Retrieving Musical Meta-Genres of Sub-Genres - api

I'm querying artist info using Spotify API and indexing into their genres. Some of the genres returned are rather niche and the returned values don’t contain larger genres. For example, Quiet Company only returns 'austindie' as its genre.  Does anyone know how I can retrieve larger meta-genres such as 'Rock', 'Indie', or 'Alternative' using sub-genres as inputs?  This could include an API etc.  Thanks!


How can I put limit and get only names of the games using RAWG api?

I am using RAWG api to get names of the Games based on genre currently I am just testing the url requests and I could come with this code
But the problem here is I am getting bunch of information as json file, I just want the name of 5 games.
Can anyone help me :)
The API is pretty clear on how to call it (see the docs) and what it does return:
As you can see here, the calls always returns a json with count and results, where result is an array of Game which consists of more fields than the name.
However, you can limit the amount of games returned by using the page_size parameter, leaving you with:

Sorting the response from the Foursquare Places API re:two word name?

We are trying to query the Foursquare api to query for a two word name:
Cava Grill in Gaithersburg, MD
We are trying this via:,%20md&limit=1&oauth_token=SEB14NBLGO4HMFTOXQX0JZTSVGM41ENNKE0X1RXHCI5XP3P5&v=20150420
(don't worry ... this is the public API key from the FS page)
Two odd behaviors:
Even though we are explicitly searching for the Cava Grill in Gaithersburg, MD ... the Bethesda, MD one comes up first in the results (odd, why??)
Chipotle Mexican Grill shows up in this result set ... we suppose because of the word "Grill"
So ...
a. anyone know why the Bethesda one would show up higher in the result set? (Should we just narrow the radius tighter?)
b. anyone know if we can look for the "entire query" vs. each word in the query?
Results are queried and sorted differently based on your intent. If you're looking for a specific venue, I suggest changing your intent from checkin to match. Browse may also be a good choice depending on future search params
Here's the nutshell on the intents:
intent=checkin returns a list of venues where the user is most likely is located
intent=browse returns a list of most relevant venues for a requested region, not biased by distance from a central point.
intent=match returns a single result that, with high confidence, is the corresponding foursquare venue for the query-based request
I hope this helps

CategoryId in venues search not working correctly

In foursquare Api documentation for "Search venues" it states
"categoryId - A comma separated list of categories to limit results to. This is an experimental feature and subject to change or may be unavailable. If you specify categoryId you may also specify a radius. If specifying a top-level category, all sub-categories will also match the query."
Realise its supposed to be experimental, but when I provide Food category i.e. 4d4b7105d754a06374d81259, it only returns a few local results, the rest are miles away. However if I execute same search on website sing Food category, it returns correctly lots of results, assuming its the last bit "If specifying a top-level category, all sub-categories will also match the query" is not working , i.e. its not searching sub-categories ?
Any fix work around for this ?
Neil Pepper
You're making a /venues/search request with its default intent of intent=checkin. This returns a filter on nearby results, heavily biased by distance since it's trying to guess where the user might be checking in.
Foursquare Explore uses the /venues/explore endpoint and attempts to return recommended results for a query. If you want to get the sorts of results you get in that tool, call /venues/explore?section=food

Foursquare venues/search doesn't return full categories list

For example in this request I'm looking for venues with categoryId=4bf58dd8d48988d1e8941735 (Baseball Field):,-74%26categoryId%3D4bf58dd8d48988d1e8941735
In the result each venue has only one (primary) category. Is it possible in venuess/search request to return full venue's categories list?
Unfortunately, no.
This is actually by design, for performance considerations. In contexts where we return many JSON items (e.g. venues/search), we only provide the "compact" JSON to keep overall response-size down, since it's a significant contributor to the cost of serving and handling the request. venues/search in particular is one of our most highly trafficked endpoints.
If you want more detail about a particular result in venues/search, you should query the venue-detail endpoint (/venues/[VENUE-ID]), which will return the full list of categories.

Solr search based on list of terms. Order by max(score) for each term

I am trying to query a solr server in order to obtain the most relevant results for a list of terms.
For example i have the list of words "nokia", "iphone", "charger"
My schema contains the following data:
nokia iphone otherwords
nokia white
iphone white
If I run a simple query like q=nokia OR iphone OR charger i get "nokia iphone otherwords" as the most relevant result (because it contains more query terms)
I would like to get "nokia" or "iphone" or "iphone white" as first results, because for each individual term they would be the most relevant.
In order to obtain the correct list i would do a query for each term, then aggregate the results and order them based on the maximum score.
Can I make this query in one request?
I think you should look at the "coord". From the SolrRelevancyFAQ:
coord is the coordination factor - if there are multiple terms in a query, the more terms that match, the higher the score
You could write your own Similarity subclass to ignore the coord or only take the highest value when scoring.
There might be other ways too, you could ask in the solr-users mailing list.
This might also help: comparing lucene scores across queries
Seems like you should execute 3 separate searches to me