How to get longitude and latitude for a place within certain distance from a known longitude and latitude - sql

I want to find a place (longitude and latitude) with distance less than 10 km from a known longitude and latitude using BigQuery SQL. Is there any possible query for this?

I read your request as saying that given a geospatial point, you wish to query for anything within less than a 10km radius of that point. Here's two ways to solve this:
You could use the ST_BUFFER function which similarly takes an argument of the radius to use around a point, but instead uses a segmented circle with 8 segments by default.
FROM `table`
ST_GEOPOINT(longitude, latitude),
10 * 1000), -- Radius argument is expressed in meters
You might use ST_BUFFERWITHTOLERANCE that replaces the segmented circle with tolerance instead of circle segments.
FROM `table`
ST_GEOPOINT(longitude, latitude),
10 * 1000, -- Radius argument is expressed in meters
1), -- Tolerance of 1% of the buffer radius, expressed in meters

ST_Distance function should work here, like this:
with data as (
select 1 id, st_geogpoint(-122, 47) as geo
union all
select 2 id, st_geogpoint(-121, 47) as geo
select * from data
where st_distance(geo, st_geogpoint(-122.1, 47)) < 10000
id geo
1 POINT(-122 47)
Another way to write the distance condition is
ST_DWithin(geo, st_geogpoint(-122.1, 47), 10000)
If something does not work, please provide sample data and what data you expect in the results but is missing.


Find records by given latitude and longitude which intersects and circle within 2 mile radius using PostGIS?

I have a Postgres table with some data created by using a shapefile. I need to find all records which intersect within 2 miles radius from a given latitude and longitude. I used some queries including the following one.
SELECT * FROM us_census_zcta WHERE ST_INTERSECTS(geom,
CIRCLE(POINT(40.730610, -73.935242), 2));
But none of them worked. What I am doing wrong here? How can I get the results I need?
The SRID is 4269 (NAD 83).
EDIT: After Mike Organek pointed me out that I have switched the lat-long in the above query. And then I tried a few things and the following query gave me 1 record.
SELECT * FROM us_census_zcta WHERE ST_INTERSECTS(geom::geometry,
ST_SETSRID(ST_POINT(-73.935242, 40.730610), 4269)::geometry);
But how can I use Circle and find records which intersect within 2 miles radius from that given lat-long?
What you're looking for is ST_DWithin, which will check if records intersect within a given buffer. In order to use it with miles you better cast the geometry column to geography, as it then computes distances in metres:
For geography: units are in meters and distance measurement defaults to use_spheroid=true. For faster evaluation use use_spheroid=false to measure on the sphere.
SELECT * FROM us_census_zcta
ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(-73.935242, 40.730610), 4269)::geography,
3218.688); -- ~2 miles
Keep in mind that this cast might affect query performance if the indexes aren't set properly.
See also: Getting all Buildings in range of 5 miles from specified coordinates

SQL Network Length Calculation Lon/Lat

I currently have an Azure postgresql database containing openstreetmap data and I was wondering if there's a SQL query that can get the total distance of a way by using the lat/longs of the nodes the way uses.
I would like the SQL query to return way_id and distance.
My current approach is using C# to download all the ways and all the nodes into dictionaries (with their id's being the key). I then loop through all the ways, grouping all the nodes that belong to that way and then use their lat/longs (value divided by 10000000) to calculate the distance. This part works as excepted but rather it be done on the server.
The SQL I have attempted is below but I'm stuck on calculating the total distance per way based on the lat/longs.
Update: Postgis extension is installed.
SELECT as wId, node_id, (CAST(latitude as float)) / 10000000 as lat, (CAST(longitude as float)) / 10000000 as lon FROM public.current_ways
JOIN current_way_nodes as cwn ON = cwn.way_id
JOIN current_nodes as cn ON cwn.node_id =
wId node_id latitude longitude
2 1312575 51.4761127 -3.1888786
2 1312574 51.4759647 -3.1874216
2 1312573 51.4759207 -3.1870016
2 1213756 51.4758761 -3.1865223
3 ....
way_id length
3 ...
It would be much simpler should you also had the geometry in your table, i.e. the actual point instead of just the coordinates, or, even better, the actual lines.
That being said, here is a query to get what you are looking for:
SELECT w.way_id,
ST_Length( -- compute the length
ST_MAKELINE( --of a new line
ST_SetSRID( --made of an aggregation of NEW points
ST_MAKEPOINT((CAST(longitude as float)) / 10000000,(CAST(latitude as float)) / 10000000), --created using the long/lat from your text fields
4326) -- specify the projection
ORDER BY w.sequence_id -- order the points using the given sequence
)::geography --cast to geography so the output length will be in meters and not in degrees
) as length_m
FROM current_way_nodes w
JOIN current_nodes n ON w.node_id = n.node_id
GROUP BY w.way_id;

Postgis SQL for nearest neighbors

I'm trying to calculate the nearest neighbors. For that, I need to pass a parameter to limit the maximum distance from the neighbors. For example, which are the nearest neighbors within a radius of 1000 meters?
I did the following :
I created my table with the data:
id | name | latitude | longitude
After that, I executed the following query :
SELECT AddGeometryColumn ( 'public' , ' green ', ' geom ' , 4326 , ' POINT' , 2 );
UPDATE season
SET geom = ST_Transform(ST_PointFromText ('POINT (' || longitude || ' ' || latitude || ')', 4269), 4326);
First question, Is the SRID of Brazil 4326? What would be 4269 ?
Second question, by doing the following SQL
SELECT id, name
FROM season
WHERE ST_DWithin (
geom ,
ST_GeomFromText ('POINT(-49.2653819 -25.4244287 )', 4326),
This returns nothing. From what I understand, this SQL would further point the radius of the maximum distance, right?
It appears if you put 1000 results for 100000000, all my entries appear .
So, I wonder what is wrong here?
First, If you are using latitude, longitude, you need to use 4326.
UPDATE season SET geom = ST_PointFromText ('POINT(' || longitude || ' ' || latitude || ')' , 4326 ) ;
Then you create an index on the geom field
CREATE INDEX [indexname] ON [tablename] USING GIST ( [geometryfield] );
Then you get the kNN neightbors:
SELECT *,ST_Distance(geom,'SRID=4326;POINT(newLon newLat)'::geometry)
FROM yourDbTable
yourDbTable.geom <->'SRID=4326;POINT(newLon newLat)'::geometry
This query will take advantage of kNN functionality of the gist index (
Still the distance returned will be in degrees, not meters (projection 4326 uses degrees).
To fix this:
SELECT *,ST_Distance(geography(geom),ST_GeographyFromText('POINT(newLon newLat)')
FROM yourDbTable
yourDbTable.geom <->'SRID=4326;POINT(newLon newLat)'::geometry
When you calculate the ST_distance use the geography type. There distance is always in meters:
All this functionality will probably need a recent Postgis version (2.0+). I am not sure though.
Check this for reference
If you want to find information in Postgis on spatial reference systems look in the table spatial_ref_sys. Based on that and to answer you first question,
select * from spatial_ref_sys where srid=4629
returns the following:
4269 | EPSG | 4269 | GEOGCS["NAD83",DATUM["North_American_Datum_1983"
,SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]],AUTHORITY["
745329251994328,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4269"]] | +proj=long
lat +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +no_defs
This indicates that it is a North American Datum, and not Brasil, using the GRS80 ellipse, which is not the same as the WGS84 one used by 4326, which is the standard used by GPS. This information is what is used by the Proj4 projections library, which is included as part of a Postgis build on Postgres.
I searched for Brasil in spatial_ref_sys,
select * from spatial_ref_sys where auth_name ilike '%Bras%';
and this returned no results.
I did find a reference to 29101 on the web, which uses a South American datum, with a Brazilian Polyconic projection and units in metres.
To convert you original example to this, you could use:
select ST_Astext(ST_Transform(ST_SetSrid(ST_Makepoint(-49.265, -25.424),4326), 29101));
which returns:
POINT(5476247.04359163 7178517.77380949)
and would allow you to use ST_Distance or ST_DWithin in meters. I only put the ST_AsText so you can see the output, you obviously wouldn't actually use that in an update using ST_Transform.
Note the use of ST_Makepoint instead of concatenating coordinates -- the same thing, but easier to read, imho.
To answer your second question, because you are effectively working in 4326, lat/lon, which ranges from -180 to 180 and -90 to 90, if you used 1000 as the distance in ST_DWithin, you will get every record returned, because the 1000 is not meters, but degrees, so you would have to use something like the system above.
If you want to take distance in lat/lon, have a look at the haversine formula which will work fine for short distances.

Get Distance in Meters instead of degrees in Spatialite

I have the following query:
select distance(GeomFromText('POINT(8 49)',4326),GeomFromText('LINESTRING(8.329969 49.919323,8.330181 49.919468)',4326))
this gives me 0.97 degrees. But I need it in meters and do not know which SRID to transform to.
Can somebody give me an example how to get the result in meters for spatialite?
The positions are all in Europe.
Just multiply the value in degrees by 111195 - this value is (Earth mean radius)*PI/180 - that is 'mean length of one great circle degree in meters on Earth's surface'.
The result obtained using this method is within 1% of the geodesic distance for the WGS84 ellipsoid.
OK, my answer above still stands for the question: "how to convert arcs in degrees into lengths in meters", however, it's not the question you asked (should have asked).
I haven't used Spatialite professionally, so I assumed that your sample query indeed returns the 'length in degrees'. That's not true.
Unfortunately, it appears that Spatialite fails to calculate the distance in 'geographic sense'. Despite your geometries are defined with SRID 4326, it treats them as if they were on a plane.
Here's a simple proof:
select Distance(GeomFromText('POINT(0 0)',4326),GeomFromText('POINT(3 4)',4326));
returns 5.0.
It's a shame ...
Lets have a look at your original query:
select Distance(
GeomFromText('POINT(8 49)',4326),
GeomFromText('LINESTRING(8.329969 49.919323,8.330181 49.919468)',4326)
An equivalent query in MS SQL Server:
SELECT (geography::STGeomFromText('POINT(8 49)', 4326)).STDistance(geography::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING(8.329969 49.919323,8.330181 49.919468)', 4326));
gets you the correct result immediately: 105006.59673084648, in meters, and without any extra brouhaha.
So what are your options with Spatialite?
Indeed, as you said in comments, one option is to project your geometries, and calculate on those. Using SRID 3035 for Europe makes sense, too (if your locations are mostly in Germany, I'd consider SRID 25832).
select Distance(
Transform(GeomFromText('POINT(8 49)',4326),25832),
Transform(GeomFromText('LINESTRING(8.329969 49.919323,8.330181 49.919468)',4326),25832)
returns 104969.401605453.
As to your other sample (in comments):
select distance(
Transform(GeomFromText('POINT(8.328957 49.920900)',4326),3035),
Transform(GeomFromText('POINT(8.339665 49.918000)',4326),3035)
There's a simpler way to do it (if you have two POINTs, not a POINT and a LINESTRING): create a LINESTRING with your POINTs and use GeodesicLength function, like this:
select GeodesicLength(GeomFromText('LINESTRING(8.328957 49.920900, 8.339665 49.918000)',4326))
It returns 833.910006698673, as expected.
In SpatiaLite's functions reference guide, you can see there are two version of the Distance() function. One takes only two arguments and return the distance in CRS units, the other takes 3 arguments and return the distance in meters.
To get the distance in meters, simply pass a third argument to Distance:
sqlite> select Distance(MakePoint(0, 0), MakePoint(3, 4));
sqlite> select Distance(MakePoint(0, 0), MakePoint(3, 4), 1);

SQL Distance Query without Trigonometry

I have an SQLite database, which does not support trig functions. I would like to sort a set of lat,lng pairs in my table by distance as compared to a second lat,lng pair. I'm familiar with the standard haversine distance formula for sorting lat,lng pairs by distance.
In this case I don't care particularly for precision, my points are separated by large distances, so I don't mind rounding off the distances by treating curves as straight lines.
My question, is there a generally accepted formula for this kind of query? Remember no trig functions!
If your points are within reasonable distance of each other (i.e. not across half the world, and not across the date line), you can make a correction for the difference between latitude and longitude (as a longitude degree is shorter, except at the Equator), and then just calculate the distance as if the earth was flat.
As you just want to sort the values, you don't even have to use the square root, you can just add the squares of the differences.
Example, where #lat and #lng is your current position, and 2 is the difference correction:
select *
from Points
order by (lat - #lat) * (lat - #lat) + ((lng - #lng) * 2) * ((lng - #lng) * 2)
You can calculate the difference correction for a specific latitude as 1 / cos(lat).
Cees Timmerman came up with this formula which also works across the date line:
pow(lat-lat2, 2) + pow(2 * min(abs(lon-lon2), 360 - abs(lon-lon2)), 2)
If you want proper spatial data in your model then use SpatiaLite, a spatially-enabled version of SQLite:
Its like PostGIS is for PostgreSQL. All your SQLite functionality will work perfectly and unchanged, and you'll get spatial functions too.
You could always truncate the Taylor series expansion of sine and use the fact that sin^2(x)+cos^2(x)=1 to get the approximation of cosine. The only tricky part would be using Taylor's theorem to estimate the number of terms that you'd need for a given amount of precision.
Change "*" with "/" works for me:
select *
from Points
order by (lat - #lat) * (lat - #lat) + ((lng - #lng) / 2) * ((lng - #lng) / 2)