Can I track if someone clicked a link on my Twitter post - api

I have a private business Twitter account and I would like to know when someone clicks any link inside one of my posts. This solution cannot assume that we know the form of the link being posted.
For example a twitter post like this:
Have you guys heard of this amazing site called google?
I would like to see how many people clicked on this link. I don't need to know any specific information about who they are, just if it was clicked or not.
Ideally I would want this from the API but crawlers and plugins are also possible. I would like to avoid using a paid tool but those would be acceptable.

I think you have multiple choices:
Use google firebase or google analytics
Create your own short link services by python or any other programming languages.
Just search in the google and look for short link generators which gives appropriate service.

Hi using the twitter api you should be able to understand how many clicks a link has.
But to have all this info automated you might need to use a third-party tool.
This should be the most straight forward solution.


Track how often link was clicked

I am currently running a website where I promote different coffees from pubs in my city. On my website I have links to the different coffees.
I have recently seen some of this links being shared on Facebook and other social networks.
So I was wondering if it is somehow possible to track how often one of this links are being clicked?
I have tried using redirects to my site but Facebook uses my pictures in the previews, whereas I don't want this because it is misleading.
I have seen that this works with Bitly so it must somehow be possible?
And there are of course different services providing this, but it would be nice if it would run without any foreign services.
So basically I am looking for a solution which will let me know how often a link, origination from my site was clicked in Facebook, Google+ or any other forum.
There definitely is. Try looking into Google Analytics, it will show you show much data from your personal websites and links that it can blow your mind! Here is the link
Google Analytics helps you analyze visitor traffic and paint a
complete picture of your audience and their needs. Track the routes
people take to reach you and the devices they use to get there with
reporting tools like Traffic Sources. Learn what people are looking
for and what they like with In-Page Analytics. Then tailor your
marketing and site content for maximum impact.
You can even get a free package to use!
Hope this helps!
Yes you have plenty of analytical options.
Something as straight forward as Google Analytics for example.
If you are using cpanel on your hosts server, you even have options such as AWSTATS, which will also provide information.
If all else fails you can even use post data stored in your apache / nginx logs.
Since you have amended your question you might want to check out this tool. It is not google. :)
It is called Click Meter and performs Link Tracking and provides click reports, etc

Hosting Google Plus Communities on My Website

Is it possible to embed a google community into a website page?
This way our clients can benefit from content and all other features in our website, yet be able to collaborate using Google Communities.
Ideally I would like to grab a Javascript code just like +1 button and paste it into my website page, add an iframe or something of this nature!
Sounds like if I try to be convincing, I may be able to influence some decisions!
More details: Our website services offers login with Google using Google OAuth, This way the user is either logged in or is forced to login with Google to get access to private areas of our customer portal, where you can review the status of Support Tickets, submit new support tickets, have access to knowledge base, documents, blogs, etc.
We have incorporated all sort of social plugins into the blogs, product catalogs and so forth.
It would be fantastic is the users can have access to a community (Forum or Discussion Board) within the same place. Google Community seem to be the tool but in the wrong place.
No such widget exists at this time, but it's an interesting idea. If you want to share more details on precisely what you're looking for, you can file the issue here: The more details you can provide, the more likely that, if we decide to implement this feature, we'll end up with something that you want.

Google API: show online contacts for Google Talk/Chat and Google Hangout

I might have overlooked this, but I'd like to implement Google Talk and Google Hangout on my site and I'm looking for some kind of (official, preferably PHP) API call that retrieves the online/offline contacts of a Google+ user. (similar to the list of online contacts next to Gmail)
Is this API functionality available and is it possible to provide the user with the option to select contact(s) to start a Google Hangout with?
To start, you're likely going to need to leverage a few different APIs. Since I cannot add a comment to ask questions, here's a recommended reading list based on my recent work with the Plus & Hangouts APIs:
Google Plus - - Collect a list of people in your circles. This will not tell you who's online or offline. May be optional (see #2). Unfortunately, this call is not available yet in the PHP Client Library, so I created one for my personal project and am waiting on some vetting to submit it back to the Google project. If you're interested, I'd be happy to share.
Google Talk - - Use that query the Talk service to see who's online and/or offline.
Starting a Hangout - Seems this discussion # the developer group is similar to your question and can best point you in a good starting direction.!topic/google-plus-developers/r_f7iweZ7c8
Hope that helps & curious to hear how it goes!

Regarding Facebook Registation/Login on website

Is it possible to have the user "like" your page during the registration process using the Facebook Registration/log in function on my website. I know you can have custom fields, but I don't see anything that talks about this. Please tell me where I can find this information. I don't want to be repetitive on my website by having them do this twice.
Authenticating an application is not the same as liking an application. So they are two distinct things. You can create something called a fan-gate to prevent the user from seeing the good stuff if they don't like your app. Google fan-gate and you will see some examples of how to implement.

Is it possible to develop a Facebook app that filters updates out of a feed?

Namely, does the Facebook API make this possible? I'd like to leave my news feed intact, but remove posts that meet some criteria for things I don't want to see (e.g., don't show me anything that sounds like Dick Cheney might have said it). Does the Facebook API allow apps to customize a user's normal news feed? I spent a few minutes looking at the facebook developer pages, but didn't see any direct answers to my question, so I was hoping some developers who were experienced with Facebook's API could help me here.
Before anyone mentions it, I don't want to just hide updates from those users. They may post other updates that I want to see, so I'd prefer to filter out updates based on content.
There is a Greasemonkey script called "Facebook Purity" which does this. You could probably look at the source and alter it to your specifications.
You could parse the news feed into a database on your site then use code to parse whether or not to display it.
yes this is possible but only if all your friends decide to add your application! otherwise you may be not able to access their feeds.
Its been a while since i used Facebook SDK so this may have changed.
The API provides very little news feed integration, and no you can't use the api to prevent news feed items from showing up in a users feed. All you can do is post and get, and you can only post 10 items a day, "significant" interactions. The Facebook API wasn't designed to enhance or alter the core Facebook experience, it was designed to allow developers to create third party apps that add to Facebook within a very limited and tightly controlled sandbox.
The Linq to facebook project looks quite interesting and may allow you to do what you are asking (if using .NET 3.5). My apologies for a link to such a pink website ;-)