Not able to switch to super user in terminal From robot framework - ssh

Open Connection 192.***.***.**
Login **** *******
Start Command su hdfs
Execute Command cd /home/rajesh/hive-latest/
${STDOUT1} Execute Command ls -lrt
Log ${STDOUT1}
Close Connection
*Here i am able to login. after login, not able to switch to super user. without switching to super user, its executing ls -lrt. Please help me with this if anyone knows

This is not how the ssh library works. Have a look at the documentation
The command is always executed in a new shell. Thus possible changes
to the environment (e.g. changing working directory) are not visible
to the later keywords
You can work around this by executing the command as different user, or if possible you can open another connection and login as desired user.
su - <username> -c "<commands>"


SSH connection command to embedded OS QNX Neutrino via paramiko [duplicate]

I am trying to run sesu command in Unix server from Python with the help of Paramiko exec_command. However when I am running this command exec_command('sesu test'), I am getting
sh: sesu: not found
When I am running simple ls command it giving me desired output. Only with sesu command it is not working fine.
This is how my code looks like:
import paramiko
host = host
username = username
password = password
port = port
stdin,stdout,stderr=ssh.exec_command('sesu test')
The SSHClient.exec_command by default does not run shell in "login" mode and does not allocate a pseudo terminal for the session. As a consequence a different set of startup scripts is (might be) sourced, than in your regular interactive SSH session (particularly for non-interactive sessions, .bash_profile is not sourced). And/or different branches in the scripts are taken, based on an absence/presence of TERM environment variable.
Possible solutions (in preference order):
Fix the command not to rely on a specific environment. Use a full path to sesu in the command. E.g.:
/bin/sesu test
If you do not know the full path, on common *nix systems, you can use which sesu command in your interactive SSH session.
Fix your startup scripts to set the PATH the same for both interactive and non-interactive sessions.
Try running the script explicitly via login shell (use --login switch with common *nix shells):
bash --login -c "sesu test"
If the command itself relies on a specific environment setup and you cannot fix the startup scripts, you can change the environment in the command itself. Syntax for that depends on the remote system and/or the shell. In common *nix systems, this works:
PATH="$PATH;/path/to/sesu" && sesu test
Another (not recommended) approach is to force the pseudo terminal allocation for the "exec" channel using the get_pty parameter:
stdin,stdout,stderr = ssh.exec_command('sesu test', get_pty=True)
Using the pseudo terminal to automate a command execution can bring you nasty side effects. See for example Is there a simple way to get rid of junk values that come when you SSH using Python's Paramiko library and fetch output from CLI of a remote machine?
You may have a similar problem with LD_LIBRARY_PATH and locating shared objects.
See also:
Environment variable differences when using Paramiko
Certain Unix commands fail with "... not found", when executed through Java using JSch

SSH command step not working for one command - in Jmeter

I have a unique problem using jmeter SSH command.
I use this step to run spark jobs.
the problem is that one of the commands not working, to clarify it connects and not get response and just wait and wait for hours, and nothing displayed on screen.
I know how to work with the tool, and this behavior is special for this script alone.
All other script worked, I duplicate one that worked for example
sudo / this command worked
sudo / this command not worked
if I run the job manually via jenkins it worked
if I entered to command line and use plik ssh it worked,
the problem is just Jmeter, that is waiting and waiting and I can not understand for what?
the job is about 3 minutes, and I wait for response in Jmeter for 4 hours and nothing Jmeter just waiting.
in the console log I set to trace level and nothing, absolutely no idea how to start handle this issue in Jmeter.
an anyone please assists how to make Jmeter to write what happened?
or just to know if he connect or anything
since this behavior all the test can not be performed
Most probably you are as usual misconfiguring the SSH Command sampler.
The idea is not to run the script per se, you need to delegate the script execution to the Unix Shell, for example Bash this way you will be able to combine several commands together, see the output, amend debugging level, etc.
So I would recommend setting your command to something like /bin/bash -c -x /your/
Another guess, given you use sudo it might be the case that the sudo command simply waits for the password (which JMeter never provides), if this is the case try amending your script permissions using chmod command and allowing your user its execution without root privileges.
And finally, given you're able to run your command using "plik ssh" (whatever it is) you can run it using OS Process Sampler
More information: How to Run External Commands and Programs Locally and Remotely from JMeter

How to run a shell script on another server from kettle job at one server?

Using Pentaho, I want to execute a shell script lying on another server in Kettle Job (.kjb) file using "Execute a Shell script" component. I was successful to run the script locally by giving script file name in that component. But I am not getting how to run a remote script.
Here is how my simple kjb looks like:
Any ideas?
that is pretty straightforward using the shell step from a pentaho job:
1) on General tab check "insert script"
2) on Script tab now you are able to add this inline script:
ssh user#remotemachine 'ls -l'
this will execute ls -l on the remote server via ssh
make sure the ssh user is allowed to login with ssh keys, not asking for password.

SSH with command Bat file [duplicate]

I have a scenario where I need to run a linux shell command frequently (with different filenames) from windows. I am using PuTTY and WinSCP to do that (requires login name and password). The file is copied to a predefined folder in the linux machine through WinSCP and then the command is run from PuTTY. Is there a way by which I can automate this through a program. Ideally I would like to right click the file from windows and issue the command which would copy the file to remote machine and run the predefined command (in PuTTy) with the filename as argument.
Putty usually comes with the "plink" utility.
This is essentially the "ssh" command line command implemented as a windows .exe.
It pretty well documented in the putty manual under "Using the command line tool plink".
You just need to wrap a command like:
plink root#myserver /etc/backups/
in a .bat script.
You can also use common shell constructs, like semicolons to execute multiple commands. e.g:
plink read#myhost ls -lrt /home/read/files;/etc/backups/
There could be security issues with common methods for auto-login.
One of the most easiest ways is documented below:
Running Putty from the Windows Command Line
And as for the part the executes the command
In putty UI, Connection>SSH> there's a field for remote command.
4.17 The SSH panel
The SSH panel allows you to configure
options that only apply to SSH
4.17.1 Executing a specific command on the server
In SSH, you don't have to run a
general shell session on the server.
Instead, you can choose to run a
single specific command (such as a
mail user agent, for example). If you
want to do this, enter the command in
the "Remote command" box.
in short, your answers might just as well be similar to the text below:
let Putty run command in remote server
You can write a TCL script and establish SSH session to that Linux machine and issue commands automatically. Check for a short tutorial.
You can create a putty session, and auto load the script on the server, when starting the session:
putty -load "sessionName"
At remote command, point to the remote script.
You can do both tasks (the upload and the command execution) using WinSCP. Use WinSCP script like:
option batch abort
option confirm off
open your_session
put %1%
Reference for the call command:
Reference for the %1% syntax:
You can then run the script like:
winscp.exe /console /script=script_path\upload.txt /parameter file_to_upload.dat
Actually, you can put a shortcut to the above command to the Windows Explorer's Send To menu, so that you can then just right-click any file and go to the Send To > Upload using WinSCP and Execute Remote Command (=name of the shortcut).
For that, go to the folder %USERPROFILE%\SendTo and create a shortcut with the following target:
winscp_path\winscp.exe /console /script=script_path\upload.txt /parameter %1
See Creating entry in Explorer's "Send To" menu.
Here is a totally out of the box solution.
Install AutoHotKey (ahk)
Map the script to a key (e.g. F9)
In the ahk script,
a) Ftp the commands (.ksh) file to the linux machine
b) Use plink like below. Plink should be installed if you have putty.
plink sessionname -l username -pw password test.ksh
plink -ssh -l username -pw password test.ksh
All the steps will be performed in sequence whenever you press F9 in windows.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace playSound
class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Process amixerMediaProcess = new Process();
amixerMediaProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = false;
amixerMediaProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
amixerMediaProcess.StartInfo.ErrorDialog = false;
amixerMediaProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = false;
amixerMediaProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = false;
amixerMediaProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = false;
amixerMediaProcess.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
amixerMediaProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = string.Format("{0}","-ssh username#"+args[0]+" -pw password -m commands.txt");
amixerMediaProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "plink.exe";
Console.Write("Presskey to continue . . . ");
Sample commands.txt:
Try MtPutty,
you can automate the ssh login in it. Its a great tool especially if you need to login to multiple servers many times. Try it here
Another tool worth trying is TeraTerm. Its really easy to use for the ssh automation stuff. You can get it here. But my favorite one is always MtPutty.
In case you are using Key based authentication, using saved Putty session seems to work great, for example to run a shell script on a remote server(In my case an ec2).Saved configuration will take care of authentication.
C:\Users> plink saved_putty_session_name path_to_shell_file/
Please remember if you save your session with name like(user#hostname), this command would not work as it will be treated as part of the remote command.

Jenkins CLI exception: missing Job/ExtendedRead permission

I have a Jenkins user that I want to give rights to run the remote CLI towards the Jenkins instance. The first command is to fetch the config.xml:
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://jenkins:8080/hudson get-job thejob
However when he invokes the command, it fails with:
Caught: java.lang.RuntimeException: \ \
USER is missing the Job/ExtendedRead permission \
I have given the rights to execute scripts, read/create/configure jobs and more in our matrix-based security grid. There is another user who has EXACTLY the same permissions in the grid, but for this other user, everything works fine.
I don't have any of the plugins 'Extended Read permission' or 'Read-only configurations' installed.
I cannot see why it fails for this new user. Suggestions anyone?
Differences in the 2 users config.xml file:
<com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.UserCredentialsProvider_-UserCredentialsProperty plugin="credentials#1.4">
<com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.UserCredentialsProvider_-UserCredentialsProperty plugin="credentials#1.8.3">
<domainCredentialsMap class="hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap$Hash"/>
And a final one:
<passwordHash>some values...</passwordHash>
I don't know if you are facing the same problem I had, but take a look here:
Jenkins CLI: using Anonymous permissions instead of the user defined ones
It looks like you have upgraded the credentials plugin but somehow the first user didn't get its record updated.
If you can I would suggest trying to update to the latest (1.9.1 for me). You could also edit the user record manually and force the real plugin version number in there (then restart Jenkins) and see if it processes this user more accurately.