Amadeus Error Code - Where can I find error code 25864 and resolve email format error response? - amadeus

When selling a Amadeus hotel segment, I am consistently getting an error response regarding incorrect or missing email address. This is only happening for a specific Amadeus office ID. The same hotel and email address combination sells as expected in other OID.
Is there a setting on the Amadeus side that needs to be set at the OID level to support hotel sell and properly map email address?
Hotel Sell Request with email address in correct format:
<extraIndentification />
<markerRoomStayData />
<hotelName>Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Oakla</hotelName>
<markerRoomstayQuery />
<marker />
<markerOfExtra />
<ccHolderName>garner swann</ccHolderName>
Hotel Sell Response that email address is incorrect or missing:


Sabre API Request EnhancedAirBooking issue

while making request for EnhancedAirBooking for getting the error response INVALID BOARD POINT
But it works fine for other flightNumber and MarketingAirLineCode.
Sample RequestBody for which getting the above error response:
<EnhancedAirBookRQ xmlns="" version="3.0.0" HaltOnError="true">
<HaltOnStatus Code="UC" />
<HaltOnStatus Code="NN" />
<FlightSegment FlightNumber="572" DepartureDateTime="2018-07-15T22:05:00" NumberInParty="1" Status="NN" ResBookDesigCode="K">
<DestinationLocation LocationCode="JNB" />
<Equipment AirEquipType="74H" />
<MarketingAirline Code="SA" FlightNumber="7572" />
<MarriageGrp Ind="false" />
<OperatingAirline Code="LH" />
<OriginLocation LocationCode="FRA" />
<RedisplayReservation NumAttempts="9" WaitInterval="9000" />
<PriceRequestInformation Retain="true">
<PricingQualifiers CurrencyCode="CHF">
<PassengerType Code="ADT" Quantity="1" />
I think it's because you are sending the request with a different flight number. You should be sending FlightNumber="7572" in the FlightSegment node, not "572".
It is sufficient to provide Marketing Carrier and Marketing Carrier Flightnumber. What leads to confusion here, is that you passed the operating flight number in the node where the marketing carrier flight number is expected. If you want to pass the "572" it should be done in the operating carrier part, but its not required to have it at all.

eBay CompleteSale API giving error in response

I am using the following xml for eBay CompleteSale API call:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CompleteSaleRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<CommentText> string </CommentText>
<ErrorLanguage> string </ErrorLanguage>
<MessageID> string </MessageID>
When I run the script, the tracking number gets updated in the eBay correctly, but the response XML gives error:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CompleteSaleResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<CorrelationID> string </CorrelationID>
<ShortMessage>Invalid shipment tracking number or carrier</ShortMessage>
<LongMessage>You have entered an incorrect shipment tracking number/carrier.</LongMessage>
<ShortMessage>Tracking numbers invalid</ShortMessage>
<LongMessage>The following Tracking Numbers are invalid : TRACKING_NUMBER_VALUE.</LongMessage>
<ErrorParameters ParamID="0">
<ShortMessage>Internal error to the application.</ShortMessage>
<LongMessage>Internal error to the application.</LongMessage>
<ShortMessage>An error occurred.</ShortMessage>
<LongMessage>An error number "{0}" occurred while processing your request.</LongMessage>
Why I am not getting the success in response?
The tracking Number is like: 1Z7X887R0368851221 and carrier is 'UPS'
Please help.
Per eBay's own dev site:
Error 10007 ("Internal error to the application") indicates an error on the eBay server side, not an error in your application.
So you'd probably need to contact eBay about the specific issue, but my assumption is that while eBay will accept in any information into the Carrier and Tracking number fields, the format of the tracking number field must match some other critieria set by the carrier for inserting into another API upstream.
Have you tested the tracking number in UPS's own tracking mechanism? It returns a valid package tracking response?
Also, per the eBay dev site, if you are using UPS Mail Innovations rather than UPS, the carrier name to specifiy is UPS-MI.

WCF Data Service REST Client - duplicated entries

We are using the newest WCF dlls (5.6.1) to implement OData Client. We send a request to a service and we are supposed to get multiple, various entries. Unfortunately, something goes wrong and in the response we are getting the correct count of entries, which are incorrectly duplicated (The entry which is the last one is repeated by the count of entries). When the url, which is sent to the service, is executed in browser the entries in response are correct - every entry is different. The same situation is when in linq query I select only some of the columns by new{x.column1, x.column2} - every entry is different.
This is part of the response from browser:
<title type="text">...</title>
<category term="GET_AVG_CONS.Y_AVG_CONS_YEAR" scheme=""/>
<link href="Y_AVG_CONS_YEAR_COLLECTION(Customer='1000000167',CompCode='DE0J')" rel="edit" title="Y_AVG_CONS_YEAR"/>
<content type="application/xml">
<title type="text">...</title>
<category term="GET_AVG_CONS.Y_AVG_CONS_YEAR" scheme=""/>
<link href="Y_AVG_CONS_YEAR_COLLECTION(Customer='1000000167',CompCode='DE0J')" rel="edit" title="Y_AVG_CONS_YEAR"/>
<content type="application/xml">
This is part of the response from linq query selecting all colums:
And this is the response when I select only some of the columns in linq query:
Does anyone know what might be the problem?
The request which is sent by browser as well as from application, which results in duplicated entries, is the same:
IPaddress:port/something/GET_AVG_CONS/Y_AVG_CONS_COLLECTION()?$filter=Customer eq '1000000167'.
The request from application, which results in correct entries is:
IPaddress:port/something/GET_AVG_CONS/Y_AVG_CONS_YEAR_COLLECTION()?$filter=Customer eq '1000000167'&$select=Calmonth,Nptotcap.
I don't understand your question. I'm using linq query. Before the query is executed, there are no entries in collection. After the execution, they are already duplicated.

eBay API call AddItem using item's UPC code

I want to add products using AddItem API call in eBay with UPC code. I have searched about it, but did not get any specific answer. I want to ask what will be the UPC code for item that will be added in to the eBay list.
Please help me.
Thanks & Regards
This is an old question, and surely you have moved on. But surprisingly no other related examples here on stackoverflow or at were to be found when I ran into a similar need with the eBay API AddFixedPriceItem (almost exactly identical to AddItem but aimed at non-auction listings). Here is the XML request structure that worked for me in POSTing to this API for UPC or ISBN coded products illustrated using the Verify version of the API:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<VerifyAddFixedPriceItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<eBayAuthToken>YOUR TOKEN STRING HERE</eBayAuthToken>
<PayPalEmailAddress>SELLER PAYPAL EMAIL ADDR HERE</PayPalEmailAddress>
<EAN>Does not apply</EAN>
<ShippingServiceCost currencyID="USD">3.00</ShippingServiceCost>
<ShippingServiceCost currencyID="USD">5.00</ShippingServiceCost>
<StartPrice currencyID="USD">1.99</StartPrice>
<Location>CITY,STATE HERE</Location>
<Refund>Money Back</Refund>
<ReturnsWithin>30 Days</ReturnsWithin>
<ReturnsAccepted>Returns Accepted</ReturnsAccepted>
<ConditionID>EBAY CONDITION CODE</ConditionID>
<ConditionDisplayName>EBAY CONDITION DISPLAY TEXT</ConditionDisplayName>
This is the VerifyAddFixedPriceItem call, which again is very very similar to the VerifyAddItem API. You can use the Verify version of either to check out that the request will be OK once debugged (just don't trust the fees either of them report even in production). The AddFixedPriceItem API adds the item to eBay using the UPC code only, via the eBay product catalog content. You can replace <UPC> and </UPC> with <ISBN> and </ISBN> for books as well. You could use this as an XML template for the VerifyAddItem and AddItem APIs as well.
Text in CAPS needs to be customized, the shipping prices are just random for illustration. I ran this using eBay Trading API version 1001 (as of this posting date you can ignore the warnings about no seller profile being in place). Also you can find the eBay condition codes and name text here: eBay Condition ID Values and Names
Hope this helps you or someone else that comes along with a similar need.

CCNetModifyingUsers <user> value change after CCNET 1.6 to 1.8 upgrade

After upgrading one of our build servers to the latest version of CCNET it stopped sending emails to modifiers group. We've using Mercurial for source control and version 2.3.2 is installed on the build server.
buildmasters group still gets emails but not modifiers:
<email mailport="25" includeDetails="true" useSSL="false">
<user name="Name" group="buildmasters" address=""/>
<group name="buildmasters">
<regexConverter find="$" replace="" />
<subject buildResult="Success" value="Build Status - SUCCESSFUL - ${CCNetProject} - ${CCNetLabel}" />
<subject buildResult="Fixed" value="Build Status - HAS BEEN FIXED - ${CCNetProject} - ${CCNetLabel}" />
<subject buildResult="StillBroken" value="Build Status - FAILED - ${CCNetProject}" />
<subject buildResult="Broken" value="Build Status - FAILED - ${CCNetProject}" />
<subject buildResult="Exception" value="Build Status - SERVER EXCEPTION - ${CCNetProject} - a serious error has occurred" />
After digging through the build logs I noticed that <user> value under <CCNetModifyingUsers> has changed as follows:
From (CCNET 1.6):
To (CCNET 1.8):
<user>First Last</user>
<user>First Last</user>
Not sure how the <user> value under <CCNetModifyingUsers> gets populated or how to fix it.
UPDATE #1: I'm trying to see if changing the <converter> to ldapConverter will resolve my issues.
UPDATE #2: Still trying to mess with the ldapConverter:
<ldapConverter domainName="Name.corp" ldapLogOnUser="name" ldapLogOnPassword="pswd" />
This version throws and exception:
EmailPublisher exception: System.FormatException: The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address.
at System.Net.Mime.MailBnfHelper.ReadMailAddress(String data, Int32& offset, String& displayName)
at System.Net.Mail.MailAddressCollection.ParseValue(String addresses)
at ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.Core.Publishers.EmailPublisher.GetMailMessage(String from, String to, String replyto, String subject, String messageText, String workingFolder, String[] attachments)
at ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.Core.Publishers.EmailPublisher.SendMessage(String from, String to, String replyto, String subject, String message, String workingFolder)
While this:
<ldapConverter domainName="Name.corp" ldapLogOnUser="name" ldapLogOnPassword="pswd" ldapQueryField="userPrincipalName"/>
Successfully builds, but does not send emails out to the modifiers.
I've put the following temporary fix in place:
<regexConverter find="(?!^.?).(?!.{0}$).* " replace="" />
<regexConverter find="$" replace="" />
It however does not cover the following cases:
people's Mercurial username does not match their email address' name
people who have a double (triple?) first or last names
Will have to go through the source code to see if I can track down exactly what's causing the issues... might have to maintain a local build of it going forward.
I dealt with this in November of 2013. I had to install the CCNET source code and modify EmailLDAPConverter.cs. The Convert method creates a search filter using the SSAMAccountName Active Directory attribute. This would fail. I ended up filtering on the Active Directory "displayName" attribute.