SQL: Update row based on a value - sql

I have a table like:
How can I update column 'price' and 'alter_price' with deviating values, based on the code-column (which has also the unique constrain)?
I don't want to create duplicates.
i tried:
cursor.execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO table_name VALUES (?,?,?)", (new_code,new_price,new_alter_price))
But then it does not update the table if the row with the given code exists already.


There are multiple column in my table and I want to skip one column if value is null for that one particular column in oracle update query?

There are multiple column in my table and I want to skip one column if value is null for that one particular column and all other columns should be updated with there respective value in oracle update query.
Is there any simple way to do this ?
Let me explain my problem with example:
I am using merge query like below :
merge into table_X on (condition )
Now in update statement I want to skip the update for one column suppose COLUMN_2 if its value is null , but all other column should be updated . Basically I want to preserve the existing value when null is coming .

SQL only delete values in specific colums?

What I am trying to do is delete all rows from a table, but leave values in 1 specific column from the table.
For example the table 'member' with the columns 'membernumber', 'name', lastname' and 'zipcode', I only want to keep all the zipcodes as they are, but delete all other data.
If you want to change your table structure, you use Alter Table along with Drop Column instead of Delete which is for your records. Here is a sample:
DROP COLUMN membernumber, name, lastname

Insert null in one column on two columns same value in Oracle sql

i have inserted value from one table to another and i want to check if two columns values are same in a row insert null in one column of another table(table in which i am inserting values. In my example it is table1).
My existing query is given as follows how should i convert it according to my requirement.
INSERT INTO table1 (date1,date2)
SELECT substr(numtodsinterval(MAX(date1)-MIN(date2),'day'),
FROM table2 where ....;

Update trigger select fields from same row

i want an update trigger an a specific field. if that field value is changed i want to insert into a different table selecting all values of the row where update was made even though it was just for one field .
1-----------abc ----------efg
if value1 is updated to hij, i want to select id(1), value1(hij) and value2(efg) and insert into a different table.
i cannot do inserted.Id or inserted.value2 since both fields are not updated.
NOTE: please note only 1 field is updated, other field values are the same before and after, in my question i have just used an example, but in real life a record will be inserted and i am expected to insert the same values onto a different table. but upon insert the record wont be approved until later when approved field value is changed thats when i am expected the bring the values from other fields to different table.
In your UPDATE trigger, you have access to the Deleted and Inserted pseudo tables which contain the old values (before the UPDATE) and the new ones after the UPDATE.
So you should be able to write something like this:
ON dbo.YourTableName
INSERT INTO dbo.ThisOtherTableOfYours(Id, Value1, Value2)
i.Id, i.Value1, i.Value2
Inserted i
Deleted d ON i.Id = d.Id
i.Value1 <> d.Value1
The SELECT basically joins the two pseudo tables with the old and new values, and selects those rows which have a difference in the Value1 column.
From those columns, the new values after the update are being inserted into your other table. And the Inserted table does contain ALL columns (with their new values) from your table - not just those that have been actually updated - ALL of them!
You should use a simple trigger:
create or replace trigger NAME on TABLENAME after update as
if :new.value1 = 'hij'{
insert into OTHERTABLE (id, value1, value2) values (:old.id, :old.value1, :old.value2);

Get values based on newly inserted value using SQL

I want to make filtration on a column after selecting a specific value of another column in the same table, I tried to use #... special character followed by the column's name to get the address of this value.
My SQL statement is like the following :
If I used a specific value instead of #FIELDNAME, it will work properly but it will be static but I need it to be dynamic based on the selected value.
Create another table which will have the list of values that are in the FIELDNAME and give each record a unique id ,then retrieve the value depending on what you have selected by the name of the new table's field preceded by '#...'
I don't know if that what are you looking for, please let me know.
If no triggers are allowed, do you have any date/time column in the table? Is it possible to have that extra column anyway to see the time of a newly inserted row?
You may have to check the lastest row entered, save its field value into a variable. Then do the select based on the variable value.
Based on the vague last row id you could try the following (it's not pretty). But again, if you have date/time that's more accurate.
select attribute from table
where field = (select field from table
where rowid =(select max(rowid) from table))
Do you have the priviledge to set up your insert command as below:
insert into table (id, col1, col2,...) values (1,'something', 'something',...)
returning id into variable; -- you may either save field or id depending on your table
Then you may use this variable to select the records you want.