProvider[] {
new CredentialsAuthProvider(AppSettings),
new FacebookAuthProvider(AppSettings),
new GoogleAuthProvider(AppSettings)
I have implement custom AuthEvents and I have access to authorized user data
but after RedirectUrl happens in endpoint session is empty and IsAuthenticated property is false
In the same time from Controller I can see that created session successfully saved in Cache
This scenario occurred only if user doesn't login in facebook in the browser yet, but for user that already logged in facebook, authentication works fine
What am I doing wrong ?
Thanks in advance!
Scenario for repsoducing:
ensure that you didn't loged in facebook in browser (open and log out if need)
run web app (project which created with template mvcauth)
try to login via facebook
3.1. for first attempt you will be redirected to page for specify your facebook account credentials
after first attempt you will be returned to web app page /Account/Login#s=1 but User.Identity.IsAuthenticated = false in AccountController.Login and you still unauthorized.
after second attempt you will finally successfully logged in
At the same time after first attempt Session with user data will be created and saved in Cache, it looks like after redirecting from page '' а new session being created without auth data, but for second attempt we successfully login, maybe the core of issue is redirection from ''
In order to be able to use ServiceStack.Auth in MVC and vice-versa you'll need to register the NetCoreIdentityAuthProvider which provides integration between ServiceStack Authenticated Sessions and ASP.NET Core's Claims Principal, e.g:
public void Configure(IAppHost appHost)
var AppSettings = appHost.AppSettings;
appHost.Plugins.Add(new AuthFeature(() => new CustomUserSession(),
new IAuthProvider[] {
new NetCoreIdentityAuthProvider(AppSettings), /* Use ServiceStack Auth in MVC */
new CredentialsAuthProvider(AppSettings), /* Sign In with Username / Password */
new FacebookAuthProvider(AppSettings),
new GoogleAuthProvider(AppSettings),
new MicrosoftGraphAuthProvider(AppSettings),
appHost.Plugins.Add(new RegistrationFeature()); //Enable /register Service
//override the default registration validation with your own custom implementation
appHost.RegisterAs<CustomRegistrationValidator, IValidator<Register>>();

Is it correct to request access token upon EVERY API call in my web app controllers?

I have a web API on the backend, and a web app and phone app on the front end.
I am using Auth0 for OAuth/OpenId authentication on all three.
Both web API and web app are written in ASP .Net Core 1.1 MVC.
Every time I call the web API from the web app, I request an access token from Auth0. So, in every controller action that requires access to my API, I have:
var client = new HttpClient();
var tokenResponse = await client.PostAsync(tokenEndpoint,
new FormUrlEncodedContent(new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("grant_type", "client_credentials"),
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("client_id", _auth0Settings.ClientId),
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("client_secret", _auth0Settings.ClientSecret),
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("audience", _auth0Settings.ApiIdentifier),
Is this the correct way of doing this? Or should I just perform this once when the web app fires up, and then store the access token in a global variable that I can call from all my controllers?
You should call only once and reuse the token. When the token has expired you should request new token with refresh token. If u do not use refresh tokens u should redirect user to login page to reauthenticate or have some sort of auto-reauthenticate mechanism on web app.