I'm having trouble finding online resources that use Next.js to access information from an API thats not local and uses an API token, any help with reference material or a small demo would be super helpful.
Is it possible to access 'getBasicProfile' details as in earlier version of platform library without token [Like simple AUTHENTICATION], where i am having my own authserver which will generate token in our own system based on user details from 'getBasicProfile' method. Note that we not using JS and we rely on HTML API, so we would need an HTML API without redirect. Please help if any solution is available
I am trying to connect to google photo in angular and been searching since last two days about google photos REST api but couldn't find any useful example.
Could somebody help me with this on how to use google photos api in angular. an example would be great if I get it working I will creating sample and put it on github or others to look at.
Another thing I am trying is to connect api without any user interaction. I have tried playgrounds but its prompting to authorize access as well. Idea is to build ionic app that can connect to my google photos without needing me to authenticate access to it with my id and secret.
my app would be in angular(ionic) or java(android) so would prefer example (if any) in those platform but ok with dotnet or php as well. Won't be able to use library in dotnet or php.
I am new to restful api. So I am trying to test a project to learn about api. Demo project path is:
I am writing the link "http://localhost/ci-rest-structure-master/v1/user?fname=Devang&lname=naghera" in postman(post method) to get user access, but it shows that access token is missing.
Would you please tell me why this error is occuring and how to get access to the api? Thanks in advance for your effort.
I have followed some youtube videos such as
but in vain!
I am trying to access the Shopify API from an external app that I am building (mobile). For example, I would like to access this API:
Of course I would need to authenticate my request first. So far everybody I asked (including Shopify support), suggested that the only way to access the data is through a Shopify App.
Can you suggest a way to do this?
I have found the answer. Follow these steps if you want to access the Shopify API from an external app:
Login to your store as an admin
Go to Apps
Create a Private App
Use the following pattern with every URL you create (I am using this to get all the orders)
The API Key and the password appear in your private app info page.
I'm trying to integrate my Google Calendar with a plugin I installed on my page.
To do so I need the ID and the API of the calendar.
I managed to find the ID following Google's support page, but it's hours now that I've been trying to get hold of the API.
Firstly this and more can be answered here: http://amazewebs.com ...the home to 1-to-1 google api help with lots of videos, guides, examples, templates and code submissions.
see demo: http://amazewebs.com/demo
To get a Google API you need to setup an API script to call the Google servers.
This can be achieved with OAuth Authentication with either:
a Client Account or...
a Service Account
Head to here to setup your API's & Auth:
Head here for official documentation: