fusejs.io : Weight the items by type - fuse.js

First, thank for this great fusejs.io component, works like a charm.
There is one tweak though that I would like to see. Or, maybe, this is already possible, but I just dont know how to do it. Any help would be appreciated.
Say we have a JSON that combines both a list of Products and Categories of Product. I would like my users to be able to search for both. However, the need is to get the Products always above. In my example below, is there a way to weight the 'ObjectType' Product higher than the other one?
Thanks in advance
{"title":"Product A1","ObjectType":"Product","text":"","tags":"","} ,{"title":"Product A2","ObjectType":"Product","text":"","tags":""} ,{"title":"Product B1","ObjectType":"Product","text":"","tags":"",} ,{"title":"Category A2","ObjectType":"Category","text":"","tags":""}
Thanks in advance


Return All Suburbs, Post Codes and Location IDs for a State

I am using Overpass Turbo and I am looking to create a very simple extract that has the following fields:
Post Code
Location ID (ref:psma:loc_pid)
This is the query I have so far, but it's not giving very clean results. There are also many blank rows on the bottom of the result.
Can someone please give me some pointers around what I need to to do to fix this query, the documentation on Overpass is not great and is quite hard to follow.
Thanks in advance.

How to set permissions efficiently

I have a list of Exchanges (extract shown below) and I want to give a user WRITE permissions to all but those containing Invoice in the name. Here an extract of the list of Exchanges as an example:
So I can write a regex like this:
This works but since I have more than 100 different types it is a lot to type and almost impossible to maintain. Better would be to have a regex which excludes invoice. I tried a couple of things but without any look, e.g.
E\.([a-zA-Z.]+|?!Invoice)\.[a-zA-Z.]+ or
But that is all syntactically wrong. Another strategy could be to reverse the result of the expression e.g. use
and then somehow reverse the entire result but I could not figure out how!
I am not using regex very often so I can't find any better solution then the first one which is impracticable in my production environment.
Does anybody have more experience and a solution to that problem?? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Order not working correctly in MDX

I'm new to MDX and I cannot get the ordering correct. I looked at references online and I think i sorted the query correctly, but the result of the query doesn't agree with me. Can anyone shed some light into what I'm not doing.
I have included a hypothetical example that is close to my problem.
The result of the query comes out without being sorted.
Any help is deeply appreciated.
The 2nd argument to the Order()-function on your Rows-axis, must be the value or string to sort by. If you want to sort by the names of the SalespersonID-members, do something like this:
Order([Sales].[SalespersonID], [Sales].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBER_NAME) on Rows

Pluck last value of an association in rails

The model Price has an attribute data, so
results in something like [3.99,4.55,5.44]
And Price belongs to Vendor
So I want to select the best price for each vendor, something like
Vendor.all.pluck(prices.order("data ASC").first.data)
How can I go about extracting the lowest price data element for each vendor in this scenario? Thank you in advance for the help.
For each vendor, use minimum(:data) on its associated prices:
Vendor.includes(:prices).map { |v| v.prices.minimum(:data) }
Here's another approach which puts more work on the database and less on Ruby. (I'm pretty sure the code in #meagar 's answer will issue a select for each vendor during the map). Which way is better (faster) may depend on how big your tables areā€¦
You could do something like this, which will issue one SQL statement:
Vendor.select('min(prices.data) as min_price').from('vendors').joins('INNER join prices on vendors.id = prices.vendor_id').group('vendors.id')map {|v| v.min_price}
You don't gain anything from getting the Vendor model involved--everything you need to know about vendor is already in the Price model as vendor_id, right?
So all you need is:

Rails sum on an associated record

I have a survey model that works like so:
ResponseSets have many Responses
Responses belong_to Answer
Answer model has a "value" column.
Given a ResponseSet, I'd like the sum of the Answers that are associated with each Response.
Ie, what I'd like to be able to do, (in imaginary code) is:
However, this obviously doesn't work, I need to build a query through response_set.responses, but I don't know how.
What's the SQL-fu way to tackle this in ActiveRecord?
After much trial and error I came up with this relatively simple solution, I hope this helps others in the future:
To make this more convenient I just made this a method in the ResponseSet Model:
def total_value
Well if you're using Rails 3.2 you can do something like:
response_set.responses.answers.pluck(:value).inject{|sum,x| sum + x }
Are the answers Integers, in the sense that you're looking to find ALL numeric answers associated with a response and literally add them all up? I think you could use map and inject for something like this, depending exactly on how your models/associations are set up..
Can you post your models?