I tried many times to install the git on the yarn with the EMR cluster.
But It also has the error like below. And for the S3 bucket, it was also hard to cache.
I have just installed amplify cli through the command:
npm install #aws-amplify/cli
It mentions it has installed version 4.2.0.
Following the directions of the document below, I tried to run an "Amplify Pull" command to rearrange my files based on the contents on the cloud:
However it tells me that The Amplify CLI can NOT find command: pull
Is it correct? Which command should I run instead of this one?
Can you confirm you ran npm install -g #aws-amplify/cli (note the -g flag)? Otherwise, you may have an older global amplify, while your local project has the newer amplify.
which amplify should return something like /usr/local/bin/amplify
amplify --version should return 4.2.0
It seems like changing the F (capital) to f (lowercase) solved my issue:
amplify remove Function
The Amplify CLI can NOT find command: remove Function
Scanning for plugins...
amplify remove function
No resources added for this category
p.s (Function is the name of the category)
I need to install apollo-engine for my cloud instance. This repository has dependencies:
"optionalDependencies": {
"apollo-engine-binary-darwin": "0.2018.4-86-gf35bdc892",
"apollo-engine-binary-linux": "0.2018.4-86-gf35bdc892",
"apollo-engine-binary-windows": "0.2018.4-86-gf35bdc892"
Those dependencies are super slow to install on my instance. Is there some way to redirect those repos to a disk location, or track them in my version control and do something like yarn install --<option to exclude apollo-engine-binary-*>
If using Docker or any other containerization system, you should be able to use a custom image providing yarn with those packages preloaded as cache.
I need to continually build a create-react-app application and deploy it to Amazon S3 bucket.
I have written the following CircleCi config.yml:
version: 2
- image: circleci/node:7.10
- checkout
- run: npm install
- run: npm run build
branch: circle-config-test
- aws s3 sync build/ s3://http://www.typing-coacher.net.s3-website.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/ --delete
What I think should happens:
I have a docker container, I install the application, build it and the files are resting ready in build folder.
I am running the command listed in CircleCi docs and the build files are moving from the docker machine to s3 bucket.
To deploy a project to S3, you can use the following command in the
deployment section of circle.yml:
aws s3 sync <path-to-files> s3://<bucket-URL> --delete
What actually happens:
Application is being install and build files are being created, but nothing happen with deployment. it doesn't even appear on the builds console.
What Am i missing?
disclaimer: CircleCI Developer Advocate
Everything from the deployment: line and down shouldn't be there. That's syntax for CircleCI 1.0 while the rest of your config file is CircleCI 2.0.
You can either:
Create a new step and check for the branch name with Bash. If it's circle-config-test, then run the deployment commands. You'll also need to install the AWS CLI in that build.
Using [CircleCI Workflows], create a deployment job with a branch filter for circle-config-test. You can use any image that contains the AWS CLI or install it yourself. The CI Builds: AWS Docker image contains this for you.
I usually work with npm, recently I was being suggested yarn is a better alternative, as it can be used to cache the node_modules locally and save network bandwidth.
yarn is not working when I'm off network. can any one help me out?
Yarn by default works in online mode, unless it is launched using its offline switch.
yarn install –offline
However, the above command works only when yarn is preconfigured with a offline cache. the below commands will help to get it done.
yarn config set yarn-offline-mirror ./npm-packages-offline-cache
yarn config set yarn-offline-mirror-pruning true
for a detailed reading, please go through this blog, https://yarnpkg.com/blog/2016/11/24/offline-mirror/
i just deployed a git repo to my Openshift app. The game runs locally on my computer by running
Trying this on Openshift after ssh'ing
I just installed a local bower
npm install bower
and then tried bower install but get this:
Error: EACCES, permission denied '/var/lib/openshift/53dd22222e0b8cdd07d00026f/.config'
at Object.fs.mkdirSync (fs.js:642:18)
npm install works fine
How do I run the bower?
Also another issue is that after deploying with app-deploy inside my directory with .git, the deployed files seem to be several commits behind what I had on my computer. How do I get the latest files on there with rhc app-deploy
I can't even see the git repo on there. in cd app-root/repo/
Bower expects to be able to write some of its config files in $HOME/.bower/ (or inside .config), but OpenShift does not provide write access to $HOME.
You can work around this issue by prepending HOME=$OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR before the bower command whenever you run it: