I have built library with NX monorepo I would like to publish the library to an internal NPM artifactory.
I don't want to install #jscutlery/semver to do that.
So the question is: Is there a way to do it manually or automatically without 3rd party libs?
For example: I need - Docs, semver, changelog in addition to my code.
So npm allows a preinstall script to run before installing a module. For example, puppeteer uses this step to install headless chrome. Is there any way to do something like this with deno?
Unlike Node.js, Deno has no package manager. Instead of installing packages, all modules and dependencies are simply cached as static files for use at runtime — there is no configurable hook for an "installation step". Any code which requires an external dependency (such as a coordinating process in the case of Puppeteer) must ensure that such a dependency exists at runtime using program code. See Creating a Subprocess in the manual.
See also section 3.1 of the manual Basics > Modules for information about the module system.
For an example of a Puppeteer implementation in Deno, see https://deno.land/x/puppeteer (source GitHub repo).
In my next.js project a package has a dependency which I don't want to include in production build because I hink it's safe to just remove the package to make a smaller build.
Is there a way to alias the loaded package to some empty stub module?
I'm using Next.js 12.2 with SWC, Typescript, NPM as a package manager.
I am using npm, yarn build as manager tool. Using these tech, create two project , CommonLib and SampleProject. so first I build CommonLib project, release its library and publish it to AWS codeartifact then ref that published artifact to SampleProject.
This flow looks fine and works well as well. But this whole process force us to publish our changes to artifact which block other.
So not think to do change locally in IDE (here is mscode), release it locally and then ref it to SampleProject.
I used npm install ../CommonLib command to install the package and IDE start point to locally project. But it doesn't compile the project.
Can anyone help me on this, what could be wrong here.
I'm developing both an application and a package which it will depend on. I'd like to use git submodules to include the package in my dev environment and build using a published package from npm when I compile for production. What is the easiest way to achieve something like this?
How can I support these NPM/ember addon scenarios?
developers build ember addon A and use build ember application B which uses their A local package
developers only builds B installing A from our nexus NPM integration repository
build system builds ember addon A installing into our nexus NPM release repository
developer desktop builds install packages to a local repo to be used later in the build.
build system builds deploy packages to our internal shared repo to be used by developers so they don't need to build all
build system builds can use npm publish --registry http://ourrepo/nexus/.... to publish into a private registry
develop desktop builds do????
We could use DependsOnMe with relative paths but that requires us to setup some kind of rule where builds work one way locally and another on the build machine.
While possible, I hope there's a more elegant solution to making this happen.
Can I have developers generate packages that go into the local npm cache for later use and if so can you point me to that documentation?
locally build npm package in project
nexus npm deploy doc
Because we use maven front end plugin to manage npm and ember we can encapsulate an additional npm module (in this case an ember addon) as a maven artifact and make use of maven dependency management for our various scenarios
Ember Add On module
add 'npm pack' to generate local package in npm repository (in our case root/target/tmp/.npm//)
add assembly to generate tar.gz containing tar file (a little silly) and attach it to module as an artifact (type: tar.gz, classifer: ember-addon)
Client module
add maven-dependency-plugin unpack which unpacks addon module's tar.gz classifier: ember-addon to target/ember-addons prior to npm execution for this module
modify package.json to use local dependency "our-addon" : "file:../../target/ember-addons///package.tgz"
If a user builds ember and client, then addon module build placing the artifact in local maven repository. Client module unpacks from local repository and pulls into node_modules via npm ember build process.
If a user only builds client, then client module fetches addon artifact from our nexus repository prior to the unpack and use phases.