One line to define a specific property for all named datasources in Quarkus - datasource

I'm wondering if there is a way to define a property for multiple named datasources in one line?
For example, instead of doing this
I want to do something like this in one line for "name1", "name2", "name3"
But this won't work however since quarkus.datasource.db-kind=postgresql will be assigned to the default datasource and not "name1", "name2", "name3", etc...

You can't do this, you need to specify the names of each datasource explicitly.
The reason is that each name maps to multiple properties, not the other way around


How can I read value in square brackets of appsettings.json

I have appsettings.json with code:
"Serilog": {
"WriteTo": [
"Name": "RollingFile",
"Args": {
"pathFormat": "/home/www-data/aissubject/storage/logs/log-{Date}.txt"
How can I read value of "pathFormat" key?
What you're referring to is a JSON array. How you access that varies depending on what you're doing, but I'm assuming that since you're asking this, you're trying to get it directly out of IConfiguration, rather than using the options pattern (as you likely should be).
IConfiguration is basically a dictionary. In order to create the keys of that dictionary from something like JSON, the JSON is "flattened" using certain conventions. Each level will be separated by a colon. Arrays will be flattened by adding a colon-delimited component containing the index. In other words, to get at pathFormat in this particular example, you'd need:
Where the 0 portion denotes that you're getting the first item in the array. Again, it's much better and more appropriate to use the options pattern to map the configuration values onto an actual object, which would let you actually access this as an array rather than a magic string like this.

Dealing with a change to the type of an existing field?

If I had a simple object indexed in ES
{ "name" : "Mark", "age" : 30}
and then another object was added to the same index
{ "name" : "Bill", "age" : "forty"}
The mapping would fail to update, the new object would not get indexed. According to the elasticsearch docs
"once a field has been added, its type can not change. For example, if we added age and its value is a number, then it can’t be treated as a string."
Is there any way around this to allow these similar people objects to exist (and be searchable) under the same index?
I'm afraid that you can't do that. Because once you declared the type of your field, you can't change it without re-indexing your whole data set again. (and of course, refactoring your code).
This is true for Apache Solr also.
One option could be introducing a new field (age_in_string) and populate it also with the values you want: "30" and "forty". You can search on that.

Binding an NSPopUpButton

OK, so here's my situation :
I've got an NSDictionary, let's call it : myItem.
myItem.valueNames contains the values that I want to show up in the popup
myItem.values contains the values the popup must return (e.g. for valueName[0] -> value[0], and so on)
myItem.value contains the current value
How am I suppose to bind that? Even though I've studied the official reference, it still looks a bit obscure...
I'm currently binding :
myItem.valueNames to Content
myItem.values to Content Objects
myItem.value to Selected Value
and... all I've managed is that it shows the valueNames.
Any ideas?
Your model is a little strange to me. I wouldn't use an NSDictionary, I'd use a custom subclass with KVC/KVO compliant properties for each of these. Also, if the name of each value is a property of the value object itself, there's no need for a separate valueNames property. So, with that change, I'd do this:
Bind Content to modelObject with a key path of values
Bind Content Values to modelObject with a key path of
Bind Selected Object to modelObject (or yourControllerObject if that makes more sense) with a key path of value (I'd name it selectedValue)

Why does collection+json use anonymous objects instead of key value pairs

I'm trying to find a data schema which can be used for different scenaries and a promissing format I found so far is the collection+json format ( ).
So far it has a lot of the functionallity I need and is very flexible, however I don't get why it uses anonymous objects ( example: {"name" : "full-name", "value" : "J. Doe", "prompt" : "Full Name"}, ) instead of simple key value pairs. (example: "full-name": "J. Doe", ).
I see how you can transfer more information like the prompt, etc. but the parsing is much slower and it is harder to create a client for it since he has to access the fields by searching in an array. When binding the data to a spezific view, it has to be know which fields exists, so the anonymous objects have to be converted into a key value map again.
So is there a real advante using this anonymous objects instead of a key value map?
I think that the main reason is because a consumer client does not need to know in advance the format of the data.
As it is proposed now in collection+json, you know that in the data object you will find stuff about data simply by parsing through it, 'name' is always the identifying name for the field, 'value' is the value and so on, your client can be agnostic about how many fields or their names:
"name" : "full-name",
"value" : "J. Doe",
"prompt" : "Full Name"
"name" : "age",
"value" : "42",
"prompt" : "Age"
if you had instead
"full-name" : "J. Doe",
"age" : "42"
the client needs to have previous knowledge about your representation, so it should expect and understand 'full-name', 'age, and all the application specific fields.
I wrote this question and then forgott about it, but found the answer I looked for here:!searchin/collectionjson/key/collectionjson/_xaXs2Q7N_0/GQkg2mvPjqMJ
From Mike Amundsen the creator of collection+JSON
I understand your desire to add object serialization patterns to CJ.
However, one of the primary goals of my CJ design is to not support
object serialization. I know that serialization is an often-requested
feature for Web messages. It's a great way to optimize both the code
and the programmer experience. But it's just not what I am aiming for
in this particular design.
I think the extension Kevin ref'd is a good option. Not sure if anyone
is really using it, tho. If you'd like to design one (based on your
"body" idea), that's cool. If you'd like to start w/ a gist instead of
doing the whole "pull" thing, that's cool. Post it and let's talk
about it.
On another note, I've written a very basic client-side parser for CJ
(it's in the basic folder of the repo) to show how to hide the
"costly" parts of navigating CJ's state model cleanly. I actually
have a work item to create a client-side lib that can convert the
state representation into an arbitrary local object model, but haven't
had time to do the work yet. Maybe this is something you'd like help
me with?
At a deeper (and possibly more boring) level, this state-model
approach is part of a bigger pattern I have in mind to treat messages
as "type-less" containers and to allow clients and servers to utilize
whatever local object models they prefer - without the need for
cross-web agreement on that object model. This is an "opinionated
design model" that I am working toward.
Finally, as you rightly point out at the top of the thread, HAL and
Siren are much better able to support object serialization style
messages. I think that's very cool and I encourage folks (including my
clients) to use these other formats when object serialization is the
preferred pattern and to use CJ when state transfer is the preferred

Finding variables that share common properties

I'm using Mathematica and have a set of variables (A,B,C,D,...) with properties A=(blue, big, rounded), B=(red, small, spiky), and so forth. Those properties can be common between variables. What would be the best, general way to find all variables that share a common property (of being, for instance, small)? Thanks.
Here's a list of possible properties:
In[1]:= properties={"red","green","blue","big","small","rounded","spiky"};
And here's a list of objects with some of those properties
In[2]:= list={{"blue","big","rounded"},{"red","small","spiky"},
You can find all objects that have the property of, e.g., being "blue" using Select
In[3]:= Select[list, MemberQ[#,"blue"]&]
Out[3]= {{blue,big,rounded},{blue,small,spiky}}
This could be wrapped up into a function. Although how I would write that function would depend on the data structures and usage that you're planning.
Actually, I just reread you question you have a list of objects with some properties and you want to refer to those objects by name. So you probably want something more like
In[1]:= listProperties["A"]:={"blue","big","rounded"}
Above I defined some properties that are associated with certain strings. You don't have to use strings in the above or below, and you can create a better structure than that if you want. You could also make a constructor to create the above, such a constructor could also check if the list of properties supplied is of the right form - i.e. does not have contradictory properties, are all in a list of known properties etc...
We then define a function to test if an object/string has a certain property associated with it
In[2]:= hasProperty[obj_, property_]:=MemberQ[listProperties[obj],property]
You might want to return an error or warning message if listProperties[obj] does not have a definition/rule associated with it.
Use Select to find all "objects" in a list that have the associated property "blue":
In[3]:= Select[{"A","B","C","D"}, hasProperty[#,"blue"]&]
Out[3]= {A,D}
There are other ways (probably better ways) to set up such a data structure. But this is one of the simplest ways in Mathematica.