Provide a preview image for WhatsApp, when sharing a link to PDF from a website - pdf

I want to share a PDF that is hosted on our web servers to someone via Whatsapp.
Im aware of how you can get a preview image for sharing a website via Whatsapp, social media etc.. and there is already a great article for that on Stack overflow HERE. This method uses meta / html tags to provide the image.
The problem is that PDF's hosted on a web server are not webpages and thus cant have meta tags / html added to them. PDFs hosted on a web server are really just PDFs that get opened in the browser.
Is there any way i can get provide a preview image for WhatsApp, when sharing a link to PDF from a website. Eg. i would like to set a company logo as the preview image.


How to access BigCommerce internalapi?

I am trying to download (backup) images that customers upload for products that take custom logos (these are typically JPG, PNG, PDF, etc.) These customer files are downloadable by clicking on a hyperlink in the BigCommerce admin page for the order in question. The link is not a link to the image path but instead, a link to a service that sends the file to the browser. In other words, you have to be authenticated into the admin site to download the file. The URL looks like this:{order id}/products/{lineItem id}/attributes/{option id}/download
These are easily constructed in the API itself for a given order. If I use the link in a browser tab while I'm logged into the admin site, the file downloads.
But what I am trying to write an app to automatically download all the files (there are thousands). When I try to use this URL in an app, I get a authentication error. I tried at first using my regular API credentials but then used the credentials to log into the admin site. Both give me an authentication error.
I could not find anything documented on this so-called "internalapi." Anyone ever try to use this "internal" API that is used by the admin site?
I believe authentication is cookie based for that internal API, but there could be problems with using our non-publicly documented internal APIs in production, i.e. we may make future updates that would be breaking changes.
Images attached to orders through a file upload option also get copied to WebDAV, in the dav/product_images/configured_products folder. Another way to do this could be to use a WebDAV client library like easywebdav to connect and download the files.

Display Bitstreams in Google Docs Viewer

I've been embedding Google Docs Viewer in my DSpace instance, an online digital repository, using an iframe.
This is my site link:
DSpace generates bitstream links to each item/pdf in the repository. When I click the preview link, an iframe appears in my page but doesnt load any document. But when I change the source of my iframe to a pdf path file, which is publicly accessible in the world and not a bitstream, the viewer loads the document.
I have done everything I can, from checking whether my web server is publicly accessible by google docs viewer. My web server is publicly accessible and I suspect Google Docs Viewer doesnt anymore support bitstreams?If that's true then how will I display a pdf file in an iframe within my page? Any idea?
Below is my page that says "Apologies. There is no Preview Available"
The reason why I cant display the bitstreams on my google docs viewer is that even though my IP is publicly accessible, my ports are private. What I did is, make the ports public by setting it on the router.

Put link to my site to google+ page related to my site via app related to that page

I have the my own application in google api.
and google+page for this application in
Is it possible to publish any links to my website by the google-api on google+page wall?
The short answer is no.
While there is a Pages API that supports this functionality, currently publishing sites like HoutSuite have access.

Tracking downloads of PDF from external sites

I have a site which hosts several PDFs which are often linked to directly from other websites.
I want to be able to track (preferably with Google Analytics) whenever anyone lands on a PDF page from an external site.
It would also be great if I could track whenever an external site's page loads up my PDF using an <embed> tag with my PDF URL as the src attribute.
The usual _gaq.push (etc) method (eg, for this problem) doesn't work in this case because I can't modify the external sites.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

How to convert a website created in Dreamweaver to mobile site?

I developed a website full of JavaScript and all other dynamic stuff. I want to convert this website to mobile site using Dreamweaver or any other tool. Is that possible or I have to create mobile site for the same website from start?
Check out Dreamweaver's Media Query feature. It will allow you to set up different style sheets for different sized screens. See the docs or Adobe's Dev Center for tutorials on how to use Media Queries.
Best - Joe