React native with axios fetch first post delayed - react-native

I am using react native, and axios.
I have two parts.
The exercice list that is rendered with useEffect in a div. Inside, there is a Input form which once pressed the Add set button, the set is added to the database and the exercices are fetched again with the passed function.
The main problem is that when I first add an exercice, the exercice s not rendering. I must go back and come again in the page to render the first one. after doing this process I can add as many exercices... And with delete is same. I can delete any exercice but when deleting the last one, it persist and I must leave the page to see the changes...
THIS IS THE FUNCTION THAT ADD THE exercices. It executes once the alert button is pressed
const NewExercice = ({dayID, getAllEx}) => {
// States and ontext change functions
const [exName, setexName] = useState('');
const [comment, setcomment] = useState('');
const handleExname = text => setexName(text);
const handleComments = text => setcomment(text);
// Add new exercices
const handleNewExercice = async () => {
const status = await'/api/create-exercice', {dayID, exName, comments: comment});
'Exercice created',
'Please add new sets to existing exercices',
text: 'Ok!',
// Fetch again for all the exercices
onPress: getAllEx
catch (error)
Bellow is the component that adds map over the array state
{error ? (<Text>No exercices created yet.</Text>) : => (
<ExerciceWrapper getAllEx={getAllExercices} navigation={navigation} key={obj.exID} object={obj} />
Bellow is the function that fetch the data from the DB and set the state to be able to be rendered in the component above
const getAllExercices = async () => {
const response = await data.get('/api/get-all-ex/' + dayID);
catch (error)
if (error.response.status === 404) return setError(true);
else return console.log(error);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);

You need to toggle the error value when you have successful fetch as well
update code to this
const getAllExercices = async () => {
const response = await data.get('/api/get-all-ex/' + dayID);
setError( < 1)
catch (error)
if (error.response.status === 404) return setError(true);
else return console.log(error);


fetch returns first empty array, after that it returns response

I'm making my final degree project and now I'm involved in the part to show towns on a map using data from a backend URL.
The problem is that fetch returns at first an empty array, and I need it to stay loading until the variable is a valid JSON.
const [isLoading, setLoading] = useState(true);
const [markers, setMarkers] = useState([]);
const getTowns = async () => {
try {
const response = await fetch(`${baseUrl}/towns`);
const json = await response.json();
} catch (error) {
} finally {
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
Another question is: Why when I put a console.log('whatever') it appears more than one time on the console. Don't understand why
What I need is fetch to setLoading(false) only when response is a JSON, not an empty array
What you can do is add these 2 hooks to your code:
A state for the returned response (with initial value an empty array)
A useEffect which will set to false isLoading once the response state change value
const [response, setResponse] = useState([]);
const getTowns = async () => {
try {
setResponse(() => await fetch(`${baseUrl}/towns`));
const json = await response.json();
} catch (error) {
useEffect(() => {
setLoading(() => false);
}, [response]);
your code is fine you juste don't need the isLoading useState Hook. you can test with the value of markers
Why when I put a console.log('whatever') it appears more than one time on the console. Don't understand why
when the component first render getTowns runs in useEffect and since it updates the state the component renders again. learn more here about react component lifecycle
what I suggest is when you are returning your jsx you check if markers is still empty
const [markers, setMarkers] = useState('');
if(markers === ''){
return (<div>Loading...<div/>)
} else {
.... what you need to return in you component

React Native params not updating

I am trying to pass params to a detail screen for a blog post but the first time i navigate to the detail screen, the params don't get passed (shows null). then i back to original screen and click on a new blog post and it'll show params from the first blog post..
This is my function to navigate to detail screen with params:
const [blogSelected, setBlogSelected] = useState(null);
const onBlogDetail = (item) => {
navigation.navigate( 'BlogDetail', { blog_id: blogSelected });
This is how i am receiving them in the detail screen:
const BlogDetailScreen = ({route}) => {
const blogID = route.params.blog_id
//Using the param in a url for an API call
const getBlogData = () => {
axios.get('http://blog/'+blogID+/').then(res => {
} catch (error) {
Not sure why this is happening. Appreciate any help!! can provide more info too
try this,
const onBlogDetail = (item) => {
navigation.navigate( 'BlogDetail', { blog_id: }); // pass here

wait for onSnapshot fetching data

I'm currently learning React Native (Expo).
I want to use redux and react-native-firebase.
When I subscribe to firebase (onSnapshot) at startup of my app, it returns the data from firebase. But since onSnapchot doesn't return a promise, I can't use it for my app-loading component.
Therefore, I also need to fetch the data from firebase to prevent the app from flicker.
The result is that at startup of my app I fetch the data twice.
So my question is:
How can I wait for onSnapshot loading my data from firebase?
const Manager = (props) => {
const [init, setInit] = useState(false);
const fetchData = useFetchData();
async function onInit() {
console.log('[MANAGER]: loading app...');
await Promise.all([fetchData()]);
function onFinishedInit() {
console.log('[MANAGER]: loading successfull!');
if (!init) {
return <AppLoading startAsync={onInit} onFinish={onFinishedInit} onError={console.warn} />;
} else {
return props.children;
export default Manager;
export function useFetchData() {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
return async function () {
try {
await firestore()
.then((querySnapshot) => dispatch(actions.fetch(querySnapshot)));
} catch (err) {
export function useInitFirebaseSubscriptions() {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
useEffect(() => {
console.log('[CONTROLLER]: subscribed to Firebase');
const unsubscribe = firestore()
(querySnapshot) => dispatch(action.fetch(querySnapshot)),
(error) => console.log(error)
return () => {
console.log('[CONTROLLER]: unsubscribed from Firebase');
}, []);
[MANAGER]: loading app...
[MANAGER]: subscribed to Firebase
[USER_REDUCER]: fetched data
[USER_REDUCER]: fetched data
[MANAGER]: loading successfull!
I think you can accomplish your goal by adding some "loading" state in redux for when you are actively fetching data from firebase. Add the state and reducer cases specific to this data fetching/loading.
Example code:
export function useInitFirebaseSubscriptions() {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
useEffect(() => {
console.log('[CONTROLLER]: subscribed to Firebase');
dispatch(action.startFetch()); // <-- dispatch starting data fetch
const unsubscribe = firestore()
(querySnapshot) => {
dispatch(action.completedFetch()); // <-- done fetching
(error) => {
dispatch(action.completedFetch()); // <-- done fetching
return () => {
console.log('[CONTROLLER]: unsubscribed from Firebase');
}, []);
Select the loading state from the redux store and conditionally render the loading UI, otherwise render the passed children.
const Manager = (props) => {
const isFetchingData = useSelector(state => state.isFetchingData);
if (isFetchingData) {
return <AppLoadingIndicator />;
return props.children; // *
* Generally you may use some additional conditional rendering here depending on if data was actually fetched/returned and is just empty, or if there was an error, etc... basically provide a bit of a result status.

how to handle the return values from reducer, inside a functional component

This may be a basic question, but I'm new to React Native and stuck here.
My code pasted below. reducer and functional component. I want to capture the response returned from reducer.
export const ActivationCenterReducer = (
{ type, payload = {} }
) => {
switch (type) {
const { message, response_code, apiLoading, apiError } = payload;
return {
apiLoading: apiLoading,
apiError: apiError,
message: message,
response_code: response_code
// ...
// ...
Functional Component class:
const kitActivationCenter = ({ route, navigation }) => {
const response_code = useSelector(
store => store.kitActivationCenter.response_code
const handleKitActivation = () => {
/*This will call the validation() inside action.js and that follows the reducer.js file. where reducer.js file returning the values on success response. but I am not able to access that response_code returned from reducer.
How to save the response_code from the below dispatch function.*/
dispatch(Validation(locator, pin));
if (response_code === 200) {
// should navigate to the next screen
My question is how to capture the returned response_code from reducer.
I'm able to navigate to the next screen on clicking the submit button couple of times.I notice that first time when the dispatch function is called, the state of the response_code is not updating , hence the response_code != 200.
I want a way to capture the response and assign to variable.
Thanks in advance.
You are probably looking at the old value of response_code in your handleKitActivation.
const kitActivationCenter = ({ route, navigation }) => {
const response_code = useSelector(
store => store.kitActivationCenter.response_code
const handleKitActivation = () => {
dispatch(Validation(locator, pin));
// HERE the response_code does not have result value
// of your calling dispatch(Validation(locator, pin)) above yet
if (response_code === 200) {
// should navigate to the next screen
I suggest to move your response_code hanfling to the useEffect:
const kitActivationCenter = ({ route, navigation }) => {
const response_code = useSelector(
store => store.kitActivationCenter.response_code
// this effect will run whenever your response_code changes
useEffect(() => {
if (response_code === 200) {
// should navigate to the next screen
}, [response_code]);
const handleKitActivation = () => {
dispatch(Validation(locator, pin));

Update Data from one to. another screen

hey guys I'm using a text field that can show my global variable value
when I update global variable ex:- global.xx++
it can't refresh when I click on it .how do I update data at once from many screen.. here's my ex
class A extend component
if(responseJson.responseCode == '200'){
++global.cartitems ;
Alert.alert('SHOPPING','Item added successfully.',[{text: 'OK',},],{ cancelable: false })
class b extend component
I believe what you meant is to pass a value from one screen to another.
You can either use AsyncStorage to keep the data inside your memory, or pass the data through props navigation
AsyncStorage example:
Store Data:
_storeData = async () => {
try {
await AsyncStorage.setItem('#MySuperStore:key', 'I like to save it.');
} catch (error) {
// Error saving data
Fetch Data:
_retrieveData = async () => {
try {
const value = await AsyncStorage.getItem('TASKS');
if (value !== null) {
// We have data!!
} catch (error) {
// Error retrieving data
Passing data through props navigation:
First class:
<Button onPress = {
() => navigate("ScreenName", {name:'Jane'})
} />
Second class:
const {params} = this.props.navigation.state