Azure Data Factory - How to find total count of objects with more than 1 files with same "prefix" in an ADF expression? - azure-data-factory-2

Let's say have bunch of random sample files in a Blob which I want to copy into datalake as .parquet using ADF copy.
All abc & xyz object files should be merged/appended into their respective single .parquet file and remaining def, ghi as its individual .parquet file in data lake.
Need the output something like:
name: abc
count: 3
name: def
count: 1
name: ghi
count: 1
name: xyz
count: 2
Pipeline flow would look something similar:
GetMetadata -->Filter if only 1 file -->Run ForEach file -->Copy activity(without merge)
GetMetadata -->SetVariable-->Filter if >1 file -->Run ForEach file -->Copy (with merge)
However, how do I get the count() of total files with same prefix in the Filter activity ?

A quick thought,
You could get the file details in get meta data activity and push that to a SQL table and do a group by there and return count.
And loop over the result set in foreach and use if condition to check the count.
Here is what I'm doing.
My data lake:
Firstly, get the childitems in getmetadata.
I'm then writing it to a string variable (optional)
From the string variable write to a text file
From the text file to Azure SQL server table.
Use the below query in the script activity
select count(1), fileprefix from( select
substring(name,0,charindex('.',name)-1) fileprefix,type from
[dbo].[temptest] CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(json) WITH(
name varchar(200)
, type varchar(60)
) as my_json_array)a group by fileprefix
My script output:


Export data from SQL to ADLS using ADF as JSON

I am trying to load data to ADLS gen2 from Azure SQL DB in json format.
Below is the query I am using to load it in JSON format
select k2.[mandt],k2.[kunnr],
'knb1' = (select [bukrs] as 'bukrs' , [pernr]
from [ods_cdc_sdr].[knb1] k1
where k2.mandt=k1.mandt AND K1.kunnr=K2.kunnr
'knvp' =(select knvp.vkorg, vtweg from [ods_cdc_sdr].[knvp] knvp where k2.mandt=knvp.mandt AND knvp.kunnr=K2.kunnr FOR JSON PATH)
from [ods_cdc_sdr].[kna1] k2
group by k2.[mandt],k2.[kunnr]
For one or two records data looks fine but when I am trying to load 1000 and above records, json seems to be splitting also not in a proper format (below is the example)
Please help me how can I get entire message in a proper format```
If you just want to save query result in json format to ADLS. You'd better remove FOR JSON PATH. We can use Azure Data Factory to generate nested JSON.
I created a simple test with two tables. Table Entities and table EntitiesEmails are related through the Id and EntitiyId fields. Usually we can use following sql to return a nested json type array. But ADF will automatically add escape characters '\' to escape double quotes.
ent.Id AS 'Id',
ent.Name AS 'Name',
ent.Age AS 'Age',
EMails = (
Emails.EntitiyId AS 'Id',
Emails.Email AS 'Email'
FROM EntitiesEmails Emails WHERE Emails.EntitiyId = ent.Id
FROM Entities ent
I researched out the use of data flow to generate a nested json array. As follows show:
Set source1 to the SQL table Entities .
Set source2 to the SQL table EntitiesEmails .
At Aggregate1 activity, set Group By Aggregate1
Type in expression collect(Email) at Aggregates. It will collect all email addresses into an array.
Data preview is as follows:
Then we can join these two streams at Join1 activity.
Then we can filter out extra columns at Select1 activity.
Then we can sink the result to our json file in ADLS.
Debug output is as follows:

Querying avro data files stored in Azure Data Lake directly with raw SQL from Databricks

I'm using Databricks Notebooks to read avro files stored in an Azure Data Lake Gen2. The avro files are created by an Event Hub Capture, and present a specific schema. From these files I have to extract only the Body field, where the data which I'm interested in is actually stored.
I already implented this in Python and it works as expected:
path = 'abfss://'
df0 ='avro').load(path) # 1
df1 ='string')) # 2
rdd1 = x: x[0]) # 3
data = # 4
Now I need to translate this to raw SQL in order to filter the data directly in the SQL query. Considering the 4 steps above, steps 1 and 2 with SQL are as follows:
USING avro
OPTIONS (path "abfss://")
WITH body_array AS (SELECT cast(Body AS STRING) FROM file_avro)
SELECT * FROM body_array
With this partial query I get the same as df1 above (step 2 with Python):
I need to know how to introduce the steps 3 and 4 into the SQL query, to parse the strings into json objects and finally get the desired dataframe with columns id, group, value and timestamp. Thanks.
One way I found to do this with raw SQL is as follows, using from_json Spark SQL built-in function and the scheme of the Body field:
USING avro
OPTIONS (path "abfss://")
WITH body_array AS (SELECT cast(Body AS STRING) FROM file_avro),
data1 AS (SELECT from_json(Body, 'array<struct<id:string,group:string,value:double,timestamp:timestamp>>') FROM body_array),
data2 AS (SELECT explode(*) FROM data1),
data3 AS (SELECT col.* FROM data2)
It performs faster than the Python code I posted in the question, surely because of the use of from_json and the scheme of Body to extract data inside it. My version of this approach in PySpark looks as follows:
path = 'abfss://'
df0 ='avro').load(path)
df1 = df0.selectExpr("cast(Body as string) as json_data")
df2 = df1.selectExpr("from_json(json_data, 'array<struct<id:string,group:string,value:double,timestamp:timestamp>>') as parsed_json")
data = df2.selectExpr("explode(parsed_json) as json").select("json.*")

import a txt file with 2 columns into different columns in SQL Server Management Studio

I have a txt file containing numerous items in the following format
DBREPLICAID: 51376694590
DBPATH: redirect.nsf
DBTITLE: Redirect AP
DATETIME: 09.03.2015 09:44:21 AM
Adds: 0
Updates: 0
Deletes: 0
DBREPLICAID: 21425584590
DBPATH: redirect.nsf
DBTITLE: Redirect AP
DATETIME: 08.03.2015 09:50:20 PM
Adds: 0
Updates: 0
Deletes: 0
please see the source capture here
I would like to import the txt file into the following format in SQL
1st column 2nd column 3rd column 4th column 5th column .....
HKSER 51376694590 redirect.nsf Redirect AP 09.03.2015 09:44:21 AM
HKSER 21425584590 redirect.nsf Redirect AP 08.03.2015 01:08:07 AM
please see the output capture here
Thanks a lot!
You can dump that file into a temporary table, with just a single text column. Once imported, you loop through that table using a cursor, storing into variables the content, and every 10 records inserting a new row to the real target table.
Not the most elegant solution, but it's simple and it will do the job.
Using Bulk insert you can insert these headers and data in two different columns and then using dynamic sql query, you can create a table and insert data as required.
For Something like this I'd probably use SSIS.
The idea is to create a Script Component (As a Transformation)
You'll need to manually define your Output cols (Eg DBSERVER String (100))
The Src is your File (read Normally)
The Idea is that you build your rows line by line then add the full row to the Output Buffer.
Then write the rows to your Dest.
If all files have a common format then you can wrap the whole thiing in a for each loop

How do I load CSV file to Amazon Athena that contains JSON field

I have a CSV (tab separated) in s3 that needs to be queried on a JSON field.
2\tkiranp\t{"rno":124,"street":"kemp road"}
How can I query this data in Amazon Athena?
I should be able to query like:
select uid
from table1
where address['street']="kemp road";
You could try using the json_extract() command.
From Extracting Data from JSON - Amazon Athena:
You may have source data with containing JSON-encoded strings that you do not necessarily want to deserialize into a table in Athena. In this case, you can still run SQL operations on this data, using the JSON functions available in Presto.
WITH dataset AS (
SELECT '{"name": "Susan Smith",
"org": "engineering",
"projects": [{"name":"project1", "completed":false},
{"name":"project2", "completed":true}]}'
AS blob
json_extract(blob, '$.name') AS name,
json_extract(blob, '$.projects') AS projects
FROM dataset
This example shows how json_extract() can be used to extract fields from JSON. Thus, you might be able to do something like:
select uid
from table1
where json_extract(address, '$.street') = "kemp road";

SSIS - Using flat file as a Parameter/Variable

I would like to know how to use a flat file (with only one value, say datetime) as a Parameter/Variable. Instead of feeding a SQL query value from Edit SQL task into a variable I want to save them as a flat file and then load them again as a Parameter/Variable.
This can be done using Script Task .
1 Set ReadonlyVeriable == file name
2 select ReadWriteveriable name = Variablename you have to populate.
3 Script write logic to find the value ( read file and get value)
set the value
this.Dts.Variables("sFileContent").Value = StreamText ;