Catch event when user was kicked from a telegram channel - telegram-bot

How to catch event when user was kicked from a telegram channel using PyTelegramBotAPI?
I tried to use chat_member_handler, but it works only with chat, not with channel or supergroup


discordGo guildUpdate

When guildUpdate is detected when updated with a server.
with discordGo
I want my bot to send a message to a channel. So when an authorized person makes changes to the server, I want a message to be sent to a particular channel only once, how can I do that?
Its logic is like an invitation bot. Instead of sending a message when the member logs in, it will only send a notification to a channel when the server is edited (updated). But I don't know as I am new to this coding language. :(

Is there a way to catch consumer cancelled events in aio-pika?

The title says it all. I see that I can catch the channel close event but I get no error at all if I remotely delete the queue being consumed from. I'm using aio-pika 6.6.0 and Python 3.7.7.

how do I retrieve the latest telegram bot messages posted in a channel through the api?

I want to see the last post a bot makes to my channel through the API/https
I tried getUpdates and it only shows messages I sent to the bot. I'd like to see messages the bot broadcasts to my channel
The getUpdates method only retrieves messages that are sent to the bot by normal users. Bots cannot see other bot messages, that means it cannot see its own messages. However you can track messages sent by the bot in your code logic. E.g. in Node.js you would do something like:
bot.sendMessage(channelId, "The message sent to the channel").then(ctx => {
// ctx contains the details of the message sent to the channel
// you can do whatever you want with it

Not receiving PAYMENT_UPDATED event for payment webhooks

I was able to use square's webhook API based on descriptions here,
and payment webhook was working fine.
Recently, I noticed that after completing a cash payment my webhook event handler
is not receiving any PAYMENT_UPDATED notifications.
I'm able to get the Test Webhook Notification trigger with my event handler service and I did register the PAYMENT_UPDATED webhook for my location.
This service was working before, is there any new changes for square-connect api?
There is no guarantee that the webhooks notification will successfully go through. If it fails for any reason, Square will not attempt to resend it. You should definitely use alternate methods (such as the ListTransactions endpoint) to fully verify the data.

How to tell when Sendgrid's DeliverAsync is done (

I'm working with Sendgrid to send out emails Async (in and want to notify the user when the process is complete. What's the fastest/easiest way to do this? I'm still new to threads and don't know how to wait on a sendgrid task/thread to finish.
You should be able to use the Await keyword, to cause the cause execution to stop until the message has been sent to SendGrid:
Dim response = Await YourAsyncDeliveryFunction(email)
' Do what you want
However, sending a message to SendGrid does not mean that it's in the user's inbox. The email still needs to be processed by SendGrid, sent to the user's email service provider, which in turn needs to process it and provide that to the user. So, it's near impossible to tell a user when an email is actually in their inbox. Most people just opt to tell users that they should receive an email shortly.