Implement custom template rendering in String using Kotlin - kotlin

I am trying to implement a for loop in my Kotlin script. The task is for example The actions are {% foreach a in trip.actions %} {% endfor %} and I have to identify her the for loop and interpret the string. The interpreted string if trip.actions are ["arrive", "load", "unload"] should result in "The actions are arrive, load, unload" etc.


how to properly query in collections page in shopify liquid?

I have create many collections like All Products, New Releases, T-Shirts, Pants etc. And I have two categories of products like Men's and Women's. Some collections specifically for Men's and some collections specifically for Women's. I create two tags Men's and Women's. I create menu by collections query by tags. My my products collection url is like this:
I want to show some text and menu list when collection.url show /mens or /womens.
{% if collection.url contains mens %}
do something
{% endif %
Above condition not working. I know why not working because {{ collection.url }} provide /collections/all-products. {{ page.url }} will not work for collection object. I haven't find any suggestion or liquid code reference where show men's or women's products in collections page it will show specific text.
If use in loop it will work.
{% for product in collection.products %}
{% for tag in product.tags %}
{% if tag contains 'mens' %}
<h3>Mens Products</h3>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Above code will not work for me because it's inside loop. I need to show outside of loop. I don't understand how to achieve it. here is the reference site. Below have image how I want.
Need help!
You have access to the current_tags, refer to docs:
This will return an array of all the tags you are viewing at the moment (in case you are viewing more than one tag).
So your check will be:
{% if current_tags contains 'mens' %}
do something
{% endif %}
That's pretty much the just of it.
I really like how the menu is coming along! Here are some ideas you could consider for your category specific menu, if you've not gotten where you want yet.
For your url strategy, what you're looking for is handle. Handles are specific to liquid.
You could make a custom collection template if those 2 categories need to be fairly different: If you do that, then you can use template_prefix from the collection object.
Assign a variable outside your loop and then set it inside the loop like:
{% assign is_mens = false %}
{% for tag in product.tags %}
{% if tag contains 'mens' %}
{% assign is_mens = true %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
then {% if is_mens %} or {% unless is_mens %} for your dynamic content, or a case statement to define content specific to categories in your menu.
Hope this helps!

Shopify page template product loop

Just wondering why this is not populating products in the Shopify page template but it's working normally in the article template:
{%- assign firstsecthandle = page.metafields.first-sect.rev-handle -%}
{% for product in collections[ firstsecthandle ].products %}
{% endfor %}
As a result of this, I get the list of collections instead of products on page template but on the article template I get products.
On the page template it works only if I put the exact URL handle of collection:
But I need collection-handle to be dynamically declared not to have static value.
A variant which is working with a static 'collection-handle':
{% for product in collections.collection-handle.products %}
{% endfor %}

{% if %} tag for showing strikethrough

Let's have a DetailView with a model Person. Let's suppose year_of_birth = None for this Person instance.
Can Django template language organize something like this?
{% with "---" as strikethrough %}
<p>Year of birth: {% object.year_of_birth or strikethrough %}
{% endwith %}
I've experimented with curly brackets. Anyway I get something like this:
Exception Type: TemplateSyntaxError
Exception Value:
Invalid block tag on line 9: '{strikethrough}', expected 'endwith'. Did you forget to register or load this tag?
Well, is the idea of using 'or' in such case viable or I must use {% if %} tag?
You can use the default
or default_if_none template tag:
<p>Year of birth: {% object.year_of_birth|default:strikethrough %}</p>
Also take a look at firstof for logic with more than two options.

Django custom template tag using session

I have a UpgradeView with the same possibility for saving like in the django admin. I can save, save and continue editing or save and create a new object.
Each leading to a different view:
DetailView, UpdateView and the CreateView.
After saving I want to give a message out, on every view or template its leading to.
For example "Successfully saved" or "Object could not be saved."
When writing custom template tags it's getting really hard for me, because after I created the tag, I don't know how, where and when to pass the message to the other views.
This is the UpdateView where i come from.
class TopicEditView(UpdateView):
fields = ['title','description',]
model = Topic
def get_success_url(self):
if self.request.POST.get('save'):
return reverse('topic_detail', kwargs={'pk'})
elif self.request.POST.get('save_and_continue'):
return reverse('topic_edit', kwargs={'pk'})
elif self.request.POST.get('save_and_create_new'):
return reverse('topic_create')
return reverse('fallback_success_url')
My custom template tag is still empty, because the only examples i saw are pretty hard to understand for me.
#register.inclusion_tag('msg.html', takes_context=True)
def get_msg(context):
return None
Inside 'msg.html' i only have the string saying "Successfully saved", this did lead to nothing and i forgot why i did that.
And this is in my template (nothing):
{% load msg_handler %}
{% get_msg %}
How and where can I pass the message to these views using the session?
Try the Django messages framework instead:
I got this faster done than I ever thought.
This is my custom template tag:
def get_msg(context):
return context.request.session.pop('msg')
except KeyError:
return ''
And this is my view, passing the message:
class TopicEditView(UpdateView):
def get_success_url(self):
self.request.session['msg']='Successfully saved!'
Nothing have changed in my template.
If there is a more elegant/useful way, i would appreciate it.
Thanks to Lorenzo Peña's comment, i tried using the messages framework which was really easy to use!
First i went to my again and imported messages
from django.contrib import messages
and changed this line
self.request.session['msg']='Successfully saved!'
To this:
messages.add_message(self.request, messages.SUCCESS, 'Successfully saved!')
Then i made a new template called msg_loader.html containing this:
{% if messages %}
<ul class="messages">
{% for message in messages %}
<li{% if message.tags %} class="{{ message.tags }}"{% endif %}>{{ message }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
And changed in my other templates this
{% load msg_handler %}
{% get_msg %}
to this
{% include "msg_loader.html" %}

show item only on collection pages

on shopify, i want a line of code of code from theme.liquid to show only on collection pages regardless the template used (i have a few custom collection templates). how do i write the code to do this?
currently i'm using.
{% if template == 'collection.home' %}
<div class="filter_btn">
{% endif %}
{% if template == 'collection.featured' %}
<div class="filter_btn">
{% endif %}
similar duplicate of code above for other collection template
i will be adding new collections with new custom templates in the future, but that means i have to duplicate more of the same to cover new collection templates..
how can i have a line of code that covers all collection templates / collection pages
Use the contains operator instead:
{% if template contains 'collection' %}
I am likely a collection template
{% endif %}
See more about contains here: