New created calendar on missing - api

I run some tests with the microsoft graph api and added a new calendar. But I cant find the new calendar on my page. Or is it only in the desktop app available?


Accessing public datasets on BigQuery

I have an old link to a public dataset: However, it now points to a deprecation of old UI page with a link to Google Cloud console. How can I access this dataset through URL or find it in the new UI?
Click on that link to console and than change value of the project attribute in querystring to be a bigquery-samples. open this "new" link and bigquery-samples project will now appear in the explorer (or just use this link
Now, pin the project so next time it will be also available for you

Office 365 JavaScript API, redirect back to WP app after launching Store

I am creating a Windows Phone app using HTML And JavaScript. I am able to add connected services and have selected "Users and Groups" and given it Read permissions.
I am then making the following calls on button click:
var authContext = new O365Auth.Context();
function (token){
Services/Office365/Settings.js has been edited to the following:
Settings.clientId = "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx";
Settings.authUri = "";
Settings.redirectUri = "ms-app://s-1-15-2-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx/";
I got the redirectUri value by calling the following function:
I do get the login screen for my organization and I am able to provide credentials and it tries to redirect it back to my application, but then I get asked the following question:
"You need to install an app for this task. Would you like to search for one in the Store?"
If I click on yes, it takes me to the store and says "No apps found". If I click on no, it doesn't do anything.
How could I possibly get it redirected back to my app?
The connected services experience only works in Multi-device hybrid apps (a.k.a. Cordova), not in Windows Phone apps.

How can I add appointments to the calendar programmatically in a Windows 8 app?

I am developing a Windows 8 C#/XAML app through which I would like to add appointments to calendar.
How can I add appointments to my through code?
How can I access calender API's?
What are the various options available to add appointments?
You can use the AppointmentManager class to work with the calendar & ShowAddApointmentAsync method will allow you to add to the calendar.
There are none directly. The calendar is displaying entries from services like Hotmail, Google or Exchange. You would have to use one of those APIs to add an entry to the particular calendar that the user is using. Here is the API for the Hotmail calendar for example.

How to add login Items by code to mountain lion osx

I want to add login items programmatically in Mountain Lion (10.8).
Until now I was able to add login items by editing this plist:
and adding items (path,name,hide) to AutoLaunchedApplicationDictionary dictionary
in the OS doesn't work anymore. Items that are added to this dictionary are not launched on login. I see that the login items are saved in a file called:
but I don't understand how to add an item to this file. I tried to add the item to CustomListItems dictionary with parameters like name,path, hide but they were not launched on login.
Does anyone know how can I add from code login item?
I understand you want to start your program automatically when your user logs in.
In older versions of OS X, it was possible to add login items manually by editing loginwindow.plist. Apple deprecated this approach when they added LaunchAgent and LaunchDaemon functionality to the OS.
Since you are using Mountain Lion, the correct way to have a program launch is to create a launchagent for it. This is a .plist file that you can use to tell OS X to a) perform some action (e.g.: launch /some/ when b) a specific event occurs (e.g.: logging in, logging out, etc)
You will find Apple's official document on creation of LaunchAgents over here.
This looks like a great tutorial on the modern way of doing things: The launch at login sandbox project
It starts with a paragraph buried in the App Sandbox design guide:
Creating a Login Item for Your App
To create a login item for your sandboxed app, use the SMLoginItemSetEnabled function (declared in ServiceManagement/SMLoginItem.h) as described in “Adding Login Items Using the Service Management Framework” in Daemons and Services Programming Guide.
(With App Sandbox, you cannot create a login item using functions in the LSSharedFileList.h header file. For example, you cannot use the function LSSharedFileListInsertItemURL. Nor can you manipulate the state of launch services, such as by using the function LSRegisterURL.)
And rolls from there...

Build Calendar into iOS App

I am building a iPad app that will have a calendar and that calendar will pull down its events from CalDav or from .ics.
Does anyone know of any sample code that shows the basic structure on how to do this. Is their a Calendar controller already in xCode?
You can use the TapKu Library.It may be helpful .
Not sure about CalDav of .ics but you can access the calendar using the Event Kit (from iOS 4.0). It lets you query and create calendar entries and suchlike.
You can read about it here on the Apple site.