How to limit acceptable version ranges for an entire product dependency tree? - npm

Recently new versions of packages came out, which required new versions of another library (which in turn broke my production builds). However, they both only increased their patch version number (one was #types/prettier and the other one cheerio).
My projects use these libs only indirectly, so even though I set all my dependencies to a fixed version number, these changes affected my builds and cause a lot of grief.
If I could tell NPM not to consider newer versions of a package and always use only the specified one, this kind of problem would probably not appear. Is it possible to force NPM not to install newer versions of dependencies, even if they allow ranges?


How can I achieve a "hard-pin" with NPM inside my project?

I would like to hard-pin my NPM dependencies. "Hard-pinning" would mean that an automated process would check my dependency list for certain packages with certain versions and if a package has been locally upgraded, an custom error message should be shown (ideally, this should be integrated in a pre-push Git hook).
The reasons for wanting this behavior could be:
external dependencies (e.g. other teams integrating with your project, requiring certain versions)
broken or unwanted behavior because of certain issues (e.g. "wait until #124 is fixed")
known non-obvious migration effort for major upgrades
upgrade incompatibilities (e.g. newest version requires, but does not enforce, a newer peer dependency).
Normal pinning does not cut it in this case: it's trivial to update pinned packages anyway, comments do not work with package.json without extra effort and sometimes the reasons are too important not to be displayed explicitly.
How can I achieve such "hard-pinning"?

Is it possible to blacklist a NPM package version either in the project or on the machine config?

Given the news that npm 5.7.0 had some issues in production, I'm wondering if it's possible to blacklist a package version either in package.json or on the machine level perhaps in .npmrc or .yarnrc.
The behaviour I'm expecting is that upgrades are possible, so this is not a fixed semver version. SemVer has intentionally avoided defining version skipping in the spec because,
SemVer is meant to communicate what type of changes have occurred, not
'how much' change has occurred. If a user wants to know the details of
how much has changed, they should look at the changelog. A long
changelog tells them it's a big update.
But as a user I may know beforehand that I never want this version. For example, never use 5.7.0 but 5.7.1 is ok.
If you have package A that depends on B and B has a known bad version, you can define a version range with a hole in it. See last paragraph of I am not aware of any way to globally black-list such a version on your system however, so if you install A and it doesn't have a version hole on its dependency on B, you might have gotten the bad version, but in the example you state above, the offending version was pulled from publication as the news was released regarding the defect.
One thing you can do is purge your cache of any bad package versions to insure that they can't be used to resolve dependencies.

How to make npm use the lowest version that matches all requirements

We're using NodeJS for some projects and are faced with an issue that must have a simple solution (seeing as nobody else seems to have the problem).
In the packages.json there are a bunch of dependencies mentioned with a minimum version, each of which may have overlapping dependencies of their own. The default way a dependency is added is using the ^ operator which seems to mean 'compatible with' or 'same major version, but minor versions may differ'.
The way I understand npm to work is on npm install to take the highest minor version available that matches. Unfortunately 'compatible with' is not quite as enforced as you'd hope.
The situation this puts us in is that for instance on a developer machine version 1.1.0 is installed, but between development and publishing a new version 1.2.0, that has a bug, is introduced. On our build machine a fresh build is made which ends up using 1.2.0 and we've introduced a bug that wasn't there in development.
We tried changing the ^ operator to = for instance, but this gives us trouble when dependencies have subdependencies that aren't compatible with the requested version.
All in all I'm a bit confused, but this thing keeps biting us anytime something changes since the development machines don't do anything on npm install if the package is already there, but the build machine always gets fresh copies.
I know from NuGet that it always takes the lowest version that matches all combined requirements. Since this is always the same for a given set of dependencies, I much prefer this approach. Is there a way to make npm work like this too?
To answer my own question:
npm has introduced a new command npm ci which does something similar to npm install but enforces that the specific versions are used that were also used when a package was initially added by using the package-lock file.
See for more information

How can I tell which minimum CMake version to require in CMakeLists.txt?

In CMakeLists.txt scripts, it is customary to have a:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION x.y)
for the appropriate x.y version number. But - how can you tell what that minimum version is? I don't work with older versions; and as my distribution gets updated, so does CMake, so I may have even introduced commands requiring newer versions over time and I just don't know it.
I could theoretically require the versions I've tested this CMakeLists.txt with - but they're pretty new, and I don't want to restrict users of my code to just that.
There is no automatic way to do this. Here are some approaches I've used:
If you have used CMake for a while, you may roughly remember what features are newer and older. Select some of the features you use which you think are newer, and read the documentation to discover what version supports them.
If you can install just one or two old versions, it may be enough. CMake 2.8.x is very popular, so installing that and testing to see if it works (perhaps fixing it so it does) would be a nice service to some users.
Don't worry about it. Set the minimum to 2.8.10 and then accept patches or bug reports if users have specific issues. It's not likely that setting this number too low will cause any serious harm--typically it will just result in a different error message than "The CMake version is too old."
tl;dr: Try building with different CMake versions.
Download the CMake binary from according to the claimed minimal required version. You can unpack them in some directory and use this CMake to ensure it is still the minimal required version. You can have as many versions as you wish in parallel. Don't forget to delete the build directory.
A problem you did not mention, but is also important: Check your code with newer version. New policies can lead to dozens of warnings, many projects try avoiding warnings in releases. So it might be good to have the latest version with the same procedure.

How do you deal with people removing npm package versions?

Today I found that an npm package version, Babel 6.0.15, that my application relies on had been removed from npm.
This caused compilation failure on a new pc, and I had to go manually find the closest available version for it, and all the cascading version changes it affected on related packages.
What is the best of way of dealing with npm packages, now that I know they can go missing at any time?
Do you check your node_modules folder into source control?
Is there a rule on npm about what versions (major, minor, etc) may be removed by the creator, and which are more 'long term support' and must be retained?
How do you get npm locally to inform you when 'npm update' fails on a new pc, rather than silently failing?
After thinking about this for a while I wrote a blog post summarising what I think is best practice. Reproduced below:
Specify exact versions of all npm modules, e.g. “alt”: “0.17.8”
Commit your node_modules folder into source control
Don’t use DefinitelyTyped or any other external library Typescript definition tools
Some of these principles might be controversial, so here’s my reasoning:
Specify exact versions of all npm modules
Semver (semantic versioning) says that breaking changes should occur only if the major version changes. So you should be able to say just “alt”: “0.17”
But I’ve found in practice that even patch changes (bugfixes) can break your application – because libraries that rely on these library often expect some tiny behaviour in a particular version not to change. So in order for all your particular versions of particular libraries to work, they need to rely on exact versions of other libraries.
Commit your node_modules folder into source control
I first assumed that all versions of famous npm libraries would remain there indefinitely. But I then discovered that creators often remove old versions of their software from npm – which then breaks the cascading chain of exact version number dependencies you’ve configured for your app.
Yes, committing all your npm libraries will take up space in your repository, but they’re text files after all, not .DLLs, so they’ll get compressed really small. And the alternative is one day not being able to compile your app at all on a new computer because a library has been completely removed from npm.
Don’t use DefinitelyTyped or any other external library Typescript definition tools
It’s wonderful to be given compile errors for external tools you use. But I’ve found it’s not worth the effort because:
there’s no way to match the definition file version number and npm library version number, so you get definitions that are out of sync with the library you are using
they often have bugs
the type bugs you catch at compile time are probably going to occur in your own app, not in how you call external libraries
Instead of using .d.ts files for external libraries, just say:
declare module 'lodash'
let x: any;
export = x;
Or use the –allowJS flag in Typescript 1.8 onwards.