Spring Jackson java.util.Date issue - jackson

I am using Spring boot( > 2.3) + Jackson in my application. I have POJO class and have java.util.date property in it. I have an REST api exposed on this POJO. Now when I receive the response from Spring boot the Date property value is converted to UTC everytime.
To fix this I have an option to set #JsonFormat(timestamp="ist"), this can be done. But in my case I cannot provide this option as my project is not running in IST.Now i tried to create a Deserializer class and annotated with #JsonComponent. Even this is not picking while deserialization.
If I try with LocaldateTime, issue fix can be achieved. But in all project I am using java.util.date and have no time to change in all places. Also I tried to #Autowire ObjectMapper and set the timezone to the same. But just before sending the response i tried to print the response in the log and data is fine and correct but when spring send the response back to client the date changes to UTC.
Anyone please help me out....


Jackson ContextResolver is loaded but getContext method is not invoked in wildfly 18

All java.util.Date objects are converted like "2020-09-23T09:53:06.93Z[UTC]" but i don't want to include timezone in the serialized date like "2020-09-23T09:53:06.93". So i decided to use Jackson ContextResolver. I have used #Provider annotation and set objectMapper.setDateFormat(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS")). My ContextResolver is loaded but getContextMethod is not invoked.
Can you confirm whether i'm doing right approach? Also assist me to resole this.

fasterxml jackson JSON deserialization - custom adding

I use Jackson FasterXML product to deserialize JSONs. Now, I noticed in profiler that I got a ton of duplicate strings as a result since every time I receive a JSON it deserialize into an object which always contains some String variable which tells me the Type name. (it's answer to Facebook GraphQL query). Now, naturally, I would prefer for .intern() method to be used during deserialization of this specific method. Is that possible? If so, how?
Seems StringDeserializer can provide whttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/17041249/jackson-override-primitive-type-deserialization

Getting SOAP request as POJO in Mule

In our project we expose a number of web-services that were generated from a wsdl. After generating them, I can see that the requests and responses are mapped to POJOs and when I am making the response, I just set a new POJO. This works really nice. However, I have a problem with the request. When we receive the request I expected that the payload will be a POJO mapping the parameters from the request. The payload becomes actually an array of objects. I can access the values but this is not very comfortable. You can take a look at the picture.
I can see that the under "Variables" in the method it is correctly matched to the POJO we would like to have. Is there some setting that I am missing somewhere so that we can get the payload to be mapped to correct POJO type?
Re-run the WSDL to Java codegen but this time with wrapper style disabled, see: https://cxf.apache.org/docs/wsdl-to-java.html#WSDLtoJava-wrapperstyle

WCF xs:date using Groovy

I have a WSDL I need to write a WCF client against (in C#). In the WSDL one of the elements is:
<xs:element name="TransactionDateTime" type="xs:date" />
For the moment I'm using a mock service created through SoapUI with that wsdl, so I can get mock responses where I'm trying to populate that TransactionDateTime using a groovy script.
My problem is whatever I use it seems to raise an exception in the client when trying to deserialize the reply body
String was not recognized as a valid DateTime
These are examples of what I've tried to return in the groovy script
new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ").format(new Date())
If I try to hardcode it in the xml that I use as a response as
which is by the way the format specified in the docs that came along with the WSDL it raises the same exception
Further more if I just hard code in the response a date like this '2014-09-12' instead of raising an exception it populates it as 01/01/0001 00:00:00 in the DateTime property of the C# class the response is populating
Can anyone give me any hint on which path should I follow?
Wasn't 100% sure but I reckon the reason is the same as for this question or explained in other webs, WCF doesn't support xs:date. So I would ask the third party to change the WSDL and send the date as a string that I will parse. Can't thinkg of a better option

WCF Web API DateTimeOffset Problems

I am using WCF Web API Preview 6 with its inbuilt Test Client to request a resource by Id. The object returns with all its data except for the ‘CreateDate’ and ‘LastModifiedDate’ properties which are of type DateTimeOffset and are empty. I have tried setting the values manually by calling DateTimeOffset.UtcNow and DateTimeOffset.Now and although the values are set on the object they never make it through to the other end in the response.
I have also tested this by changing my property types to DateTime and manually setting their values by using DateTime.Now and everything works fine and I get what looks like a DateTimeOffset value.
Does anybody know if there is a problem with the use of the DateTimeOffset type in Preview 6 or is it something I am doing wrong? I have had a similar problem with filtering the fields using oData (see SO question)
I have also submitted this bug report to the WCF Web API codeplex site on the filtering issue. However that was over two weeks ago and haven’t had any response.
After many hours of testing and debugging I am running out of options on this one! So if anybody out there can provide me with some helpful hints it would be much appreciated.
It's not a Web API issue, it's Microsoft serialization issue. The XmlSerializer does not handle DateTimeOffset. I believe it has the same issue with TimeSpan.
Just implement IXMLSerializable on your object and handle it yourself.
See here How can I XML Serialize a DateTimeOffset Property?