qlikview - count based on a count condition - qlikview

I have the following table.
I'd like to create an expression which counts instances where order_number occurs only once.
Example - 100 and 102 do not repeat, while 101, 103 and 104 have multiple instances.
The expected result is 2.
I've tried
but does not seem to work.
Tried using Aggr too
count(({<Aggr(count(order_number), order_number))={1}>}order_number)

(Probably not very efficient way)
sum( if( aggr( count( order_number ), order_number) = 1, 1, 0 ) )
(from inside to outside)
aggr( count( order_number ), order_number) - will count the instances of each order_number
if( ... = 1, 1, 0) - for each order_number if the inner (count) calculation is equal to 1 then return 1 else 0
and sum(...) all of this
And the result (in the textbox)
If possible (depends on your requirement) flag these records in the script. After that the expression will be much simple (and efficient)


How do I return a key value when a specific column value is NOT present?

Here's a simplified example of my SALESORDERLINES table:
The key values for the table are ORDER and LINE.
The last line item of each order is supposed to be item "FEE", but occasionally order entry forgets to include it. I'm trying to find every instance where they failed to include the fee on the order.
So for the example data above, I would want to return order numbers 102 and 104 only.
Any ideas?
Just a guess since you don't specify what resultset you desire. And surely there is another table that you did not include that represents "orders" - perhaps named SALESORDERS?
Assuming that, then I suggest:
select ord."ORDER" -- a terrible idea to use reserved words as names
from dbo.SALESORDERS as ord
where not exists (select * from dbo.SALESORDERLINES as ordlines
where ord."ORDER" = ordlines."ORDER" and ordlines.ITEM = 'FEE')
order by ...;
Certainly there are other ways. EXCEPT comes to mind.
Try this :

SQL update statement to sum column in one table, then add the total to a different column/table

Evening all, hoping for some pointers with an SQL Server query if possible.
I have two tables in a database, example as follows:
PostedTranID AccountID PeriodID Value TransactionDate
1 100 120 100 2019-01-01
2 100 120 200 2020-01-01
3 100 130 300 2021-01-01
4 101 120 400 2020-01-01
5 101 130 500 2021-01-01
PeriodValueID AccountID PeriodID ActualValue
10 100 120 500
11 101 120 600
I have a mismatch in the two tables, and I'm failing miserably in my attempts. From the PostedTran table, I'm trying to select all transaction lines dated before 2021-01-01, then sum the Value for each AccountID from the results. I then need to add that value to the existing ActualValue in the PeriodValue table.
So, in the above example, the ActualValue on PeriodValueID 10 will update to 800, and 11 to 1000. The PeriodID in this example is constant and will always be 120.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Since RDMS not mentioned, pseudo-sql looks like:
with DataSum as
select AccountID, PeriodID, sum(Value) as TotalValue
from PostedTran
where TransactionDate<'1/1/2021'
group by AccountID, PeriodID
update PeriodValue set ActualValue = ActualValue + ds.TotalVaue
from PeriodValue pv inner join DataSum ds
on pv.accountid=ds.accountid and pv.periodid=ds.periodid
The following should do what you ask. I haven't included PeriodId in the correlation as you did not specify it in your description, however you can just include it if it's required.
update pv set pv.ActualValue=pv.ActualValue + t.Value
from PeriodValue pv
cross apply (
select Sum(value) value
from PostedTran pt
where pt.AccountId=pv.AccountId and pt.TransactionDate <'20210101'

Dividing a sum value into multiple rows due to field length constraint

I am migrating financial data from a very large table (100 million+ of rows) by summarizing the amount and insert them into summary table. I ran into problem when the summary amount (3 billions) is larger than what the field in the summary table can hold (can only hold up to 999 millions.) Changing the field size is not an option as it requires a change process.
The only option I have is to divide the amount (the one that breach the size limit) into smaller ones so it can be inserted into the table.
I came across this SQL - I need to divide a total value into multiple rows in another table which is similar except the number of rows I need to insert is dynamic.
For simplicity, this is how the source table might look like
acct_num | amt
101 125.00
101 550.00
101 650.00
101 375.00
101 475.00
102 15.00
103 325.00
103 875.00
104 200.00
104 275.00
The summary records are as follows
select acct_num, sum(amt)
from account_table
group by acct_num
Account Summary
acct_num | amt
101 2175.00
102 15.00
103 1200.00
104 475.00
Assuming the maximum value in the destination table is 1000.00, the expected output will be
acct_num | amt
101 1000.00
101 1000.00
101 175.00
102 15.00
103 1000.00
103 200.00
104 475.00
How do I create a query to get the expected result? Thanks in advance.
You need a numbers table. If you have a handful of values, you can define it manually. Otherwise, you might have one on hand or use a similar logic:
with n as (
select (rownum - 1) as n
from account_table
where rownum <= 10
a as (
select acct_num, sum(amt) as amt
from account_table
group by acct_num
select acct_num,
(case when (n.n + 1) * 1000 < amt then 1000
else amt - n.n * 1000
end) as amt
from a join
on n.n * 1000 < amt ;
A variation along these lines might give some ideas (using the 1,000 of your sample data):
WITH summary AS (
SELECT acct_num
,TRUNC(SUM(amt) / 1000) AS times
,MOD(SUM(amt), 1000) AS remainder
FROM account_table
GROUP BY acct_num
), x(acct_num, times, remainder) AS (
SELECT acct_num, times, remainder
FROM summary
SELECT s.acct_num, x.times - 1, s.remainder
FROM summary s
WHERE s.acct_num = x.acct_num
AND x.times > 0
SELECT acct_num
,CASE WHEN times = 0 THEN remainder ELSE 1000 END AS amt
ORDER BY acct_num, amt DESC
The idea is to first build a summary table with div and modulo:
101 2 175
102 0 15
103 1 200
104 0 475
Then perform a hierarchical query on the summary table based on the number of "times" (i.e. rows) you want, with an extra for the remainder.
101 1000
101 1000
101 175
102 15
103 1000
103 200
104 475

Combining Two Tables & Summing REV amts by Mth

Below are my two tables of data
Acct BillingDate REV
101 01/05/2018 5
101 01/30/2018 4
102 01/15/2018 2
103 01/4/2018 3
103 02/05/2018 2
106 03/06/2018 5
Acct BillingDate Lease_Rev
101 01/15/2018 2
102 01/16/2018 1
103 01/19/2018 2
104 02/05/2018 3
105 04/02/2018 1
Desired Output
Acct Jan Feb Mar Apr
101 11
102 3
103 5 2
104 3
105 1
106 5
My SQL Script is Below:
SELECT [NewSalesHistory].[Region]
,SUM(case when [NewSalesHistory].[billingdate] between '6/1/2016' and '6/30/2016' then REV else 0 end ) + [X].[Jun-16] AS 'Jun-16'
FROM [NewSalesHistory]
FULL join (SELECT [Account]
,SUM(case when [BWLease].[billingdate] between '6/1/2016' and '6/30/2016' then Lease_REV else 0 end ) as 'Jun-16'
FROM [AirgasPricing].[dbo].[BWLease]
GROUP BY [Account]) X ON [NewSalesHistory].[Account] = [X].[Account]
GROUP BY [NewSalesHistory].[Region]
I am having trouble combining these tables. If there is a rev amt and lease rev amt then it will combine (sum) for that account. If there is not a lease rev amt (which is the majority of the time), it brings back NULLs for all other rev amts accounts in Table 1. Table one can have duplicate accounts with different Rev, while the Table two is one unique account only w Lease rev. The output above is how I would like to see the data.
What am I missing here? Thanks!
I would suggest union all and group by:
select acct,
sum(case when billingdate >= '2016-01-01' and billingdate < '2016-02-01' then rev end) as rev_201601,
sum(case when billingdate >= '2016-02-01' and billingdate < '2016-03-01' then rev end) as rev_201602,
. . .
from ((select nsh.acct, nsh.billingdate, nsh.rev
from NewSalesHistory
) union all
(select bl.acct, bl.billingdate, bl.rev
from AirgasPricing..BWLease bl
) x
group by acct;
Okay, so there are a few things going on here:
1) As Gordon Linoff mentioned you can perform a union all on the two tables. Be sure to limit your column selections and name your columns appropriately:
x as consistentname1,
y as consistentname2,
z as consistentname3
from [NewSalesHistory]
union all
a as consistentname1,
b as consistentname2,
c as consistentname3
from [BWLease]
2) Your desired result contains a pivoted month column. Generate a column with your desired granularity on the result of the union in step one. F.ex. months:
concat(datepart(yy, Date_),'-',datename(mm,Date_)) as yyyyM
Then perform aggregation using a group by:
select sum(...) as desiredcolumnname
group by PK1, PK2, yyyyM
Finally, PIVOT to obtain your result: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/queries/from-using-pivot-and-unpivot?view=sql-server-2017
3) If you have other fields/columns that you wish to present then you first need to determine whether they are measures (can be aggregated) or are dimensions. That may be best addressed in a follow up question after you've achieved what you set out for in this part.
Hope it helps
As an aside, it seems like you are preparing data for reporting. Performing these transformations can be facilitated using a GUI such as MS Power Query. As long as your end goal is not data manipulation in the DB itself, you do not need to resort to raw sql.

How to find number of distinct phones per customer and put the customers(counts) in different buckets as per the counts?

Below is the table where I have customer_id and different phones they have.
customer_id phone_number
101 123456789
102 234567891
103 345678912
102 456789123
101 567891234
104 678912345
105 789123456
106 891234567
106 912345678
106 456457234
101 655435664
107 453426782
Now, I want to find customer_id and distinct phone number count.
So I used this query:
select distinct customer_id ,count(distinct phone_number)
from customer_phone;
customer_id no of phones
101 3
102 2
103 1
104 1
105 1
106 3
107 1
And, from the above table my final goal is to achieve the below output which takes the counts and puts in different buckets and then count number of consumers that fall in those buckets.
Buckets no of consumers
3 2
2 1
1 4
There are close to 200 million records. Can you please explain an efficient way to work on this?
You can use width_bucket for that:
select bucket, count(*)
from (
select width_bucket(count(distinct phone_number), 1, 10, 10) as bucket
from customer_phone
group by customer_id
) t
group by bucket;
width_bucket(..., 1, 10, 10) creates ten buckets for the values 1 through 10.
Online Example: http://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=oracle_11.2&fiddle=1e6d55305570499f363837aba21bdc7e
Use two aggregations:
select cnt, count(*), min(customer_id), max(customer_id)
from (select customer_id, count(distinct phone_number) as cnt
from customer_phone
group by customer_id
) c
group by cnt
order by cnt;