Openquery Data Type Conversion - sql

I have created a linked server to query some CSV files. The query below works with no errors:
There is a field that could contain either an number or text and the query seems to want to treat it strictly as an integer and returns NULL as the values for any records that have text in that field. All of the records that contain numeric data in that field are displaying properly.
My first thought was maybe that I needed to cast or convert that field to a string to make sure that the query returned data regardless of whether it was numeric or text, but I haven't been able to get that to work. Something like:
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(LINKEDSERVER, 'Select cast(field1, varchar(50)) as newfield, field2 FROM [import.csv]')
Does anyone have any ideas?


Check if contents of TEXT column are purely numeric

I've got an Sqlite DB where the data looks purely numeric (integers) and the column is typed TEXT. I would like to type it as INTEGER if possible.
What query can check if every cell of a certain column can be successfully casted to INT?
SELECT * FROM table WHERE INT(column) != NULL
Alternatively I would like to check if the cells are numeric (don't have any letters/symbols)
SELECT * FROM table WHERE column NOT LIKE "%a-z%"
As a side note, I wanted to do this to reduce the size of the DB, but since Sqlite uses dynamic typing (per cell typing) would this have ANY effect on the size of the DB?
You have to check whether all values can be converted into an integer:
FROM MyTable

How to select record of different data type from sql column

I have two a table and a view . The table if of two rows of datatypes nvarchar and money. I have being updating the table by selecting from the view like below.
Insert into MyTable
Select * from MyView
Recently, this update fails due to an error "String or binary data would be truncated." However, when i modified by select statement to something like.
Select * from Myview WHERE Column is not null
Select * from Myview WHERE Column > 0
The above work with a warning saying Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation. . It occurred to me that may may be one of the null value records contain something that's not null. My table column is of money type and accept null. I presumed the error may be due to something that's not of money data type. The record is huge. Is there any way i can filter and return those aliens records?
I also i learnt that i can eliminate the error by turning ANSI WARNING SETTION ON & OFF Here . My concern is wouldn't that result in loss of data. Please any help would be appreciated.
String or binary data would be truncated happened because the data coming from the MyView is larger than the column size in MyTable
Select Max(Len(FieldName)) From MyTable
to check the maximum length of the nvarchar field in the MyTable
Or you can use Left when inserting data something Llike this
Insert into MyTable
Select Left(FieldName,50), Column1 from MyView
Note the 50 should be the size of the nvarchar field in MyTable
String or binary data would be truncated is a very common error. It usually happens when we try to insert any data in string (varchar,nvarchar,char,nchar) data type column which is more than size of the column. So you need to check the data size with respect to the column width and identify which column is creating problem and fix it.
Here is another thread of the same problem as yours in stackoverflow.
string or binary data would be truncated
Hope this will help.
looks like the data in some column in table MyView exceeds the limit of the corresponding one in table MyTable

SQL Express 2010 how to remove empty text fields from a select query

I've been banging my head against a brick wall for this for ages.
I am trying to query a table in SQL Express 2010. There are about ten fields in the table. One of the fields is a text field. Some of these have text in them, some have none (I am presuming that they are empty rather than null because querying with Is Null returns an empty set). I want to return the records which have text in this field and not those which are empty. I am guessing that they are empty rather than a blank space.
I have tried the NullIf and IsNull combinations I have seen posted in a few forums but the syntax in these are causing errors. When I put in ' ' as the empty string it is highlighted in red as an error and executing the query just returns an error about can not find such and such with this column name. Sorry I don't have the exact phrase, I'm also having problems with a monitor, etc, etc...
Hope you can help, let me know if you need any more info.
This bit of code shows how to handle NULL and/or "emptry string" text fields:
TextCol TEXT
--Add 2 rows with data, 1 with NULL, 1 with "empty string".
INSERT INTO #TextTest (TextCol)
VALUES ('123'),('456'), (NULL), ('')
--This should succeed, but returns the one row with the "empty string".
FROM #TextTest
--This should fail
FROM #TextTest
WHERE TextCol <> ''
--This should succeed.
FROM #TextTest
--Clean up temp table when finished.
--DROP TABLE #TextTest
NOTE: ntext, text, and image data types will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using these data types in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use them. Use nvarchar(max), varchar(max), and varbinary(max) instead.

Change SQL Field Data Type varchar to float with data already stored

I have an imported database which contain lots of float field.
When I imported it, all the float field converted to string and I need to convert it back.
I try alter table to change the data type but I keep getting error (even if the row is empty or null).
EDIT : The server is curently down so I can't get the error message at the moment. My DBMS is SQL Server.
you can do so if all data are really numeric type.
There may be some data which hv null --no problem here.
There may be some data which are blank(('') but not null--problem is because of this.
First you make a select query to retrieve all data which are blank
Select * from table1 where col=''
now update these rows with null
update table1 set col=null where col=''
After this,I think you can easily convert it to float
References: error converting data type varchar column to float.
You can first add a new field in your table with datatype float and then update it using convert function:
num = convert(FLOAT, text)

Multi-value parameter used with execute(#sql)

I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how to make this work :
I have a big SQL query used for a report, that is run using "execute(#sql)".
Withing #sql I have various select statements that I would like to filter using the values in the multi-value parameter passed from my report #filtervalues.
I've tested the following (this is an example query):
Set #Sql='Select * from my table where field in ('+#filtervalues+')'
When I select a single value in the parameter, the profiler reads it as follows:
Select * from mytable where field in(1234356-1234-1234-1234-123456)
So the selected Guid is without quotes, resulting in "error near 123456"
On the other hand, if I selected several values:
Select * from mytable where field in ('+N'1234456-1231-1234-1244566',N'2345333-3243-2342-2342-23423423'+)
So it adds extra ' and +
Can you help me with this ?
I cannot use the suggested solution on many websites to apply the filter on the table directly, because this would mess up the data.
The multi-value parameter is filled using this query dataset:
select 'No Filter' as fullname,'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' as systemuserid
union all
select distinct su.fullname, convert(nvarchar(90),su.systemuserid)
from FilteredSystemUser su
I managed to fix this using the following :
1- In my Dataset, instead of passing the parameter as it is, I changed it to :
Join (Parameters!FilterValues.Value," ',' ")
to force the values to be sent as strings, the parameter value is as follows :
2- In SQL, in my procedure, I added additional ' at the beginning and the end of the parameter to make up for the missing ones. So my code shows the following:
Set #Sql='Select * from my table where field in ('''+#filtervalues+''')'