Alternative of chromedriver for appium - selenium

I am currently Automating a windows desktop application with a CEF windows popup inbetween.
What I am currently doing:
Using Appium for windows to automate the application and while the CEF windows popups I am using Selenium chromedriver to over the window in chrome browser. (This is working)
What I want to do:
Using only Appium automate both the desktop app and the CEF window popup. Is this possible?


Start appium inspector, when appium server started programmatically

I have started appium server programmatically (using appium service builder)
now I need appium inspector to inspect elements.
Is there any way to start inspector programmatically or I need to remove my code and use the appium desktop application for server session and inspect elements.
Thanks in advance
If the device is attached to the same host as that of appium server, use uiautomatorviewer under Android SDK to inspect the elements in Android.
For iOS, it is recommended to use Appium Desktop version itself.
Appium inspector is separated from appium server build. You will get separate installation file for appium inspector. You can start it independent of the appium server. Try with the latest version.

Cannot Open Firefox browser in foreground in jenkins?

I am not able to open firefox browser in foreground when running using jenkins. It is being opened in the background and script is executed. But I need it to open in foreground to perform sikuli testing.

Automate Opera Mini Tests via Appium/Selenium

I have researched how to test mobile web apps via Appium (to use the mobile sdk)
The achieve automation of opera browser tests, one can use selenium / appium with the opera chrome or presto drivers (imported libraries)
However there is no documentation with regards to running automation on opera mini applications.
Does anyone know if this is possible? Has anyone successfully used Apium to test Opera Mini?
Though it is not supported out of the box by Appium (CHROME, CHROMIUM, SAFARI are listed), you can use operachromiumdriver:
desired_caps['chromedriverExecutable'] = '/absolute/path/to/operadriver'
desired_caps['app'] = os.path.abspath('opera-browser.apk')
desired_caps['appPackage'] = 'com.opera.browser'
desired_caps['androidDeviceSocket'] = desired_caps['appPackage'] + '.devtools'
So I was able to use the opera driver to automate tests on the opera browser on android, however, it was unable to provide the functionality needed to automate testing on the opera mini browser on android.

Appium: How to get current window?

I have Appium 1.4.13
IOSDriver<MobileElement> driver = new IOSDriver<MobileElement>(appiumUrl, desiredCapabilities);
How do I get current window (UIAWindow)? How do I get all elements on that window?
hi Artem appium tool only automates the app not android functionalities so you cant retrieve like home, settings window just like selenium does browser automation not the windows system (for that we use external tools like AutoIt and Sikuli), To retrieve app handles we use getcontextHandles() method to know we are in native app or Web view... hope this helps

Appcelerator Apps don't work in Firefox and Chrome but work in IE

I have problem as following. I use a Titanium Studio, build: with SDK 3.1.1 GA (on Windows 7). When I try to run example app as "Mobile Web Preview in Browser", then I saw mobile app in my Firefox (version 21.0) but any actions associated with 'clicks' don't work. Furthermore when I try run the same app in Chrome I see the same behaviour. Only in Internet Explorer app works properly (version 10). Do you have idea why apps from Titanium don't work properly? If you would like to get some more logs just ask.
EDIT: I provide remote access, and reopen page by Firefox in the same version on my colleague's laptop. Then in here browser everything works well. So i have question which settings, on my browser can "freezing" titanium application. Javascript is running, so I don't have idea, what is bad in my configuration.
This sounds like you are making web service calls to a remote host, which violates the same-origin-policy built into recent versions of chrome.
Try opening up chrome with this policy disabled:
chrome.exe --disable-web-security