JSON element extraction from response based on scenario outline examples or external file - karate

This is my api response. Want to extract the value of the Id based on the displayNumber. This display number is a given in the list of values in examples/csv file.
"Acc": [
"Id": "2b765368696b3441673633325",
"code": "SGD",
"val": 406030.83,
"displayNumber": "8957",
"curval": 406030.83
"Id": "4e676269685a73787472355776764b50717a4",
"code": "GBP",
"val": 22.68,
"displayNumber": "1881",
"curval": 22.68
"Id": "526e666d65366e67626244626e6266467",
"code": "SGD",
"val": 38404.44,
"displayNumber": "1004",
"curval": 38404.44
"combinations": [
"displayNumber": "3444",
"Code": "SGD",
"Ids": [
"Id": "2b765368696b34416736333254462"
"Id": "4e676269685a7378747235577"
"Id": "526e666d65366e6762624d"
"destId": "3678434b643530456962435272d",
"curval": 3.85
"displayNumber": "8957",
"code": "SGD",
"Ids": [
"Id": "3678434b6435304569624357"
"Id": "4e676269685a73787472355776764b50717a4"
"Id": "526e666d65366e67626244626e62664679"
"destId": "2b765368696b344167363332544",
"curval": 406030.83
"displayNumber": "1881",
"code": "GBP",
"Ids": [
"Id": "3678434b643530456962435275"
"Id": "2b765368696b3441673"
"Id": "526e666d65366e67626244626e626"
"destId": "4e676269685a7378747d",
"curval": 22.68
Below expression works if i give the value
* def tempid = response
* def fromAccount = get[0] tempid.Acc[?(#.displayNumber==8957].Id
I'm not sure how to make this comparison value (i.e. 1881) as a variable which can be read from examples (scenario outline) or a csv file. Went through the documentation, which recommends, karate filters or maps. However, not able to follow how to implement.

You almost got it :-). This is the way you want to solve this
Scenario Outline: Testing SO question for Navneeth
* def tempid = response
* def fromAccount = get[0] tempid.Acc[?(#.displayNumber == <displayNumber>)]
* print fromAccount
You need to pass the placeholder in examples as -


How to check a particular value on basis of condition in karate

Goal: Match the check value is correct for 123S and 123O response in API
First check the value on this location x.details[0].user.school.name[0].codeable.text if it is 123S then check if x.details[0].data.check value is abc
Then check if the value on this location x.details[1].user.school.name[0].codeable.text is 123O then check if x.details[1].data.check is xyz
The response in array inter changes it is not mandatory first element is 123S sometime API returns 123O as first array response.
Sample JSON.
"type": "1",
"array": 2,
"details": [
"path": "path",
"user": {
"school": {
"name": [
"value": "this is school",
"codeable": {
"details": [
"hello": "yty",
"condition": "check1"
"text": "123S"
"sample": "test1",
"id": "22222"
"data": {
"check": "abc"
"path": "path",
"user": {
"school": {
"name": [
"value": "this is school",
"codeable": {
"details": [
"hello": "def",
"condition": "check2"
"text": "123O"
"sample": "test",
"id": "11111"
"data": {
"check": "xyz"
How I did in Postman but how to replicate same in Karate?
var jsonData = pm.response.json();
pm.test("Body matches string", function () {
for(var i=0;i<jsonData.details.length;i++){
if(jsonData.details[i].user.school.name[0].codeable.text == '123S')
if(jsonData.details[i].user.school.name[0].codeable.text == '123O')
2 lines. And this takes care of any number of combinations of lookup values :)
* def lookup = { '123S': 'abc', '123O': 'xyz' }
* match each response.details contains { data: { check: '#(lookup[_$.user.school.name[0].codeable.text])' } }

How to avoid the duplicated data entry after parsing json in kusto?

I have following sample json data.
"data": {
"type": "ABC",
"id": "17495500314",
"attributes": {
[!["event": "update",
"gps_vali][1]][1]d": true,
"gps": {
"distance_diff": 6.48,
"total_distance": 848.6
"hdop": 79,
"fuel_level": 46.8,
"total_fuel_used": 60443.9,
"location": {
"latitude": 411.372618,
"longitude": -1.254931,
"relative_position": {
"distance": "37",
"idle_periods": []
"relationships": {
"assets": {
"data": [
"type": "ABCDFTTG",
"id": "1589799143500003",
"attributes": {
"external_id": "ABCDFTTG",
"hardware_id": "ABCDFTTG"
"devices": {
"data": [
"type": "ABCDFTTG",
"id": "1585231172900341",
"attributes": {
"serial": "5572016191"
"type": "tablet",
"id": "1587893062600175",
"attributes": {
"serial": "ABCDFTTG"
"users": {
"data": [
"type": "user",
"id": "ABCDFTTG",
"attributes": {
"external_id": "ABCDFTTG"
"meta": {
"message_id": "11eb-8c75-0b3f87aedbb5",
"consumer_version": "1.2.0",
"origin_version": null,
"timestamp": "2021-06-14T17:42:29Z"
I want only one row instead of this two. Here is my kusto query which is used for parsing json data into table columns.
|where messageId =="123"
//|mv-expand message=message.data.attributes
|mv-expand message
|mv-expand Value=message.data.relationships.assets.['data']
|mv-expand value_devices=message.data.relationships.devices.['data']
|mv-expand value_user=message.data.relationships.users.['data']
| project type=message.data.type,id=message.data.id,
// Value=message.data.relationships.assets.['data'],//.['data']
This duplicate row appeared after adding user tag this tag is array so how to handle this array with single id.
I have parse my json data any got the following output.
Expected output should be like
check device_type and device_id columns

Issue when sending Query with Arabic characters through API

I can't send Query with Arabic characters through API. I am trying to send the query from CS-Cart to Quickbooks Online.
I tried to send the query using the arabic letters as the following:
select * from Customer Where DisplayName = 'احمد عبدالعزيز'
it returns:
"responseHeader": {
"status": 400,
"message": "Bad Request",
"intuitTid": "2dbec1fd-5dc1-3a14-4a12-7c338db0ee2a",
"realmID": "123146420719144"
"response": {
"Fault": {
"Error": [
"Message": "Error parsing query",
"Detail": "QueryParserError: Invalid content. Lexical error at line 1, column 45. Encountered: \"\\u0627\" (1575), after : \"\\'\"",
"code": "4000"
"type": "ValidationFault"
"time": "2019-07-04T07:09:03.026-07:00"
And if I try it after encoding the name and send the query as the following:
select * from Customer Where DisplayName = '%D8%A7%D8%AD%D9%85%D8%AF+%D8%B9%D8%A8%D8%AF%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%B2%D9%8A%D8%B2'
it returns nothing:
"QueryResponse": {},
"time": "2019-07-04T07:09:42.698-07:00"
I am expecting to get like:
"QueryResponse": {
"Customer": [
"Taxable": false,
"BillAddr": {
"Id": "924",
"Country": "Saudi Arabia"
"ShipAddr": {
"Id": "925",
"Country": "Saudi Arabia"
"Job": false,
"BillWithParent": false,
"Balance": 157.5,
"BalanceWithJobs": 157.5,
"CurrencyRef": {
"value": "SAR",
"name": "Saudi Riyal"
"PreferredDeliveryMethod": "None",
"IsProject": false,
"domain": "QBO",
"sparse": false,
"Id": "577",
"SyncToken": "0",
"MetaData": {
"CreateTime": "2019-07-01T06:37:32-07:00",
"LastUpdatedTime": "2019-07-01T06:37:33-07:00"
"GivenName": "Ramil",
"FamilyName": "Gilaev",
"FullyQualifiedName": "Ramil Gilaev",
"DisplayName": "Ramil Gilaev",
"PrintOnCheckName": "Ramil Gilaev",
"Active": true,
"PrimaryPhone": {
"FreeFormNumber": "123456789"
"startPosition": 1,
"maxResults": 1
"time": "2019-07-05T02:12:35.562-07:00"
Also I noticed even if the Query is in English name, it results the same.
select * from Customer Where DisplayName = 'Ahmed Al-Khuraisir'
it results:
"QueryResponse": {},
"time": "2019-07-05T03:31:11.149-07:00"
Please check attached images.
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2

How to update existing Knowledgebase using QnA Maker API v4.0?

I've successfully created my Knowledgebase using API.
But I forgot to add some alternative questions and metadata for one of the pairs.
I've noticed PATH method in the API to update the Knowledebase, so updating kb is supported.
I've created a payload which looked like this:
"add": {
"delete": {
"update": {
"qnaList": [
"id": 1,
"answer": "Answer",
"source": "link_to_source",
"questions": [
"Question 1?",
"Question 2?"
"metadata": [
"name": "oldMetadata",
"value": "oldMetadata"
"name": "newlyAddedMetaData",
"value": "newlyAddedMetaData"
I get back the following response HTTP 202 Accepted:
"operationState": "NotStarted",
"createdTimestamp": "2018-05-21T07:46:52Z",
"lastActionTimestamp": "2018-05-21T07:46:52Z",
"userId": "user_uuid",
"operationId": "operation_uuid"
So, looks like it worked. But in reality, this request doesn't take any affect.
When I check operation details, it returns me the following:
"operationState": "Succeeded",
"createdTimestamp": "2018-05-21T07:46:52Z",
"lastActionTimestamp": "2018-05-21T07:46:54Z",
"resourceLocation": "/knowledgebases/kb_uuid",
"userId": "user_uuid",
"operationId": "operation_uuid"
What am I doing wrong? And how should I update my kb via API properly?
Please help
I had the same problem, I discovered that it was necessary to have all the data of the json even if they were not used.
In your case you need "name" and "urls" in the "update" section and "Delete" in "update/qnaList/questions" section:
"add": {},
"delete": {},
"update": {
"name": "nameofKbBase", //this
"qnaList": [
"id": 2370,
"answer": "DemoAnswerEdit",
"source": "CustomSource",
"questions": {
"add": [
"delete": [] //this
"metadata": { }
"urls": [] //this

Unwind an array in DocumentDB query

I have documents that look like this:
"id": "e1bb9b05-11f2-459e-37d3-9bf9fed56c96",
"name": "bulbasaur",
"type": [
"slot": 2,
"type": {
"url": "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/type/4/",
"name": "poison"
"slot": 1,
"type": {
"url": "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/type/12/",
"name": "grass"
The following query is about as close as I can get, but not quite the output I'm hoping for.
c.id, c.name, t.type.name as type
t IN c.types
c.name = "bulbasaur"
"id": "e1bb9b05-11f2-459e-37d3-9bf9fed56c96",
"name": "bulbasaur",
"type": "poison"
"id": "e1bb9b05-11f2-459e-37d3-9bf9fed56c96",
"name": "bulbasaur",
"type": "grass"
Hoping for
"id": "e1bb9b05-11f2-459e-37d3-9bf9fed56c96",
"name": "bulbasaur",
"types": ["poison", "grass"]
Is this possible with a DocumentDB query?
This requires use of DocumentDB UDFs, which can extend query functionality with custom transformations. For example, register this:
function unwindTypeArray(value) {
var result = { id: value.id, name: value.name, types: []};
for (var idx in value.type) {
var name = value.type[idx].type.name;
return result;
Then call it inside a query like:
SELECT udf.unwindTypeArray(c) FROM c WHERE c.name = "bulbasaur"